ABC cuts off Rick Perry’s conspiracy rant about Obama, immigrants, drones, and hurricanes

Rick Perry speaks to ABC NewsRaw Story – by David Edwards

ABC News host Martha Raddatz on Sunday cut off Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) after he spent four minutes defending a conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was plotting to fill up the United States with undocumented immigrants.

Speaking to Fox News last week, Perry had asserted that the president was responsible for the growing crisis of women and children immigrants coming across the border.  

“We either have an incredibly inept administration, or they’re in on this somehow or another,” Perry opined. “I mean I hate to be conspiratorial, but I mean how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and then into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort?”

During a Sunday interview on ABC News, host Martha Raddatz gave the Republican governor a chance to back away from his conspiracy theory.

“Governor, do you really believe there’s some sort of conspiracy to get people into the United States by the federal government, by the Obama administration?” Raddatz asked.

“When I have written a letter that is dated May of 2012, and I have yet to have a response from this administration, I will tell you they either are inept or don’t care, and that is my position,” Perry said, doubling down on the theory. “We have been bringing to the attention of President Obama and his administration since 2010, he received a letter from me on the tarmac… I have to believe that when you do not respond in any way, that you are either inept, or you have some ulterior motive of which you are functioning from.”

The former Republican presidential candidate added that his theory was proved by the fact that the president had not responded to his letter, and had not deployed drones to the border.

“Unless we secure our southern border, this is going to continue to be a massive amount of individuals that are coming to the United States,” Perry warned. “And, frankly, we don’t have a place to house them as it is. And if we have a major event, a hurricane that comes in to the Gulf Coast, I don’t have a place to be housing people who are displaced because this administration…”

At that point, Raddatz interrupted Perry and ended the interview.

“Okay, Governor, I’m going to have to stop you there,” she said. “But thank you very much for joining us.”

Watch the video below from ABC’s This Week, broadcast July 6, 2014.

12 thoughts on “ABC cuts off Rick Perry’s conspiracy rant about Obama, immigrants, drones, and hurricanes

  1. Either Perry is playing his controlled opposition part well and this is all a part of the elites plan to make him look good or like the savior (kinda like another Putin) OR he is starting to defy the elite a little. Unfortunately, I’m still leaning on the former rather than the latter.

        1. And the black horn-rimmed glasses are just to give the TV audience the appearance that he can read.

          1. LOL, true: the black horn-rimmed glasses are part of the FAKE controlled opposition. He looks less “conspiratorial”.

  2. I totally agree with all the comments here, but I think its great that he at least put the thought out on ABC tv that the obama administration is backing the illegal immigration. How else could at least 100,000 illegals who can barely afford to feed themselves at home, make it thousands of miles (on foot?) without a concerted effort of someone paying for all the gas, food etc.,? Also, why is the government lying about them all being children? They want sympathy for these illegals. It does not add up that these illegals are simply children coming because their parents told them to, without any influence paid for by this administration.

  3. Perry thinks those glasses make him appear smarter than the buffoon with the idiotic comments and behavior of his last embarrassing debate performance during his failed presidential bid. This is how delusional these people are. If Rick Perry ever won the Presidency, he would set a new record, “Stupidest President Ever”, eclipsing George W. Bush by leaps and bounds!

    1. Martha Raddatz, what can you say, she’s undergone so much plastic surgery her facial skin looks like a stretch scrotum or a turkey neck! She is about the most hideous creature ever to grace the screen outside of a horror flick! The worst part about it is she thinks she looks good.

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