Author: Admin
IntelliHub – by Cassius Methyl
The rights guaranteed by the constitution are being trampled on more, while the public will not stand up yet and demand their rights be returned.
At the Sanger Oaks apartments and other apartment communities in Waco Texas, police officers are participating in a nazi-like ‘Crime Free Housing’ program, where they search apartments, check safety features to make their presence seem necessary, and trample people’s rights while carefully making it seem as if they are doing someone a service. It seems clear that everywhere in the US, the police, agencies of government, DHS, DOJ, DOD, CIA, all of those unnecessary gangs, will expand their powers more and more. Continue reading “Waco TX Police Search Apartment Complexes, For A ‘Crime Prevention and Safety Inspection’- The Police State Grows”
Raw Story – by Agence France-Presse
Scientists proposed developing a more potent strain of the deadly H7N9 bird flu on Wednesday to examine how mutant forms might spread among humans, a topic that has stoked global alarm in the past.
The announcement came a day after Chinese scientists reported the first likely case of person-to-person transmission of the H7N9 virus, which has killed 43 of the 134 people infected since March according to official figures. Continue reading “Researchers propose new experiments on mutant bird flu”
Republican Herald – by JOHN E. USALIS
FRACKVILLE – The attorney for Gilberton’s suspended police chief said Tuesday that a councilman went door-to-door last week to encourage opposition to the chief.
Joseph P. Nahas, attorney for Chief Mark Kessler, held a press conference Tuesday at his office in Frackville and said that since the July 31 council meeting at which Kessler was suspended, he has obtained “alarming information” about a councilman. Continue reading “Gilberton police chief defends his actions”
The police chief of a small Pennsylvania borough has been temporarily removed from his post, but his opponents are far from satisfied. Now residents of a sparsely populated former coal town are asking the feds to intervene in fear of an armed revolt.
Gilberton, Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler made international headlines last month when his personal, profanity laced YouTube videos went viral, in turn exposing the world to a lawman seemingly intent with defending his Second Amendment right by any means necessary. Continue reading “Propaganda Alert: Pennsylvanians ask feds to help disarm intimidating small-town militia”
Information Liberation – by Tim Cushing
There are rules for the common people and rules for their “leaders,” and only in rare cases do the same rules cover both. Chris Morran at the Consumerist points out how politicians (yet again) are being allowed to ignore the same laws that affect their constituents. Colorado legislators are immune from speeding tickets and parking tickets thanks to the special plates issued to lawmakers — ones that aren’t included in the DMV database. Continue reading “Lawmakers Issued License Plates That Make Them ‘Invisible’ To Traffic Cams And Parking Tickets”
9 News Colorado – by Will Ripley
CASTLE ROCK – Retired Marine Art Dorsch says his Second Amendment rights are in danger.
His apartment complex, the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, sent out a notice telling all residents to get rid of their guns.
The 77-year-old retired US Marine Corps veteran sent a news tip to 9Wants to Know saying he’s afraid he’ll be homeless if he doesn’t comply. Continue reading “Castle Rock apartment tenants told they must get rid of their guns”
Dr. Jim Willie, Publisher of “The Hat Trick Letter,” says, “We’re leading up to a big event. We are having breakdowns in numerous structural elements of the financial system. We’re seeing a chain reaction of breakdown events in progress.”
Fed Chief Ben Bernanke talked about tapering the money printing to buy bonds two months ago. Continue reading “Chain Reaction of Breakdowns in Progress-Dr. Jim Willie”
The US Department of Justice is investigating the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for using invasive surveillance techniques, including wiretapping and logging telephone records into a database, to track Americans connected to illegal drug activity.
It comes after Reuters published a Monday report revealing that a shadowy DEA unit known as the Special Operative Division (SOD) – made up of officials from the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and Department of Homeland Security – funnels information gathered by the DEA to those and other police agencies. Information from DEA wiretaps, informants, and the database of telephone records is passed on, often to investigations bearing no relevance to national security. Continue reading “US drug agency unit to be investigated for wiretapping, lying about evidence sources”
After mocking U.S. law, a group of illegal immigrants who self-deported in a publicity stunt will get a crack at asylum because the Obama administration has determined they have a “credible fear of persecution or torture” in their native Mexico.
It would be laughable if it wasn’t so enraging. This new fear of persecution and torture was notably absent a few weeks ago when the group of illegal immigrants, known as the “Dream 9,” voluntarily flew across the border into Mexico to protest the deportations of thousands of their comrades. A group known as National Immigrant Youth Alliance organized and promoted the event and the mainstream media quickly labeled it a “brazen protest.” Continue reading “U.S. May Give Self-Deported “Dreamers” Asylum”
Even though Bank of America execs appear to have avoided criminal prosecution for their part in the recent economic collapse, BofA continues to be slapped upside its head with civil suits for its bad behavior. The latest comes from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, which sued BofA and a number of its affiliates, alleging the defendants misled investors by telling them that mortgage-backed securities were A-OK, when in fact they were more toxic than a house full of lead paint and asbestos. Continue reading “DOJ Sues Bank of America For Lying About Sketchy Mortgage-Backed Securities”
AlterNet – by Nicole Flatow, Think Progress
As law enforcement officers continue to ramp up use of a controversial practice known as civil forfeiture, police are seizing cash, cars, houses, and other assets in the name of drug enforcement without ever having arrested or charged their owners with a crime. Funds collected from these seizures frequently go directly back into law enforcement, creating a dangerous profit incentive for police and other law enforcers. Continue reading “Shocking Stories of Police Taking Cash, Cars, Even Infants from People Never Accused of a Crime”
CNN – by Elise Labott and Mohammed Tawfeeq
A pair of suspected U.S. drone strikes killed four al Qaeda militants in Yemen as the United States maintained a heightened security alert in the country and urged all Americans to leave immediately.
Security sources told CNN about the strikes but didn’t offer additional details. A Yemeni official said four drone strikes have been carried out in the past 10 days. Continue reading “Drone strikes kill militants in Yemen; Americans urged to leave”
End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert
A police helicopter and two patrol cars were dispatched in response to Jordan McManus of Phoenix, Arizona photographing a federal courthouse while open carrying a .45 caliber pistol, as seen in a video uploaded on August 6, 2013.
It’s quite surprising that, as McManus wrote, “Nothing dramatic ever really happened,” especially given the some officers’ response to being filmed, as I thoroughly outlined in a recent article. Continue reading “Helicopter, cruisers dispatched in response to man open carrying, taking pictures of federal courthouse”
Freeman’s Perspective – by Paul Rosenburg
Every now and then I like to look at government numbers and see what they really mean. I ran into this batch several months ago but hadn’t had time to play with them till now. What I found shocked me so badly that I ran them three times on a calculator and once using exponents. As you’ll see below, these are “Oh my God” numbers.
Here are facts: Continue reading “Why are your Children Buying Houses for Ben Bernanke?”
Beyond the Mainstream – by orwellwasright
It is perceived wisdom throughout the Western world – particularly America – that the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was “necessary” to end the war with Japan. Printed throughout textbooks in the post-war world, the understanding is that, had these targets not been struck, the war would have waged on indefinitely, with potentially untold American soldier and Japanese civilian deaths.
As the world commemorates the 68th anniversary of the attacks, however, it is important to take a step back and view the catastrophic event not through the prism of propaganda and mythologizing, but instead through the lens of historical scrutiny. For, as if often the case, the disparity between “Official History” and reality is characterized by lies and deceptions bolstered by patriotism and American exceptionalism. Continue reading “Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Big Historical Lie”