New York Times – by CHARLIE SAVAGE

WASHINGTON — The C.I.A. is paying AT&T more than $10 million a year to assist with overseas counterterrorism investigations by exploiting the company’s vast database of phone records, which includes Americans’ international calls, according to government officials.

The cooperation is conducted under a voluntary contract, not under subpoenas or court orders compelling the company to participate, according to the officials. The C.I.A. supplies phone numbers of overseas terrorism suspects, and AT&T searches its database and provides records of calls that may help identify foreign associates, the officials said. The company has a huge archive of data on phone calls, both foreign and domestic, that were handled by its network equipment, not just those of its own customers.   Continue reading “C.I.A. Is Said to Pay AT&T for Call Data”


WASHINGTON – Who, or what, is behind the “purge” of top-level U.S. military officers during the Obama administration, with estimates of the number of senior officers fired during the last five years edging toward 200?

According to Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, formerly the deputy commanding general of the Pacific Command, who has served as a Fox News senior military analyst , a good part of the blame belongs to Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Rampant “political correctness” due to her influence, Vallely tells WND, is now permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.   Continue reading “General blames ‘Night Stalker’ for military purge”

MagharebiaUSA Today – by Ray Locker

The Pentagon may expand its system of propaganda websites aimed at various audiences around the world despite attempts by Congress to kill the program, Special Operations Command documents released Tuesday show.

Tampa-based SOCOM has opened up a search for potential contractors to run the command’s Trans Regional Web Initiative, a collection of news websites run by various combatant commands throughout the world. The command’s request called for any interested companies to send information about how they would continue to maintain the sites or develop new ones.   Continue reading “Special operations may add propaganda websites”

Firing off: Mommy blogger Stephanie Metz's rant about bans on toy guns in school has gone viral, angering many but making the South Dakota 29-year-old a hero to othersDaily Mail

A South Dakota mom’s blog post ranting against her sons’ school’s rules against toy guns has gone viral and won her friends and enemies.

Stephenie Metz, 29, says that, despite a society that might frown more and more on toy guns, she’ll always let her sons play with theirs.

‘I feel like this teaches them to do the things they want to do, while respecting others’ rules and regulations,’ Metz writes in a post that also criticizes bullied girls who ‘contemplate suicide’ and parents who pay too much attention to their children.   Continue reading “Mom’s angry blog against schools stopping boys being boys with controls on toy guns goes viral”

KIRO TV – by Graham Johnson

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash. — Video obtained by KIRO 7 through a public records request shows a Snohomish County Jail inmate questioning the breakfast he was fed that ultimately killed him.

Michael Saffioti, 22, was no career criminal.

He had turned himself in because of an outstanding misdemeanor warrant for marijuana possession.   Continue reading “Man dies of food allergy in Shohomish County Jail”

An Excellent Comment by Cal.

By voting for either Democrat or Republican you are voting for the destruction of the USA and the American people. There is NO difference. They continue on with the polices of the previous administration and add to them more unconstitutional policies. They are both destroying our legitimate government, willingly and treasonously.

You are supposed to vote your conscience, for the person who would uphold the US Constitution, not follow and vote the party line.   Continue reading “A Democrat or Republican Vote is a Vote for the Destruction of the USA”

Homeland Security News Wire

The establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks has made “homeland security” a common phrase and a flourishing industry in the United States. Service providers and manufacturers have benefited by introducing devices and offerings to protect, detect, and react to natural and man-made disasters.

Colleges and universities have also begun to incorporate homeland security into their curriculum. Campbell University has introduced a four-year undergraduate degree in homeland security. Campbell, a private university in Buies Creek, North Carolina previously offered concentrations related to homeland security, but the new major has attracted seventy-five students who declared homeland security as a major.   Continue reading “Colleges incorporate homeland security into their curriculum”

The Daily Caller – by Will Rahn

Bill de Blasio will be the next mayor of the nation’s largest and most important city.

He will be the first Democratic mayor of New York City since 1993, when Rudy Giuliani defeated David Dinkins amid high crime rates and racial strife. De Blasio worked in Dinkins’ City Hall, and prior to that volunteered with the radical socialist Sandinista movement in Nicaragua.   Continue reading “New York City elects socialist mayor, because why not?”

NBC News – by Elizabeth Chuck

After becoming one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana last year, Colorado set another new standard on Tuesday when voters approved a pot sales tax.

Recreational cannabis sales will have a 25 percent tax slapped on them starting Jan. 1, when retailers begin selling pot legally, with 15 percent of that being an excise tax to be used for public school construction projects and 10 percent being a special sales tax to fund enforcement of regulations on the retail marijuana industry.   Continue reading “Colorado votes to tax legal marijuana”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

The Department of Homeland Security is to spend $19 million dollars on a private security force in Wisconsin and Minnesota, an armed unit that must have a “Top Secret” security clearance according to an official solicitation.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the Federal Protective Service, a sub-agency of the DHS, intends to hire “armed Protective Security Officer (PSO) services at various locations throughout the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.”   Continue reading “DHS to Hire “Top Secret” Domestic Security Force”

As Rome burns, Nero is doing it with his horse.

ABC News – by DONNA CASSATA Associated Press

The Senate is moving forward on the first major bill barring workplace discrimination against gays in nearly two decades as Americans’ shifting views about homosexuality have significantly changed the political dynamic.

Seven Republicans and 54 Democrats stood together Monday and cleared the bill past its first hurdle on a 61-30 procedural vote, setting the stage for debate on Tuesday and possible passage by week’s end. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would prohibit workplace discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.   Continue reading “Senate Moves Ahead on Gay Rights Bill”

Police secure the area after reports that a gunman fired shots at the Garden State Plaza mall in Paramus, New Jersey, November 4, 2013. REUTERS-Ray StubblebineReuters – by Barbara Goldberg

A gunman opened fire in a crowded New Jersey mall late on Monday before killing himself, officials said, sparking a mass evacuation of the complex by police who did not realize he was dead for several hours.

The man shot at least six rounds from a modified rifle seemingly at random and without hitting anyone, before turning the gun on himself in a back area of the mall, Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli told a news conference early on Tuesday.   Continue reading “Gunman kills himself after opening fire in New Jersey mall”

Lead Alum BatteryPrimed Preppers

We’ve all turned the ignition on our cars only to hear nothing when we expect it to crank. Usually we hitch a ride to the auto parts store and grab a new battery and turn in the old one to eliminate the dreaded core charge which is mandated by our lovely government. Before you turn the battery in, let me offer you an alternative use for those old car batteries.    Continue reading “Restore Old Car Batteries Using Alum”