7 Things to Show that you’re not living in the ‘Land of the Free’

New Paradigm – by Paul A Philips

Alternative media followers know that there are numerous citizens sleeping away with their eyes wide open, falsely believing they’re living in the ‘land of the free.’ They still think that their government ‘cares’ for them…

Taking the case of America as an example, many American citizens have no idea about the nature of their Washington D.C Judas-despotic leaders and how they are covertly screwing them all over.  How they are nothing more than henchmen for the ruling elite’s corporate/banker oppressive control system…

-In reflection of this here are just 7 things to show that you’re not living in the ‘land of the free’ and what needs to be done.

Ruling elite’s control system, Big Government, new world order, conspiracy, new paradigm, wage slavery, mass surveillance, raising awareness, free speech suppression, land of the free, activism, police state, activism

“Your livingroom is a factory. The product being manufactured is you.” -Anonymous

1. You’re chained to a 40-hour working week

The 40-hour working week is automatically accepted.  Economically speaking, you may be living comfortably, but your request for fewer hours to pursue things outside of the workplace would be declined.

In other words you’re given an ultimatum: Do a 40-hour working week or you won’t get any work.

2. Wage slavery

Following on from 2, there are indeed many people having to do the 40-hour working week plus overtime on a skimpy hourly rate just to survive: Wage slavery refers to those having to be completely dependent on their next pay check to make ends meet. Debt, consumerism and inflation are major factors linked to wage slavery (economic slavery) and automatically accepting the 40-hour working week.

Ruling elite’s control system, Big Government, new world order, conspiracy, new paradigm, wage slavery, mass surveillance, raising awareness, free speech suppression, land of the free, activism, police state, activism

3. You’re up to your eyeballs in rules and regulations

Increasing in number, these days, there are so many authoritarian ordinances, rules and regulations restricting freedom. There’s very little you can do without permission from your control freak government. Here are just some examples.

* Do you own a property? If so, then having to forever pay property taxes brings into question the idea of ‘ownership.’  For example, having lived there for some 20 years, you may well have paid the same money in property taxes as the cost of your home.

* For home renovations, you have to let your government know what you’ll be doing to get their permission. Then, on completion, you must make sure that you’ve complied with their regulations.

* If you want to sell your homemade produce, no matter how small the cost, you’ll have to pay for a license from the government.

* Do you want to grow your own vegetables for supplementing your food budget? If so, then be careful. You could be criminally charged, then fined.  One man was fined for growing vegetables that prevented people from seeing grass!If you go fishing for supplementing your food budget then you’ll need to have a license.

* Your car is one of the many eternal taxes you will have to pay to your government. Indeed, it’s as if the only thing that isn’t taxed is the air you breathe, but who knows, maybe one day there’ll be a levy on that! Consider the shed loads of money the government makes from exponentially increasing ordinances, rules, regulations and taxes.

-Having not paid the necessary fees or taxes, or not obtained a licence or permit from the mafia government you could find yourself in big trouble, not matter how petty or small the non-compliance. Like, for instance, the children outlawed forselling lemonade at a charity.

Then there’s the case of the woman who had her home seized for missing a $6.30 interest charge!    

Ruling elite’s control system, Big Government, new world order, conspiracy, new paradigm, wage slavery, mass surveillance, raising awareness, free speech suppression, land of the free, activism, police state, activism

4. Mass surveillance -Your life is not your own   

Mass surveillance is yet another way in which your freedom has been sabotaged by the government and related departments. In spite of the increasing surveillance and a more and more militarized police state crime rates have not decreased.

Indeed, a number of us know that surveillance cameras here, there and everywhere go way beyond the purpose of crime detection. So do drone hunters monitoring applications such as your mobile phone activity, spying electronic mosquitoes, body micro-chipping, facial recognition and car number plate detection technology… There are plans for a black box to be installed in every car to monitor drivers. Then there’s a plan for a biometric DNA database on all citizens…

-These are just some of the surveillance technologies for a Big Brother control-obsessed government.

5. Can’t say what you want

The government’s tyranny of free speech suppression just keeps on growing, everywhere. So-called intolerable speech categorizations such as a ‘trigger-1’,’ micro-aggression’ or ‘red light’ is encouraged by authorities to be reported, hence, the encouraging of a snitch community. Weasel-brained political correctness, word prohibitions, social media censorship… all contribute to limiting free speech.   

When free speech is limited it leads to a nation of citizens who are:  

1 …unable to encompass critical thought

2 Greatly limited when making choices

3 Dogmatic and unhealthily sceptical

4 Extremist and intolerant

5 More easier to be manipulated and controlled by authorities

6 More likely to accept authoritative views, no matter how untrue they may be

7 Likely in numbers to react with violent outbursts due to the ‘bottling up effect’ caused by the suppression

The “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act.”

Over Christmas, like a thief in the night, Obama sneakily passed a bill theCountering Disinformation and Propaganda Act.” It gives the government the powers to label truthful and accurate information that they don’t want you to know about, such as that from alternative media sources, as “propaganda” or “fake news.”

In effect, this new law will be used to block free speech, threatening the existence of alternative/independent media or any other information source deemed anti-government.

This globalist propaganda and the censoring of free speech in America must be stopped by:

1. Excelling all efforts to spread the word about this unconstitutional, undemocratic, inhumane, Anti-American and treasonous act and defy…

2. Encourage leakers; such as the governmental whistleblowers and those in the corporate mainstream media to expose the truth.

3. Lobby the new elect President Trump and associates to reiterate the 1stAmendment and disparage attempts to brand anti-government information as treasonous.

-This act is a desperate attempt (one of many) to stop the rising mass awakening of the people and the consequences of them finding out the truth. But the more governmental tyranny, the more the people wake up…

6. Your alternative views are demonized

Following on from 5, as a dissenter, not having the same opinion as the establishment or the masses, you may find yourself demonized for your views or actions, which could even lead you into dire straits through being outlawed. Thusdemonizing dissension, especially because of anti-government stance is becoming less tolerated.

7. Criminalizing your goodwill

Criminalizing goodwill gestures is part of the war on humanity and your freedom of self-expression. Here are just several examples.

Ruling elite’s control system, Big Government, new world order, conspiracy, new paradigm, wage slavery, mass surveillance, raising awareness, free speech suppression, land of the free, activism, police state, activism

*Taking the case of the homeless. In many American states it is now illegal to donate food to the homeless. If caught, pending your involvement, you could be heavily fined.  Those in a church at Dundalk, Maryland found this out the hard way. The church was fined a whopping great $12,000 for letting the homeless sleep overnight at its outside grounds.

Another Good Samaritan criminalized for his compassion, trying to make a difference to the plight of the homeless, was Jay Hamberger. Because of helping the homeless for some 27 years in Houston he became an outlaw.

Further, it is now illegal to be homeless. How do authorities expect these impoverished people to pay the fines?? Even their meagre possessions; bedclothes, clothes, tents, papers, medications … are confiscated. How could any policeman confiscating these possessions not consider this action to be inhumane?

-Will these outrageous prohibitions find their way across the entire country? According to researcher Michael Snyder they will as part of the war on the homeless.  

*Not too long ago an awful flooding occurred in Louisiana. Because of a delayed response from the government-backed rescue team, locals decided to take the situation into their own hands. However, before they could deal with the rising waters and rescue their neighbours from the terrible consequences of the flooding, government officials blocked off the area with police barriers because the rescuers didn’t have the demanded permits. -Aw c’mon!

*Even the smallest acts of goodwill now demand that laws and regulations be followed: Do you want to exchange your home-grown goodies with someone else’s? You could be outlawed if you haven’t paid your government for a permit and taxes on the exchange.

-That concludes just 7 of many things to show that you’re not living in the ‘land of the free.’

Final thoughts –what needs to be done?

Clearly, the government wants complete control. They want you to be dependent on them for everything. However, the more control freak they become; the more enforced prohibitions, restrictions, taxes, police violence, sophisticated surveillance and tracking technologies etc, the more the people will object. Having reached breaking point, the people will then decide they’ve had enough, while realizing that their government is (and has been) obsolete. The government knows this and is desperately afraid of losing its grip on an overwhelming number of awakened citizens taking action.

More and more people are realizing the illegitimacy of Big Government. The truth is we don’t have ANY contract with them. We don’t need their permission to do anything: Taking the case of taxes, taxation is theft (see video).

The solution is to stop giving your power away. Stop co-operating with the control system. We are the imagination of ourselves and anything’s possible. So, let’s create a new paradigm experience, a new humanity out of what is possible.


4 thoughts on “7 Things to Show that you’re not living in the ‘Land of the Free’

  1. The author forgot to mention police who roam the streets killing anyone who pisses them off with impunity, and beating the crap out of anyone who exercises their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

    And that should have been #1 on the list.

  2. Another thing not mentioned and something my husband and I tried to take care of–property vs. land. We own ‘property’ but we tried to own ‘land’–with ‘property’ you pay taxes on it; with ‘land’ you don’t (and have allodial title–we could not do that because we live in a POA, a nice POA, but still a POA). In Texas, one can own land through allodial title–Texas is the only state where this can happen.

  3. And another reason to live outside cities and suburbs where you can grow food (veggies, chickens, fish, eggs, whatever) and your nosey neighbor that has something against you (barking dogs, not mowing your lawn, etc.) and can turn you in for the slightest reason just to hurt you…

    Folks it is this ‘vendetta’ mentality (and my husband and I, back in the 90s, were constantly harassed because of our relationship with a certain man I have mentioned many times on here…and to some extent they were right), is one reason that, while the criminal psycho elites continue to divide and conquer is, we aid in that by dividing and conquering ourselves!

    We need to get over this crap, and turn our ‘vendetta’ against said criminal psycho elites!

  4. This is a good article, but I need to quibble with a couple of things:

    *** spying electronic mosquitoes ***

    There’s no such thing. Yes, drones can be made quite small, but their battery life shrinks accordingly, as does their radio transmission range.

    *** body micro-chipping ***

    It’s possible to implant an RFID chip under someone’s skin, but this isn’t a practical means of tracking a person, just as RFID can’t be used to find a lost pet (RFID is only used to identify a lost pet’s owner when the pet is found).

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