SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Sister Mary Benedicte wants to focus on feeding the hungry lined up outside a soup kitchen in a gritty part of San Francisco.

But the city’s booming economy means even seedy neighborhoods are demanding higher rents, threatening to force out an order of nuns who serve the homeless.   Continue reading “Nuns who help homeless face eviction in San Francisco”

Fox News

An animated film designed as a lesson in “racial discourse” for students at a Virginia high school has led to backlash from community members who’ve taken issue with not-so subtle references to so-called white privilege throughout the video.

“They are sitting there watching a video that is dividing them up from a racial standpoint. It’s a White guilt kind of video,” Don Blake, whose granddaughter attended the assembly where the video was shown, told told WWBT. “I think somebody should be held accountable for this.”   Continue reading “‘White guilt’ video shown to high school students irks community”

New York Daily News

A young man wandering around a Texas neighborhood in the nude was shot and killed by a police officer after he allegedly charged the cop.

The 18-year-old suspect, who was black, became the subject of several posts on a neighborhood Facebook page before an Austin police officer confronted the man 10 miles northeast of the city’s downtown.   Continue reading “Naked man, 18, shot and killed by Texas cop after residents see him running around neighborhood”

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Washington’s Blog

Why Americans Are Backing Trump and Sanders Over the Mainstream Candidates Backed By the Political Machines

We’ve previously noted that polls show that Americans are in a “pre-revolutionary” mood, that less than 1 in 5 Americans think that the government has the “consent of the governed”, that government corruption tops the list of Americans’ fears, and that 3 times as many Americans supported King George during the Revolutionary War than support our OWN Congress today.   Continue reading “Overwhelming Majority of Americans Believe that Both Parties Are Too Corrupt to Change Anything … “This, In Fact, Is A Revolution””

Prison Planet – by Paul Joseph Watson, July 24, 2007

A BBC Radio 4 investigation sheds new light on a major subject that has received little historical attention, the conspiracy on behalf of a group of influential powerbrokers, led by Prescott Bush, to overthrow FDR and implement a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. based around the ideology of Mussolini and Hitler.

In 1933, Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush the current President’s grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.   Continue reading “Flashback: BBC: Bush’s Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

As the surge of illegal immigration at the southern border continues, school districts across the U.S. are feeling the strain of educating the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who crossed the border illegally and are now entitled to an education in the U.S. — despite their immigration status.   Continue reading “At Least 95,000 Illegal Immigrant Children Flood U.S. Schools”

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Antonius Aquinus

The dramatic fall in the global price of oil is being cited by the financial press, government officials, and academia as the catalyst for the recent abysmal U.S. economic data which shows that the economy is, in all likelihood, sliding into a recession or worse.   Continue reading “Falling Oil Prices Not the Reason for U.S.’s Economic Woes”

Salt Lake Tribune

McALLEN, Texas • A 19-year-old killed his mother and two neighbors before turning his gun on himself in a shooting that brought SWAT and various emergency vehicles to a rural area in Texas, authorities said Sunday.

Uvalde County Sheriff Charlie Mendeke said Dylan Westerburg gunned down his mother Friday afternoon in their home near Uvalde, about 85 miles west of San Antonio. He then went next door and killed two brothers, Arthur and Phinny Norton, Mendeke said.   Continue reading “Sheriff: Texas teen kills mom, 2 neighbors, then himself”

The Economic Populist – by Robert Oak

The January 2016 unemployment report is being reported as nothing but good news.  The official unemployment rate is 4.9%, a rate not seen since February 2008.  This is the weird month where annual population adjustments are applied and not backwards adjusted.  Therefore January to December comparisons are not valid.  Still, there are some trends to look at.  The labor participate rate is a very low 62.7% and those not counted in the unemployment rate who say they want a job is almost six million.  Overall, this month’s CPS report shows a mediocre unemployment situation for most, in spite of the official unemployment rate breaking five percent.   Continue reading “Unemployment Report Starts the Year By Breaking the 5% Unemployment Rate Barrier, Big Deal”

Yahoo News

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck southern Taiwan early Saturday, toppling at least one high-rise residential building and trapping people inside. Firefighters rushed to pull out survivors.

Firefighters scrambled to the site with ladders, cranes and other equipment and pulled survivors from the building in the southern city of Tainan, footage from local TV broadcasters showed. It was unclear how many people were trapped inside. Some reports said dozens or scores of people might have been in the building at the time of the collapse.   Continue reading “Strong quake hits Taiwan, many trapped in toppled building”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick, Feb 3, 2016

About an hour ago, representatives from 12 different nations officially signed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) agreement in Auckland, New Zealand. The date, February 4th (New Zealand time) is noteworthy, because it’s 90 days after the official text was released. There was a 90 day clock that was required between releasing the text and before the US could actually sign onto the agreement. The stated purpose of this 90 day clock was in order to allow “debate” about the agreement. Remember, the entire agreement was negotiated in secret, with US officials treating the text of the document as if it were a national security secret (unless you were an industry lobbyist, of course). So as a nod to pretend “transparency” there was a promise that nothing would be signed for 90 days after the text was actually released.    Continue reading “Countries Sign The TPP… Whatever Happened To The ‘Debate’ We Were Promised Before Signing?”

What is Bundy’s Militia really fighting for?

Losing American Land – by Shawn

Uranium One has purchased Uranium thru Hillary Clinton. Thats a problem all by itself. But lets look at the situation with mining the Uranium. First off everyone needs to look at the environmental impact statement of whatever company will be mining the Uranium and look at the mitigation statement of the same.

More than likely there is a huge impact statement plus a large amount of land mitigation. (put land into conservation for said impact) If the Uranium deposit is as large as it appears to be then the mitigation of land will be huge. In simple terms if the land will be affected by mining then an equal or larger amount of land must be put in conservation in order to mitigate the impact of said operation.   Continue reading “Uranium One and Eastern Oregon….”

Yahoo News – by Jack Smith IV, Mic

Robots, algorithms and machines sometimes seem designed to destroy us. They take our jobs, manipulate our Facebook News Feeds and rain death on foreign nations from across the world. But some robots can be heroes, saving us from the dreary agents of capitalism.

The Jolly Roger is such a bot, designed to lead telemarketers down a rhetorical maze to keep them busy until they’re at their wits’ end while you go on about your day.

Continue reading “Dial This Number Next Time You Get a Telemarketing Call, Then Watch Chaos Reign”

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With so many survival bags that cover a variety of disaster scenarios (bug out bags, get home bags, everyday carry kits), why would we need another one? Well, because different people prepare for different things and many realize that smaller emergencies are also prep-worthy.

In this article, I’d like to tackle the issue of a prolonged power outage, specifically, how it can occur and how you can protect from it by having a lights out box, also known as a lights out kit.   Continue reading “Here’s How to Make a Lights Out Box”

Fox News Latino

A dramatic video in Mexico shows at least six police officers running away from cartel members who ended up murdering a businessman as his family watched in horror.

The man’s family reached out to police for help when a group of gunmen showed up at their house in Cristo Rey, Sinaloa and dragged him out of the house, according to local newspaper Noroeste. But instead of helping the family, the officers showed up, saw they were outmanned, and ran away, cell phone video captured by the family shows.   Continue reading “6 Mexican cops run from cartel hitmen who execute man in front of his family”

Breitbart – by John Hayward

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ voters will not be amused to learn that the Democratic National Committee awarded six deadlocked precincts, out of 99 precincts total, to Hillary Clinton with a literal coin toss.

She won all six of the coin tosses. The odds against winning six out of six coin flips are 64-to-1 against, or 1.56 percent.   Continue reading “Lucky? Hillary Clinton Wins All 6 Coin Tosses In Iowa, Taking Narrow Delegate Lead”

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Sovereign Man – by Simon Black

In case you missed it, yesterday we alerted you that the United States government has now officially accumulated $19 trillion in debt.

This time it took them just 427 days of printing to pile on this last trillion dollars, compared to the over 75,000 days it took to rack up the first trillion dollars in debt.   Continue reading “Infographic visualizing America’s new $19 trillion debt”

The Daily Signal – by Natalie Johnson, January 25, 2016

Lawmakers from Utah are backing a public lands bill they say will scale back roughly 660 million acres owned by the federal government to balance conservation with economic development in their state.

The Utah Public Lands Initiative encompasses 18 million acres of federal land in Utah and includes provisions to expand Arches National Park, designate acreage for recreation and economic development, and build a new national monument.   Continue reading “Utah Plan Would Reduce How Much Land the Federal Government Controls”