Why you’d have to be a complete idiot to take a flu shot

Natural News – by Mike Adams

The scientific truth about flu shots and the human immune response is that flu shots only work for people who don’t need them.

People who are immunocompromised — who might actually benefit from viral exposure rehearsal — have no ability to build antibodies in response to the vaccine. Thus, the flu shot is wasted on them.  

On the other hand, people who show a strong immune response to a flu shot are the very same people with healthy, active immune systems that can easily handle influenza exposure without a vaccine!

Flu shots, in other words, only “work” on people who don’t need them. But they FAIL on those they claim to protect.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/052245_flu_shot_complete_idiot_immune_system.html#ixzz3tlpFHgf7

2 thoughts on “Why you’d have to be a complete idiot to take a flu shot

  1. “Flu shots, in other words, only “work” on people who don’t need them. But they FAIL on those they claim to protect.”


    I take it then that all the people that have either been killed, or seriously maimed by the these toxins are merely anomalies?

    And that thimerosal isn’t specifically designed to kill us?


  2. Dumbed-down anti-vaccine articles like this are part of the problem of confusing people. Vaccines only confer artificial and temporary “immunity” at best, bypassing our natural immune system and damaging it in the process. With each vaccine, we become weaker and less able to deploy our natural, God-given immune system. Vaccines appear to work, but they don’t really. They “work” at the expense of long-term damage. Very much exactly like how pharmaceutical medicines appear to “work.” This is true of every single vaccine. Which are now given to pregnant women and newborns at birth, passed down in our DNA to our offspring, so how are any of us supposed to know what natural immunity looks like….

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