A little reminder of when “Israeli” settlers celebrated the burning alive of the Palestinian baby Ali Dawabsheh back in 2015. They stabbed a photo of a murdered boy while dancing and singing some Psalm verses that they’re hungry and waiting for more!

4 thoughts on “A little reminder of when “Israeli” settlers celebrated the burning alive of the Palestinian baby Ali Dawabsheh back in 2015. They stabbed a photo of a murdered boy while dancing and singing some Psalm verses that they’re hungry and waiting for more!

  1. That’s it keep that sheit going and start pissin off the Palestinians and the next thing you know there’s going to be some sort of payback or protest. The world see’s what I see and that’s why that region will never see peace just more dumbsheit and killing. I’m sure if Hamas had an air force of it’s own and the US for a big brother things would be very different. The mother of all clusterfuqks is on the horizon and getting closer everyday, everyone involved might want to step back and reassess the situation their actions and quit being such azzhoes. Last week they were executing unarmed people in a hospital and sniping kids in a school and when it’s payback time Israhell cries to D.C. and more money and supplies get sent over there. Now we have boots on the ground everywhere and pissed off American citizens over here and our country is broke on so many levels. Time to pull the plug and let it die.

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