1. The Outback Golf Course.

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47. Our Wonderful Land Down Under.
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
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# 28
Hahahaha! #22 and #23 are my favorite.
#26 😆
Hahaha! Yep, Paul. Almost as sneaky as a Chinese merchant. 😉
Speaking of . . . my Chinese neighbors upstairs finally moved out. Dang they are noisy people! They must have been chopping up a Water Buffalo up there.
. . .
Hahahahahahaha!!!! I know EXACTLY what you mean, Cath.
Chinese people are known for chopping away at their food before cooking it. They love home-cooked meals and will go out of their way no matter what time of day it is to make sure that they get it.
When I was living in China, I had a person living above us who came home every night around 10pm when I was getting into bed and all he did was CHOP CHOP CHOP for at least 30 minutes. I wanted to kill him for making so much noise so late and for cooking so late. Same thing when I was in my mother in law’s apartment. So yea, the Chinese are quite known for their unnecessarily loud cutting and chopping. 😉
yup. 😆
#23 . . . obviously not drug users or they would know that Meth is not grown. Yeah, yeah . . . I only know because I had an ex-boyfriend who WAS a Meth user. Got rid of him in a NY minute once I found out! 😆
. . .
Good move Cathleen
Life presents us with ALL kinds of experiences to learn from doesn’t it Paul?
I say NY minute instead of NY second because I still had to grab my belongings. 😆
. . .