Anti-war protesters to cop: We don’t need a permit we have the constitution

Ben Swann – by Joshua Cook

On Saturday, thousands of citizens throughout the nation protested military strikes against Syria. A group of activists assembled at the busiest intersection in Spartanburg, S.C. to wave signs and bring awareness to the ongoing push to strike Syria by the Obama administration. A local police officer told them that if someone complained they would have to leave because they did not have a city permit. He also said that activists who continue to protest on the crosswalk would go to jail.

Many of the protestors considered this to be a violation of their 1st Amendment right and challenged the officer by asking him if they committed any crime. They also reminded the officer that they had a right to assemble on public property such as a sidewalk and did not need a permit to do so. Evan Mulch the organizer of the protest told the officer that in the future he would not apply for a permit but would let the police department know when they plan to do the next event.

One protester asked the officer, “what about our right to assembly?” The officer said, “like I said, you have to fill out a form.”

Dr. Bill Bledsoe asked the officer, “What laws am I breaking and are you arresting me?”

“No,” replied the officer. “What I was explaining to him was that you have to have a permit to assemble,” said the officer.

Bledsoe said, “you do not have to have a permit to walk across the street holding a sign.”

One protestor told the officer, “you are pledged to support the Constitution, that’s the #1 law!”

Evan Mulch the who organized the protest told the officer, “what you are conditioning us to do is to ask you for approval to be in a public place – we don’t need your approval.”

5 thoughts on “Anti-war protesters to cop: We don’t need a permit we have the constitution

  1. Police can not enforce the law because they DO NOT know the law. I have had encounters with police on my property in the past and this is one example: when I had a verbal contract with a guy to do some repair work for two weeks of free room. He did not keep perform the agreed work but got his free two weeks room. I put his stuff outside and he called the police. At first the cop sided with the guy and said I could not do that but when I explained I was a paralegal and knew contract law and explained that the contract was null and void and why that was, he backed down and told the guy he had to leave. Another example of a person knowing the law and a cop not knowing anything more than his coded infractions.

    1. “Police can not enforce the law because they DO NOT know the law.

      Another example of a person knowing the law and a cop not knowing anything more than his coded infractions.”

      Hey, try Officer Cox of the Round Rock police department. The conversation goes something like this.

      Me: Show me the law that says you can search my car for no reason.

      Officer Cox: I don’t have to show you anything. I’m a cop and this badge says that you have to do what I say.

      Me: Do you even know what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights says? Under the 4th article of the Bill of Rights, you have to have probable cause or a warrant to search my vehicle and to tell me why you need to search my vehicle.

      Officer Cox with a challenging smirk: I follow the Texas State Law. You’re in Texas.

      After arguing and me refusing to have him search my car, he calls his buddy for backup like the coward that he is and then pulls out a taser, points it at my face and then has his buddy drag me out of the car and arrest me. Then he gives the “He’s anti-government” line to his buddy.

      Another fine example of a cop who knows nothing about the Constitution or Bill of Rights and only knows city ordinances and penal codes. Way to go, Cox! You make Round Rock proud. NOT!

  2. Grab your signs folks & begin your protest of the Evil Elitist Hoard stealing our Freedom & Lives!!!!!! Continue to fight for Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth

  3. “One protester asked the officer, “what about our right to assembly?” The officer said, “like I said, you have to fill out a form.”

    And where, exactly, does it state we have the right to assemble peacefully, but only as long as we have a required permit?

    They need to start hiring pigs with more than a 3rd grade education.


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