5,000 Burgers Per Day: World’s First Mega Lab-Grown Meat Factory Opens

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) The Great Reset plan includes a complete transformation of the global food and agricultural industries and the dieting of humans. The architects behind this plan are preparing for a meatless society with the introduction of cell-based, slaughter-free meat.

Before this decade is over, we’re all going to be eating some form of slaughter-free meat, including chicken, pork and lamb, and beef. The point of all this is to generate fewer greenhouse emissions at cattle farms, use less land for farming, and reduce the use of freshwater and grains for the traditional process of growing livestock. 

The aim is for a sustainable future, and already we’ve noted a few companies producing cell-based, slaughter-free meat. However, these facilities are operating at limited output as it is costly to produce fake meat.

That’s where Future Meat Technologies of Israel comes into play with their brand new facility able to pump out 500 kilograms (1,102 pounds) of cultured meat products per day, or the equivalence about 5,000 hamburgers per day.

“This facility opening marks a huge step in Future Meat Technologies’ path to market, serving as a critical enabler to bring our products to shelves by 2022,” said Rom Kshuk, CEO of Future Meat Technologies. “Having a running industrial line accelerates key processes such as regulation and product development.”

Kshuk said the facility produces cultured chicken, pork, and lamb products, and beef production will be coming online soon.

The rest is here: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/5000-burgers-day-worlds-first-mega-lab-grown-meat-factory-opens


5 thoughts on “5,000 Burgers Per Day: World’s First Mega Lab-Grown Meat Factory Opens

  1. “That’s where Future Meat Technologies of Israel comes into play…”

    That’s all I need to know.

  2. That this (likely) Talmudic-Cabbalistic-owned company is producing pork when the Talmud forbids Jews eating pork (as well as the Koran forbidding Muslims) is also a clue–clearly, on top of murdering all Christians who won’t cave to Noahide, they want to enslave all gentiles, and what better way to do this than (being the “chosen” and all) taking all God-created livestock for themselves and forcing these gentile slaves into eating fake meat, including “pork.” Thanks for having this posted, Mary.

  3. Target confirmation. Launch 10 ICBMs to remove factory and associated country from the surface of th Earh. NOW. Joe Biden. Launch Code: SenileDipShit666

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