Lew Rockwell – by Joachim Hagopian

At this 11th hour 59th minute while we’re still alive, we must do everything in our collective power as peace-loving citizens of the world to stop the madness bent on destroying life on planet earth. An unbroken stream of treasonous Washington neocons from the seamless Bush-Clinton-Obama ad nauseam regime is recklessly pushing humanity off the doomsday cliff. The DC despots have already lit the now burning fuse countdown to World War III against the Russian-Chinese-Iranian Eastern alliance. If we passively wait any longer, millions will soon be dying and our planet may lay in apocalyptic ruin.   Continue reading “US Lights Fuse in Syria to World War III Countdown”

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

Research scientist Anthony Samsel has confirmed that glyphosate, a key active chemical in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup®, has been found in most vaccines! In this video, we hear Dr Samsel reciting his findings.   Continue reading “Another Vaccine “Bombshell” Glyphosate – Think Monsanto’s Roundup – Confirmed In Most Vaccines”


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has proposed a “rule” giving them the power to apprehend and detain anyone, anywhere, at any time, without Due Process or any right of appeal, and to hold that person in quarantine for as long as the CDC wants — and no one can refuse them!  Editor’s Opinion:  It looks as though the CDC is about to get familiarized with the Second Amendment if they try this tyrannical crap . . .  and perhaps start being shot dead as they attempt such a grotesque endeavor!    Continue reading “CDC Proposes Rule to Apprehend and Detain anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any duration, without Due Process or right of Appeal – and administer FORCED Vaccinations!”