. @AOC lays out the new Dem talking points on men in women’s spaces: “We are talking about opening up all women and girls to genital examinations when they are under age, potentially just because someone can point to someone and say, I don’t think you are a girl.”

One thought on “. @AOC lays out the new Dem talking points on men in women’s spaces: “We are talking about opening up all women and girls to genital examinations when they are under age, potentially just because someone can point to someone and say, I don’t think you are a girl.”

  1. What a manipulative way to say, Accept transgenderism, or your kids will have to endure forced genital examinations. The whole thing is a perverted mess. And AOC says, “There virtually is no major issue.”

    Gee AOC, it seems pretty “major” to me when our children are taught false biology. When their minds are poisoned with confusion and coercion. When the so-called “trusted adults” and “health practitioners” in their lives lead them into horrible choices that poison or disfigure their bodies. And just look at all the sad accounts from the many who now suffer from “transition regret.” Their stories are harrowing. Young lives ruined with irreversible damage, both physically and often psychologically. What will you do for them Alexandria?


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