And so it begins. Governor Cuomo feels froggy, SAFE Act enforcement thugs rounding up “assault weapons.” Someone is going to get shot and the civil war will commence.

Sipsey Street Irregulars

Two months ago, the State of New York began to enforce, in little baby steps, the SAFE Act.

Today, we have this announcement posted on AR15dotCoam:  

“The New York State Police have launched an investigation into alleged SAFE Act violations and appear to have possession or copies of 4473s showing who purchased firearms. Consider speaking with a lawyer if contacted.”

Just exactly where and how the NYSP got hold of 4473s is an interesting question. They either got them from ATF industry operations inspectors or directly from cooperating quisling gun sellers. In any case, it is obvious that the Supreme Court refusal to hear the Chicago case is viewed as a green light to tyrannical gun raids. Isn’t this where His Majesty’s General Gage started? And how did THAT turn out? We are about to find out if this generation of Americans possesses the same Three Percent that the Founding generation did.

Get ready folks. Make your final pre-war preparations with the slender hours you have left. A storm is coming, and it is about to break over all our heads.

13 thoughts on “And so it begins. Governor Cuomo feels froggy, SAFE Act enforcement thugs rounding up “assault weapons.” Someone is going to get shot and the civil war will commence.

  1. “Someone is going to get shot and the civil war will commence.”

    It’s the waiting that’s wearing us down.

  2. The majority of posters at are idiots, pussies, or pigs. While there are a few decent people there, most are the sort of people who own ARs because they “look awesome.” Plus “shooting is fun, and it pisses off liberals, LOLOL!!!!!!” Oh, but don’t forget that we need those ARs just in case we get invaded by terrorists! Derp…

    More than a few of those folks seem to believe that police and their government masters actually respect the laws that protect citizens’ rights. “The ATF can’t do this!” “The NYSP can’t do that!” Of course they can. They can do anything they want to, provided that they’re willing to use force and no one is willing to resist them with force.

    Notice how many of them think the answer is to simply leave the state. Sure, that will work — until confiscation starts in THEIR state. What happens when they run out of “free” states to move to? Will it finally be time to use that rifle?

    They know deep down that they’re not going to shoot the police and military personnel who come to round up all their weapons. They’d rather shoot off their own balls (if they had any). To avoid admitting this to themselves and to others, they’ve come up with a few standard methods of self-deception and rationalization.

    Some gleefully describe how they’ll bury their weapons and say they lost them in a boating accident. They never think about what’s going to happen after they feed that line to the pigs and/or military.

    Others tell themselves that military personnel and even many police are on their side and won’t act against the American public — something history has consistently proven wrong. If the military could be trusted to protect our freedoms, then (a) we would still have our freedoms, and (b) there would be absolutely no need for citizens to own rifles like the AR-15. We’d be able to live without fear of “our” government violating our rights in any respect, as opposed to living with a government that doesn’t consider ANY of our rights to be inalienable. Free America was lost when most of the people decided to neuter themselves and outsource the job of protecting their freedom to a standing army.

    I’ll be watching this with interest. I don’t think this is going to be the start of anything big, but you never know.

    1. I’ve looked at the Stoner platform in some detail, and have some real reservations of it for a battle implement. Mini-14 would have been a hell of a lot better. In fact I can’t understand why we just didn’t adopt the BM-59. 30-06 can do anything a 308Win can do only better. M14 was great, only problem is it wasn’t 30-06.

      In fact if we wanted to change the ammunition we should have gone to something like a 338-06 variant. If you look at the ballistics? OMG!!! Thing will throw a 220 gr bullet almost 2700ft/s. That’m big medicine!!!!

      Like Mark says. “ITs a piece of junk, but its a neat piece of junk”. I am pretty happy that our enemies are using that hunk -a- junk though. 🙂

      1. Ward you are way off base here. The AR is a great platform, it beats the hell of the Ruger Mini 14 in every way. The reason we went to the .308 is because the military wanted a short action cartridge which the .30-06 is NOT. The .308 can do everything the .30-06 can, in a short action. Why do you think most long range match shooters use the .308? It is more accurate than the .30-06. The reason they went with the AR in 5.56mm is so that soldiers could carry more ammunition into the filed. You can carry a hell of a lot more 5.56 than you can 7.62×51. The AR is a proven platform, it is accurate, it can be had in many different calibers and it works. You need to re-think your position.

        1. Hunting for “squirrels and such” in your apartment, a guy can’t beat a sawed off, double-barreled 12 guage!

          1. It will NOT penetrate the Armor sold at Infidel Body Armor. I dont care if your shooting Green Tip or AP. Whatever Armor or maker of that particular Armor sure didn’t do their research. If your going to buy Armor, buy it from a VET.

          2. TO Bill K,

            I like how the Infidel class III Body Armor says .223 and 5.56(m855)

            but the class IV Body Armor says xm855 and xm193 also, which is the 55gr. Whereas the mx855 is a 62gr. with steel “penetrator” .

            The class IV also weighs 9.1lbs per plate. Nearly 40 lbs of armor and carrier.

            The “trick” with what #1 is saying will not work on all types of armor. BUT it is an fps and mass fluke on classIII plates. 55gr. tends to go about 2950-3350fps. Most plate armor is rated for 30cal and tops out at 2880fps. NOW the 55gr bullets mass is just enough(when compared to a 40gr) and small enough to punch like a water jet through.
            The fps is high enough to fail the plate and keep going. On a IIIa vest and III plate the 55gr fmj becomes more deadly to soft tissue than without the armor.
            IF you go 62gr the fps drops to the 2800-2900 and it will not work on the III plates despite the color of the tip or the miss-identification of “penetrating”

            40lbs of armor” not me.

  3. Most gun owners in that state will end up turning in their guns. There will be no war there. New Yorkers are worse than Californians.

    1. Hi Stuzz. I know of two New Yorkers that wont turn in their guns. Instead they will draw down on any who try to take them. 🙂

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