California Cities Start Water-Waste Patrols, Encourage Residents to Snitch

Opposing Views – by Michael Allen

The drought in California has caused 45 water agencies in the state to enforce mandatory limits on water use.

Citizens are encouraged to turn in neighbors who are suspected of wasting H2O to water-waste patrols.

These water patrols teach people to avoid wasting water on driveways, lawns and swimming pools, but can also cite residents for repeated violations.  

“We do have the stick if people don’t get it,” Kim Loeb, a Visalia, Calif. natural resource conservation manager, told the Associated Press.

Sacramento has deputized 40 government employees, from building inspectors to meter readers, to stop water waste. Six employees patrol full time for violations.

The city is also encouraging people to report their neighbors and local businesses to authorities. The snitch campaign has resulted in 3,245 water waste complaints in 2014.

In contrast, Los Angeles has only one full time water patrol employee, but plans to expand to four by the summer.

In Marin County, near San Francisco, people can buy software and check to see how much water they use each month compared to their neighbors.

The City of Oxnard has encouraged neighbors to snitch on each other’s water waste since 2009. According to a press release, the city has employees who drive throughout the town and look for water waste.

Roseville, Calif. has hired “water conservation workers” to check on people’s water use since 2009.

Sources: Associated PressCity of

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5 thoughts on “California Cities Start Water-Waste Patrols, Encourage Residents to Snitch

  1. Oh brother. Another “see something, say something” routine.

    Remember: Don’t tell your co-workers in California that you are so frustrated by this that you “could just shoot someone right now” or you might get snitched on and fired.

    1. tried and true by none other than, Hitler himself!

      anyone who falls for this snitch on the other guy is a fool, they will get theirs too from this government , hopefully Karma rides up and snitches on them

  2. never let a good crisis go to waste
    just waiting for the commies to tell us hicks in n CA that we will have to put meters on our wells
    tic, toc. tic, toc
    and stop all burning, and stop using wood stoves, fireplaces……..
    shit, at one point we’ll say, dang they took the “C” out of country…maybe we ought to move to the city where Wally Wrld. is just across the street.
    crazy conspiracy people call this impetus Agenda 21

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