Answer This Question And You’ll Easily Understand The Next 4 Years

Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

It’s not always in life where you can narrow down the future to a simple question or two, but in the case of American politics you can do just that. It should be in our interest to enjoy life and live life with a free and healthy mind. Knowing what determines the future and having a solid foundation for predicting it is very much a part of that mental health. Just take a close look at the past 4 presidential administrations that followed Ronald Reagan’s eight years in office and you’ll understand exactly where we are historically and what roads are before us.  

I’ve never felt so unsure yet at the same time so sure of where we are. The big picture seems so clear it gives me a sense of vindication. No longer do truth seekers have to worry about getting it wrong per se. I believe the future is now being guided by principles of self-evident truths and the rules of nature. In a general sense the sides that oppose each other have now been clearly identified. Here in the United States we have witnessed a divide within the deep state which has accounted for many of the events of the past several years especially the past 6-12 months. Americans have been (permanently?) divided by their beliefs and consciousness. One side weary of the other based on the degree to which that other side has been brainwashed and deceived. The other side organically indoctrinated to perceive everything said and done by their opponents as “hatred” and “dark-heartedness.” A very special divide is upon us.

However, the one question everyone should be asking and the one thing everyone should be looking for is this. Who will be the next “bogeyman” and who will be the next enemy of the US that we must all fear? Remember that without “enemies” there is no new world order and instead free Republics and nation states working together will potentially coexist on this planet for a long time. This is something the satanist ruling elite will never accept, however. Ultimately, as you can see, this is a battle of good versus evil, peace versus war, freedom versus slavery. Call it what you will, but this simple question I pose today will never go away. Who will be the next enemy we need to watch out for? Dear Military Industrial Complex, dear CIA, dear ruling elite, we’re all waiting for you to tell us who it is. Because when you tell us who it is, we will call you out.

This my friends is the million dollar question. Look no further than the last 4 criminal presidencies, then ask yourself this question. Finally, let’s remember the famous quote from James Madison the 4th President of the the United States-

If Tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy … The loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or imagined, from abroad…

I couldn’t have said it any better!

Activist Post

4 thoughts on “Answer This Question And You’ll Easily Understand The Next 4 Years

  1. Who will be the next “bogeyman” and who will be the next enemy of the US that we must all fear?

    That is simple we have been told by von Braun’s secretary years ago. First the Russians, then terrorists and should we grow tired or run out of them the Alien invasion first mentioned by Regan. The Iron Mountain Report also tells why we must have war or its equivalent only the military complex has grown so big and so dependent on arms races and the selling of weapons we may have to stick with war and do the enviornmental thingy at the same time. Enviornment problems were to take the place of war in that report but things have changed.

  2. Money/digits is the vehicle that when put in the hands of the few, will be able to control governments. We know that for a long time now, this vehicle has been in the greedy slimy hands of one race of people. If you know who that is then you know who is causing all of the worlds problems and evils and who the bogeyman is. The bogeyman is a fitting name.

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