By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

Fauci's team secretly made over 710 million dollars in royalties from COVID medicines.

Leaked data from the National Institutes of Health reveals that Anthony Fauci’s team profited a whopping $710 million in royalties during the pandemic. Huge sums of cash were funnelled to Fauci’s team by Big Pharma companies to license experimental medicines such as mRNA. Continue reading “Fauci’s Team Made $710 Million in Royalties From COVID Drugs – Media Blackout”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The State Department under Antony Blinken falsified a report to “absolve Israel of responsibility for blocking humanitarian aid flows into Gaza,” the Guardian reports. Continue reading “State Dept Official Resigns Over ‘Falsified’ Report Claiming Israel Not Blocking Aid to Gaza”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has reportedly drawn up plans to fly migrants from Latin America to Greece and Italy for “resettlement.” Continue reading “Biden Admin to Fly Migrants from Latin America to Greece and Italy for Resettlement”

By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

Fauci admits elite did follow same pointless rules as rest of the public.

Incriminating testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals the elite did not follow the same “pointless COVID rules” that were forced on the public. Continue reading “Fauci Admits Elite Did Not Follow Same “Pointless COVID Rules” Forced on Public”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

A heavily criticized federal ID program, Real ID, is set to become mandatory for domestic air travel in the US on May 7, 2025. Continue reading “Federal Real ID-Compliant Licenses or ID Cards Will Become Mandatory for US Domestic Air Travel”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

A shocking video has exploded across social media showing a man stabbing anti-Islam activist and politician, 59-year-old Michael Stürzenberger, during a campaign event in Mannheim.

Continue reading “Watch: Shocking Video Shows German Politician Stabbed During Campaign Event In Mannheim”

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has been caught telling his inner circle that a devastating "global famine" is the next step in the elite's indomitable march towards total global domination.

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has been caught telling his inner circle that a devastating “global famine” is the next step in the elite’s indomitable march towards total global domination. Continue reading “Bill Gates Caught Telling Inner Circle ‘Global Famine’ Will Make Elites ‘God-Like’”

By Katie Daviscourt – The Postmillennial

BREAKING: Two officers shot, one critically injured after Minneapolis shooting

Authorities arrived on the scene of an active shooting situation in Minneapolis’s Whittier neighborhood that has resulted in injuries to two police officers and numerous civilians. Continue reading “BREAKING: Two officers shot, one critically injured after Minneapolis shooting”

By Ben Squires – Reclaim The Net

Following our recent reporting about the rise of “bias incident” reporting systems on college campuses, threatening free speech, Speech First has filed a lawsuit against Indiana University and several of its officials, challenging the university’s bias incidents policy. The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, alleges that the policy infringes on students’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. Continue reading “Students Sue Indiana University Over “Bias Incident” Reporting System”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

White House national security spokesman John Kirby defended Israel airstriking displaced Palestinians in a tent city in Rafah by throwing the US military under the bus and stating that “we” Americans “did the same thing.” Continue reading “‘We Did The Same Thing’: White House Spokesman Defends Israel Slaughtering Civilians in Rafah”

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

The U.K. government has been caught altering the vaccine status of those who died with Covid during the pandemic to make it appear the vaccine was more effective than it was and Covid vaccines were less harmful than they were. Continue reading “UK Gov’t Caught Altering Vaccine Status of Covid Deaths To Make Vaccine Appear Less Harmful”