Like father, like son on march to globalism

By Niall McCrae – The Conservative Woman

ACCORDING to the chorus of Running in the Family by the popular 1980s band Level 42, ‘we all have our daddy’s eyes’. But when applied to corporate oligarchs, royal families and political dynasties, this is not such a nice idea. Like father, like son has a darker meaning when considering that our nepotistic ruling class does not have our best interests at heart, and on the contrary is working towards our impoverishment, enslavement and even eradication.

A good example is the Trudeau succession in Canada. Pierre Trudeau, who was prime minister from 1968 to 1979, was an enthusiast of cybernetics and population control. While 1968 is popularly remembered as the year of emancipatory revolution, behind the scenes it was the anno domini of the new religion of ecological doom.

In the same year came Paul Ehrlich’s treatise The Population Bomb, which warned that the world could not sustain a growing population and that humanity was heading for disaster.

Trudeau worked closely with Alexander King and Aurelio Peccei, leaders of the Club of Rome, which was launched in 1968 at the Rockefeller estate near Rome. The mission of the Club of Rome was to bring together business leaders and academic experts to work on matters of global concern (in truth, this meant overriding the sovereignty of democratic nations in pursuit of one world government). As Matthew Ehret describes in his new book Science Unshackled (2023):

‘Trudeau was a devout supporter of this new organization, which soon became a center of neo-Malthusian revivalism during the early years of the 1970s. Trudeau even presided over the Canadian branch of the Club of Rome and allocated money to fund the MIT Club of Rome study Limits to Growth, which became a holy book of sorts.’

King’s computer modelling indicated that human progress was irreversibly destroying the equilibrium of nature. This justified a strategy of depopulation, although always masked by ecological virtue. Trudeau’s son Justin, the current prime minister, has placed his vast and relatively unpopulated country at the vanguard of the global regime to mitigate the purported climate emergency. Canadian citizens might freeze due to the enforced replacement of gas by ineffectual heat pumps, but he doesn’t care.

The British royal family has been deeply involved in the climate scam and its underlying motive in pseudoscientific eugenics. We owe to Prince Philip a rare insight to this thinking. His inappropriate remarks were often not the ‘gaffes’ as reported by the media, but unbridled expression of elitist disdain. In one notorious comment, he revealed his misanthropic desire: ‘In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.’

That was no casual aside, but a line in his foreword to the 1986 book People are Animals by socialite Fleur Cowles. Philip was the polar opposite to his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, in speaking his mind as and when he chose. His eldest son Charles, elevated to the throne in 2023, would never utter such a callous wish to eradicate the minions. Yet Charles’s attitude is not fundamentally different to that of the former Duke of Edinburgh. When Charles criticises humankind for its despoiling consumption, he is really targeting humankind. There are too many of us, Charles believes – though unlike his father he does not say this so blatantly.

Last week, King Charles III was in Dubai for the COP28 international conference, where he made the headlines with his concluding remark that ‘Earth does not belong to us; we belong to Earth’. Charles’s environmentalism was presented as his love of nature and of traditional harmony between people and the land. But for decades he has been active in developing globalist organisations with total control of population and resources. The Great Reset is not a new idea, but a master plan conceived long ago.

In 1971 Klaus Schwab, a German financier at the University of Geneva, founded the European Management Forum. Supported by Prince Charles, this body would rise from obscurity to become the most influential globalist organisation. In 1973 at its third annual conference in Davos, Schwab introduced the thousands of attendees to Peccei, who propagated the messages from Limits to Growth. That meeting was sponsored by Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, a one-time Nazi collaborator who founded the eugenicist Bilderberg Group in 1954. A secretive organisation, the Bilderberg Group comprises prominent political and corporate leaders in transcending nation states to create a new world order.

Schwab’s organisation, renamed the World Economic Forum in 1987, works like an executive arm of the United Nations to transform society, typically on the rationale of anthropogenic climate change.  Schwab’s son Olivier is managing director and his daughter Nicole, who is on the executive committee, sounded just like her father when she proclaimed Covid-19 as leverage for the Great Reset. Schwab’s right-hand man Yuval Noah Harari, scientific adviser to the WEF, brazenly referred to the masses as ‘useless eaters’ (the video was soon banned by YouTube).

Mega-financier George Soros, at the age of 92, handed his $25billion portfolio to his son Alex, who became chairman of the Open Society Foundations in December 2022. Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Alex Soros declared himself as ‘more political’ than his father, and thus more motivated to attack the remnants of traditional society and its conservative defenders. These old man, therefore, are not simply seeking a legacy for themselves: like the Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties they are ensuring multigenerational continuity of power.

Computer salesman Bill Gates, whose father William H Gates was head of Planned Parenthood, exerts his wealth through supposedly philanthropic funding of global health projects. Initially focusing on reproductive health (contraception and abortion), he moved into vaccination. In a TED talk in 2010, Gates junior said:

‘The world today has 6.8billion people. That’s headed up to about 9billion. If we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.’

Having captured universities, regulators and media by predatory funding, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was at the forefront of the Covid-19 pseudopandemic. As a key player in the World Health Organization, Gates promotes universal vaccination by novel mRNA technology, which has potential use far beyond immunology, including hormonal control and digital surveillance.

One more father and son duo deserves mention. Boris Johnson’s father Stanley, who worked for the World Bank and EU, suggested in a Guardian interview in 2012 an ideal UK population of 10-15million. Is his son, who successfully portrays himself as a buffoon, unaware of the depopulation mission of the UN and WEF? He spent three years carrying out the same orders as fulfilled by every Western government. Again I must conclude: like father, like son. But these men would gladly extinguish the legacy of your fathers, and the future of your sons.

One thought on “Like father, like son on march to globalism

  1. These are but a few examples of the passing-of-the-torch. It goes back to the earliest times of the ‘history’ they taught us. I just want to point out that Alexander Hamilton, in addition to pushing the tyrannical idea that a president should be president for life, also pushed for the practice of “inherited positions.” Yeah, that’s right. Let’s just keep it all in the family. Best way to consolidate wealth and power.


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