95 Year Old WWII Vet Refuses to go to Hospital for Urinary Tract Infection, so Police Shoot and Kill Him

joh wrana 95 Year Old WWII Vet Refuses to go to Hospital for Urinary Tract Infection, so Police Shoot and Kill HimHealth Impact News Daily

New details are emerging from an incident in July Health Impact News reported on regarding a 95 year old World War II veteran near Chicago who was attacked by police with a stun gun, and then shot by a bean bag round fired from a shot gun. He died as a result.

The family met with the media this week, and stated that they are still waiting for answers from Park Forest police on Mr. Wrana’s death. They are distraught at the way he was killed, and want someone held accountable.  

We have now learned that John Wrana was reportedly suffering from a urinary tract infection, and paramedics arrived to transport him to a hospital. Mr. Wrana refused to go, so the paramedics reportedly called the police, who showed up in riot gear. Staff from the managed care facility reportedly were upset that the police did not allow them access to Mr. Wrana to try and calm him down.

When Mr. Wrana continued to refuse transport to the hospital, they shot him with a stun gun. He still refused, so they reportedly shot him in the stomach with a bean bag round from a shot gun – three times. He was reportedly sitting down at the time, and friends have testified that Mr. Wrana was so wobbly on his feet that he needed a walker, and could be pushed down easily with little force he was so unstable.

Police reportedly stated that Mr. Wrana had a butcher knife, but the knife was never found, and friends stated they never saw a knife. The family’s attorney, Nicholas Grapsas, has stated that even if a knife was present, excessive force was used.

The police have stated that they had not used bean bag rounds fired from a shot gun to subdue anyone for more than 10 years prior to this incident.

The Cook County medical examiner’s office has ruled that Mr. Wrana died of internal bleeding and blunt force trauma, and ruled his death a homicide.


Chicago Tribune

Chicago Suntimes

NBC Chicago


2 thoughts on “95 Year Old WWII Vet Refuses to go to Hospital for Urinary Tract Infection, so Police Shoot and Kill Him

  1. So the message is “Comply or die” from the police?

    But isn’t it too a right to refuse treatment? That unless there is a mental health court order in place that treatment cannot be forced upon someone? A UTI could have been treated with antibiotics, there was no need to see anyone except the normal GP and a bottle of medicine with a fluid regime.

    Stories like this make me wish there was a bunch of people out there who would right wrongs like this because we know it will be a whitewash but when officials and police have impunity from the law then what justice do we have?

    Perhaps its time to start making our own justice if we can expect none from the government

    1. If any real justice is ever going to be extracted that is the only way it ever will. Anyone that chooses to believe that cops all over this country are out of control are living in denial of the facts and the proof is right in their faces now! The largest most well armed street gang in the world is LEO’s. And yes they are a unionized gang of thugs causing havoc in the country.People need to wake up and believe what they are seeing and stop listening to the MSM propaganda! Sure there are good ones,they ride unicorns and are easy to spot!

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