AG Lynch: ‘We Have Concerns’ About People ‘Who Have Large Stockpiles of Weapons’

CNS News – by Susan Jones

“Dealing with guns is one way to handle the violent crime issues that we have in this country,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

She also said “people come on the FBI’s radar screen for a variety of reasons,” and the accumulation of guns and bullets may be one of those reasons:  

“You know, obviously we have concerns whenever we see people who have large stockpiles of weapons or appear to be in the process of accumulating weapons and ammunition. At this point, we do not have any evidence that they (Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik) were part of either a larger group or cell or that they were planning anything else. That’s at this time.

“What I will say is, again, we are continuing to run everything to ground we can about these two individuals.”

According to the FBI, Farook and Malik used the two semi-automatic rifles (purchased legally by a friend) and two handguns (purchased legally by Farook) — to kill 14 people at holiday gathering of the San Bernardino County Health Department last Wednesday.

Police say the couple had more than 1,600 bullets with them when they were gunned down in their SUV. San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan told a news conference last week that the shooters had more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition at their home, along with 12 pipe bombs and hundreds of tools that could be used to make improvised explosive devices.

“Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Lynch on Sunday, “Is this a time for a gun control conversation?”

“We’re in the middle of that conversation. We always are,” Lynch responded. “When we have the incidents that we have seen, we’re talking about this terrible San Bernardino shooting now. A week ago we were talking about Planned Parenthood in Colorado and there are dozens and dozens of families –”

Todd interrupted, asking Lynch if it’s a “gun problem or a violence problem.”

“I think we have a number of issues here,” Lynch said. “And I think that dealing with guns is one way to handle the violent crime issues that we have in this country.”

7 thoughts on “AG Lynch: ‘We Have Concerns’ About People ‘Who Have Large Stockpiles of Weapons’

  1. Govt’s that desire to disarm the people are govt’s that do NOT represent the people, this is obvious, or SHOULD be obvious. Anyone being swayed emotionally or fearfully must watch Innocents Betrayed (youtube). Anyone advocating for people to give up their means to protect life should immediately be pointed out as a criminal awaiting severe consequences.
    God has given our rights to self defense and no human has ANY authority to take them, end of story.

  2. what? no word about Bomb Control ?

    as far as I see it Bombs trump any firearm ever made , and there are tons of laws governing bombs, yet none of those laws mattered either , still these” law fools” just dont get it

    rock paper scissors .. the” Bomb” trumps the Knife, Gun, Bomb, Narrative every day

    and when the bomb is coupled with a person that has no regard for life including their own,,,, how do you win against that?, if you go to shoot him and he pushes the button your both blown up,, he cares not about your fire power no matter what gun you have, or how scary or black it is

  3. “She also said “people come on the FBI’s radar screen for a variety of reasons,” and the accumulation of guns and bullets may be one of those reasons”

    So you admit you’re definitely keeping lists and checking em twice, to find out who’s naughty and who’s nice?

    What’s the official criteria for “large”?

    Doesn’t matter. Fact is, you’re doing it and it’s not to protect us because the only true threat is coming from you

  4. You biggest concern, Miss Lynch, should be trying to avoid getting yourself strung up from a tree.

    The overwhelming majority of the American people have expressed their objection to any new gun laws many times already, and your insistence on ignoring the will of an angry population could prove dangerous.

    (Hint: they’re not all bamboozled by the TV-brainwashing BS anymore)

  5. I couldn’t care less if they’re concerned. Those totalitarian scum-suckers can go straight to hell.

    The amount of ammo those two alleged shooters (supposedly) had is not unusual at all. High-volume shooters like myself can go through hundreds of rounds in a single practice session. Even so, I keep many thousands of rounds in reserve.

  6. “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Lynch on Sunday, “Is this a time for a gun control conversation?”


    I invite BOTH of you commie scumbags to come on over and have a ‘conversation’ with ME about gun control.

    Not on a weekend, however. There’s a fair chance I might be out practicing if it’s not raining.

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