A new law in Canada, C-372, makes it illegal to talk about the benefits of gasoline for cars ….. It is now punishable by either 2 years in prison or a $500,000 fine. Putting an “I LOVE OIL” sticker on your car could be considered a sign of “terrorism” or “extremism,” which could have serious consequences.

One thought on “A new law in Canada, C-372, makes it illegal to talk about the benefits of gasoline for cars ….. It is now punishable by either 2 years in prison or a $500,000 fine. Putting an “I LOVE OIL” sticker on your car could be considered a sign of “terrorism” or “extremism,” which could have serious consequences.

  1. They’re making Canada into a test case for compliance. Australia, too. It’s being laid on thick. Thought Police. Speech Police. Medical Police. Euthanasia Police. It’s frightening, but sometimes fright can ignite rebellion and rebellion can bring uprising. Really, we are all being tested to see just how much we’ll put up with, and how much we’ll allow to be stolen from us.


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