Monday Morning  In a riveting interview on CNBC, legendary investor Jim Rogers warned Americans to prepare for “Financial Armageddon,” saying he fully expects the economy to implode after the U.S. election.

Rogers, who for years has been an outspoken critic of the Feds policies of “Quantitative Easing,” says the world is “drowning in too much debt.” He put the blame squarely on U.S. and European governments for abusing their “license to print money.” In the U.S. alone, the national debt has surged to nearly $16 trillion, that’s more than $50,000 for every American man, woman and child.
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The End Run  Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly toldIreland’s Herald earlier today.
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The Economic Collapse  If you want to figure out what is going to happen next in the financial markets, carefully watch what the insiders are doing.  Those that are “connected” have access to far better sources of information than the rest of us have, and if they hear that something big is coming up they will often make very significant moves with their money in anticipation of what is about to happen.

Right now, Wall Street insiders and central banks all around the globe are making some very unusual moves.  In fact, they appear to be rapidly preparing for something really big.  So exactly what are they up to?
Continue reading “Startling Evidence That Central Banks And Wall Street Insiders Are Rapidly Preparing For Something BIG”

The Examiner – by Gregory Patin  Over the past five years at least 49 people in 16 American cities have drawn the ire of authorities for coloring things with chalk. Most were arrested for sketching designs or writing messages on public streets or sidewalks.

On Saturday in Madison, Steve Books, a long-time Veterans for Peace activist, wrote “This is far, far, far from over” in chalk on a sidewalk next to the Capitol building. As a result, he was taken away in handcuffs by Capitol Police and issued a citation for “conduct otherwise prohibited” under Wisconsin Administrative Code 2.14 that in Books’ case carries a fine of $205.05.
Continue reading “The war on chalk”

Yahoo News  A nearly 400-foot deep sinkhole in Louisiana has swallowed all of the trees in its area and enacted a mandatory evacuation order for about 150 residences for fear of potential radiation and explosions.

The 400-square-foot gaping hole is in Assumption Parish, La., about 50 miles south of Baton Rouge.

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RT News  Two strong quakes have shaken northern Iran, leaving at least 40 dead and 400 injured, Reuters reports. The quake has also disrupted communications, complicating the rescue efforts.

The quakes, measuring 6.4 and 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck near the towns of Tabriz and Ahar. However, most of the dead are thought to be in the surrounding villages.
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Resister in the Rockies –  by Ironwill  The line between military and ‘peace officers’ ‘Law Enforcement Officers’ continues to be blurred.

Latest example is Anaheim, California; Home of The Happiest Place on Earth. 

In an effort to prevent protestors from reaching Disneyland, who were marching against the shooting of an unarmed man by the Anaheim police, horse mounted patrols and officers in full ACU (Army Combat Uniform) battle dress were sent out to quell the march.
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Blacklisted News  The U.S. Government has been caught conducting an insane amount of vile, inhumane and grisly experiments on humans without their consent and often without their knowledge. So in light of recent news of the U.S. infecting Guatemalans with STDs, here are the 13 most evil, for lack of a better word, cases of human-testing as conducted by the United States of America. Get ready to become one of those conspiracy theory nuts, because after this list, you will never fully trust your government again.
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RT News  Up to three more US attack submarines, a squadron of 12 B-52 bombers, 5,000 marines and missile defense systems may be deployed to the US territory of Guam. The suggested buildup could signal Obama’s Pacific strategy is beginning to shift into full gear.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank submitted a report to Congress last week outlining plans to turn Guam – located on the eastern edge of the Philippine Sea – into a veritable US fortress in the Pacific, Pacific Daily News reports.
Continue reading “Bombers away! More US subs and missile defense in Pacific?”

Hang the Bankers  Geo-engineers are finally coming out of the “chemtrail” closet, as reports are now emerging about deliberate plans in the works to dump untold tons of sulfate chemicals into the atmosphere for the purported purpose of fighting so-called “global warming.”

The U.K.’s Guardian and others are reporting that a multi-million dollar research fund, which just so happens to have been started and funded by Microsoft founder and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates, is being used to fund the project. A large balloon hovering at 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico, will release the sulfates into the atmosphere within the next year.
Continue reading “Bill Gates admits to chemtrails”

Freedom Fighters Unite  On November 5th 2012

WE THE PEOPLE will March on Washington DC peacefully and unarmed to arrest all members of congress, the president, and all supreme court justices where they will be held without bond until a full independent investigation and trial have been completed. We must re-elect our government within 90 days in order to stave of unrest.
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Humans are Free  Instead of making preparations for the 2012 London Olympics, the United Kingdom seems to be preparing for war — fueling even more the speculations of a false flag terrorist attack.

The UK’s military is currently deploying some of the most effective surface-to-air missiles in the world, the Rapier missile systems, at a number of sites across the capital. This makes me wonder: what kind of “terrorists” are they really expecting, and why is the press allowed to disclose the location of the AA installations?
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Sky News  US security agents are to be based at Heathrow and some other UK airports for the duration of the ‪Olympic‬ Games, according to Sky sources.

The Department for Transport has reached an agreement with the US Transportation Security Administration for specialist agents to be work at several UK airports.
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RT News It’s official: starting Saturday, Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) may use “lethal force” against any unauthorized craft, including passenger jets, caught violating London airspace during the Olympics.

The no-fly zone is the latest in security measures that have been criticized for putting Londoners at further risk from terrorist attacks rather than protecting them.

The RAF warned that rogue aircraft that stray into the no-fly zone above London could be shot down.
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