9 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 1-3-24

  1. It’s a handful of evil weasel, predatory, parasites feeding the propaganster (propaganda monster), out to consume our substance with venomous lies that get into the veins of life. Truth be told.
    My veins belong to me. They are not on the menu.

  2. “2 contracts of opposite subject matter. Put together. One has to devour the other.”

    The (phony) Constitution vs. The Bill of Rights.

    Seeing it as a picture, the federalists who wrote the Constitution so they could use it to their advantage to create their kingdom of ŵàr, death, destruction and confiscation of land, resources, food, life and the right to free thought, created a monster using the sweat, blood and hard labor of the people. They became the corporation that has already devoured the freedom of the people in every country on earth with their ongoing genocide that puts its fangs into you if you roll up your sleeve for them and take their lethal injection, branded as “safe and effective,” It uses you to beat people up if they refuse, and to lock up the truth tellers.

    The Bill of Rights still stands. It will only be devoured when the people themselves devour it, and they never will, because they understand the warnings of the Anti-federalists and have decided to fight hard enough to get the monster the Federalists created, to choke on itself by attacking its own tail.

      1. galen, in a way, I am. Back in the Reagan years, when I sensed something was wrong with the world, I was creating stone lithographs in my 4th year of my BFA. I was badly lost in a toxic world. I had become hooked on the medium of stone lithography, so, prompted by my American professor at my Canadian university, he pushed me along to apply for my Master’s Degree. The university I chose was West Virginia University. My professor there was a Canadian in an American university. I lived in Morgantown for 2 1/2 years and became best friends with a great girl. She lost her hearing 2 years earlier, but she was a force to be reckoned with. You don’t mess with April Adams! We kept in touch over all those years after I came home, and approximately 1 month before she passed away from pancreatic cancer, I was teaching her the Bill of Rights on Messenger. When I quoted Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death!” She told me she loved Patrick Henry! She said his name is on the original deed to her family’s property, which is right on the Mason Dixon Line. What a beautiful homestead I got the chance to spend time at, with its original tin roof, that was, to me. She passed on Sept. 4. I was with her until the end. And then, there’s the Little River Band’s song, “Cool Change.” I had the album on vinyl before I went to university. Hearing it today at the Trenches, I really reflect on everything I have been through to get here.

        As for my lithography, I have some copies of the art I made that illustrate what it feels like to be swallowed up by the corporation, even though, back then, I made the art before I understood it. I’m not doing stone lithography any more. It’s too expensive and too toxic. I did receive my MA, but they wrote my name wrong on the piece of paper. All it means to me now, is that I got swept into a world I never really belonged to, and I understand it better now, than I ever could have, because I chose the Trenches instead.

        1. Quite a story, Dianna. And who knows, maybe Mr. Henry is with us, even today, not just through his legacy from two and half centuries ago and his commitment to freedom, but by some other unknown way, spirit-to-spirit. There’s something about the name “Henry.” (grin)

          I’ll leave you with a few quotes by John Milton, a Quaker who lived about a century earlier than Patrick. Every time I read these their meaning changes a little for me and seems to deepen:

          “None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license.”

          “This is servitude, To serve the unwise.”

          “Opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making.”

          “Where no hope is left, is left no fear.”


          1. galen, I have a feeling that the spirit of Patrick Henry lives in the heart of a twice orphaned child who knows she was separated at birth from her family, processed through the corporation and placed in the care of a different family. The first family has its roots in Romania, where the people left Communism to come to Canada. The father of the adopting family was a Canadian who fought to preserve Communism in the 2nd world war, believing he was fighting for freedom. The mom was an immigrant from Scotland who trained to become a public health nurse in Canada. The dad died early in life, not yet retired from his public servant job as an employment and immigration officer for the Canadian government. Original parents fled Communism. Mother got pregnant, couldn’t raise the baby, adopted through Canadian Children’s Aid Society. Baby grows up under dad’s influence with knowledge of war and war movies on tv late at night giving her nightmares. Mom’s influence insists on being well educated.

            The spirit of Patrick Henry comes to the surface as the realization hits that you came into this world for a better reason than a government job, a university education, and the acceptance of the medical lies and government policy they used your parents to establish! Somehow, through it all, on May 31, 2019, in my case, I found my way to the voice of freedom and liberty that resonates most clearly in my mind today, right here, and that spirit rose strong like that lion when the establishment tried to lock me down and mask me up. I stood in defiance of everything my parents spent their lives to put into place, believing we were free. The spirit of Patrick Henry went through my ears, straight to my heart, and into the fight through the gauntlet of the tyranny I have finally arrived here to help destroy. It will intensify as time goes by.

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