4 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 11-1-23

  1. Something Henry said in the broadcast today sounds very empowering, but I can’t quite wrap my head around it:

    “If you have the Common Law, you have the minds of every individual free sovereign national in this country.”

    Anybody able to shed some light on this for me?


      1. The common law resides within each one of us. Every individual will/should weigh any infringement perpetrated on another, as an infringement upon oneself. Both parties should act in unison to protect and defend their own and the others indwelling common law rights.
        That’s my attempt to shed light.

        1. Wow, Katie. Thank you so much. That made it amazingly clear for me. And so good to hear from you. I will keep your words with me and I know they will help me and others as we move through this time of EPIC INFRINGEMENT. Again, big thanks, Katie.


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