8 thoughts on “A brief report on the helicopter fly by in Bunkerville on Saturday

  1. Disconcerting. They could use drones for surveillance so why use a heli with bright lights at midnight. Seems like psychological warfare, sleep deprivation.

  2. Maybe a few thousand candle watt flood light pointed back up at them might make them a little weary

    you know those cattle man have spot lights ..right?…dont they?

  3. Infighting? Seriously? That’s what their calling it now? More BS to try and get us to fight amongst ourselves, so the BLM can go in and take the Bundy Ranch.

    Don’t fall for it, people. Keep sending donations and supplies to the Bundy Ranch and the militia if you can, but don’t give one cent to those OATHBREAKERS.

      1. Neither do I, but people who are not catering to, or playing their underhanded game, need to know about it.
        Their BS is a direct threat to the security of the Bundy Family, ranch and those protecting it.

        1. The materials being sent via the donations to Liberty Tree Radio are going to our people on the ground and are being monitored by Mark Koernke. We do not, repeat do not, want to stop sending everything we can. Mark has explained that there could be a time window which will be closed.
          No one has the authority to tell any of us what to do and when to do it.
          I don’t care about the Oath Keepers. Stewart Rhodes is their problem, which they have tried to make our problem, through the intermingling. Oath Keepers is a 501 c 3 corporation, incorporated with the communists and I think their members are finding out what that means.

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