Australian geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, blows the UN’s “human-induced global boiling” fear mongering completely out of the water:

5 thoughts on “Australian geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, blows the UN’s “human-induced global boiling” fear mongering completely out of the water:

  1. Truthful people would simply say jews always present via their “white” (in a ying & yang sense) propaganda machine (the so-called “mainstream” media) the inversion of reality AS reality to the masses. In order for it to not just be a “one-sided argument” & therefore “more believable” they then have to have an “adversary” (in this case the so-called “alternative” media) who not only firstly reinforces this inversion by restating it upfront but by then opposing it AND never actually posing any threat of overturning it. In most cases the adversary is always seen as the underdog, ridiculed by seemingly overwhelming numbers of “experts” & as a follow-on the masses who believe the ruse & parrot the inversion to each other in group-think as the perceived reality. Often the adversaries are even arrested & jailed in many cases so as to reinforce the status quo “opinion” that the adversary is the bad guy (look to many staged recent examples). It is pure psychology. It can also simply be seen as an example of Hegellian Dialectic – thesis vs antithesis = synthesis. A religion can be seen in the same simple way – a force of good vs a force of evil (the adversary) = mass mind control of the believers to follow. The key thing here of course is to be able to observe that in a purely binary relationship or argument that is presented to the masses both sides are ALWAYS controlled by the same force who already has the “synthesis” laid out as the conclusion & way forward. For the noobs that just means that you start with what you want to achieve/the conclusion/your “endgame” (the synthesis, the “conquer”, the “solution”) THEN you put in place the way to achieve it (the “thesis & antithesis”, the “divide”, the “problem & reaction”).

    See my other comment here for more/related info –


    1. Please let me add that I respectfully understand that regulars here have probably known most of this for ages. Also, I am in no way aiming at the messengers who simply repost articles here when I say this. I just wanted to get it out of my head & typed out mainly because I’m seeing so many of these “adversarial” articles everywhere & many, if not most possibly/probably, are being put out initially by sources that we should all hold to high scrutiny. That’s a nice way of saying many of the people I see involved in the original articles are either known shills or jews or people who are saying things in a way that follows a pattern that we have long observed as somewhat deceptive in various ways (whether intentionally or not). Again, this just an opinion on the original source material being reposted here, not on those doing the reposting. I have seen others posting similar opinions in the comments so I know it is real issue for others as well & I really appreciate that Henry & Laura & other contributors have created this space for these opinions to be expressed & respectfully discussed. The psychological warfare part of this struggle is very real, very big & a very important part that needs to dealt with. Thanks 😉

      1. I share those concerns, Ally. Not easy to deal with things we have little or no control over. But as they say, we do what we can to set right what we see as wrong. Shills and infiltrators EVERYWHERE.

        Once, during the days of the anti-war movement opposing the Viet Nam war, as a young activist I was speedily learning about the corruption and deception of the false leadership that was failing humanity. I kept burdening myself with having to fix it all, but what could I do to stop the war machine, or any of the other atrocities that were being spilled on the world? It plagued me to the deepest parts of my soul. Then my husband offered me something to make it more manageable. He said, “Galen, just do what you can in your sphere of influence.” It helped a lot and gave me a workable plan.

        I know you look wide Ally, so I just share this as something that might help in dealing with much of what we can’t control. At least we’re locked and loaded and we try not to miss any opportunity to expose, call out, shame the traitors who perpetually offer half truths. Glad to be with you in The Trench.


        1. I have found, now that I am confidently proficient in my continually growing knowledge and understanding of the history I have learned here, I am beginning to widen my own sphere of influence in the arena of the Overton Window (the parameters the talking heads never go outside of, when talking about American freedom and liberty) and the gate-keeping shillery of those who tow the official narrative line. I am throwing some hefty old stones now. SMASH! Breaking that Overton window is oh so satisfying! Etched into those stones… the Bill of Rights vs. that butt wipe rag they wave around called the Constitution.

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