Reuters – by Tulay Karadeniz

Turkey said a suspected Syrian air strike had killed three of its soldiers overnight, in what appeared to be the first Turkish casualties at the hands of the Damascus government’s forces since Ankara launched an incursion into Syria three months ago.

The attack occurred at around 3:30 am during a Turkish-backed Syrian rebel operation in northern Syria, the Turkish military said in a statement on Thursday.   Continue reading “Turkish army says suspected Syrian air strike kills three soldiers”

The Detroit News

Michael Banerian wants to show that young adults still have faith in the political system, but he said his selection as one of Michigan’s 16 Electoral College voters has prompted emails urging him to vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and even threatening death.

On Dec. 19, the 22-year-old Banerian is scheduled to join 15 other Michiganians to cast their electoral votes for Republican President-elect Donald Trump. But Trump’s opponents have deluged Banerian and other GOP electors with pleas and nasty emails to reverse course and cast their ballots for Clinton, according to the Michigan Republican Party.   Continue reading “Michigan electors cite threats over Trump vote”

Jon Rappoport

“If Donald Trump can help her [Hillary] heal, then perhaps that’s a good thing to do.” —Kellyanne Conway, former Trump campaign manager

Donald Trump achieved two great things in his presidential campaign: he stopped Hillary Clinton from occupying the White House, and he ran against the media by attacking them mercilessly.

Everything else is up for grabs. We will see.   Continue reading “Trump won’t prosecute Hillary: politics in the Matrix”


Rampant rumors sparked by comments from Trump underlings were laid to rest this afternoon when Donald Trump explicitly told the New York Times “No” when asked if he is taking investigations of the Clintons off the table!

Web sites across the US reeled with shock and dismay earlier Tuesday after Trump underlings, appearing on an MSNBC television program, said they understood Trump would not be prosecuting any crimes involving Hillary (or Bill) Clinton.   It turns out that “their understanding” was wrong.   Continue reading ““No.” Trump PERSONALLY Tells NY Times he is NOT taking Clinton Investigations Off the Table”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After Trump stunned the nation during the second presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, in which he quipped that under a Trump presidency “she would be in jail”, and suggested that he would demand a special prosecutor probe into Clinton’s email server and the Clinton foundation, moments ago MSNBC’s Morning Joe reported, citing a source, that president-elect Donald Trump will not pursue any investigations into his former political rival Hillary Clinton “for her use of a private email server and the Clinton foundation.”

Trump reportedly feels that Clinton has “been through enough.”   Continue reading “Trump Won’t Pursue Charges Against Hillary: “She’s Been Through Enough””

World Tribune

Iran’s ayatollahs are “the principal threat to international peace and security in the Middle East,” according to John Bolton, said to be under consideration for a Cabinet post in the Trump administration.

Bolton told Breitbart News Daily on Nov. 17 that the only “long-term solution” to erasing the threat Iran poses to the Middle East is regime change.   Continue reading “John Bolton calls for regime change in Iran, warns Obama on Israel”

Loyal Books

During the period of debate over the ratification of the Constitution, numerous independent local speeches and articles were published all across the country. Initially, many of the articles in opposition were written under pseudonyms, such as “Brutus”, “Centinel”, and “Federal Farmer”. Eventually, famous revolutionary figures such as Patrick Henry came out publicly against the Constitution. Continue reading “The Anti-Federalist Papers – Audiobook”

Fitzpatrick Informer – by Timothy Fitzpatrick

Trump’s 9/11 lie about dancing Muslims helps Mossad coverup

Late last year, Donald Trump re-affirmed the official 9/11 story, carefully designed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak[i] and Israel’s Mossad, perpetuated by the Jewish-dominated American media. He lied about a very important event in the 9/11 story, what has come to be known as the “Dancing Israelis”.   Continue reading “Trump controlled by the Mossad – Part II”

The Unz Review – by Linh Dinh

Universally, Trump was depicted as an anti-establishment candidate. Washington and Wall Street hated him, and the media were deployed to vilify him endlessly. If they could not discredit Trump enough, surely they would steal the election from him. Some even suggested Trump would be assassinated.

Acting the part, Trump charged repeatedly that the election was rigged, and he was right, of course. During the primaries, Hillary Clinton received debate questions in advance from CNN. More seriously, 30 states used voting machines that could easily be hacked.   Continue reading “The Trump Ploy”

Discover the Networks

Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF) include the following. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the “Groups” section of   Continue reading “Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations”


Nothing about Donald Trump’s candidacy for the presidency was normal. After all, he defeated more than a dozen recognized names in the Republican Party – even after he refused to promise he would support the GOP candidate if it wasn’t him.

Nor was his stunning-to-many election victory over Hillary Clinton, an icon of one of the most powerful political families in the nation, routine. He won states that Republicans had not won in decades.   Continue reading “Trump Transition Web Site Gives Lengthy Mention of “10th Amendment””

The Fascist vs Commi war created by the rich men.  Clearly, the fix is in to destroy America!  The same politics and corruption that was endemic in Germany is now on Americas doorstep.  It is calculated to pit the Blue Shits against the Red Shits.  Evangelicals are backing the Fascist Red-shits just like they did Hitler and the Commi Blue-shit bastards are polluting the well.  A small minority of rich wicked oligarchs and bankers are behind the entire plot of destruction and war manipulating both sides.  Men are pushing for peace and prosperity but only division, strife and war is their end game.  We are being played just like Germany, two-ends destroying the middle…think about it.  History again repeating itself, there is nothing new about this mouse trap.     Continue reading “Red-Shits vs Blue-Shits”

Redoubt News – by April Kiessling

Defendants in Oregon’s Malheur Refuge Occupation case have been imprisoned and charged with a multitude of high crimes and misdemeanors by federal and state agents. As the wheels of justice slowly grind, they find their most formidable foe may not be the FBI, embedded informants or a biased press – but their judge.   Continue reading “Judge Anna J. Brown’s War on the Constitution”

Breitbart – by Deborah Danan

TEL AVIV – Donald Trump told a Republican rally in Jerusalem on Wednesday that he loves Judaism and will work to make “America and Israel safe again.”

“I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish tradition and it’s important we have a president who feels the same way,” Trump said in a video message via satellite to several hundred Israelis and Americans who had gathered for the event.   Continue reading “Trump Tells GOP Rally In Jerusalem He’ll ‘Make Israel, U.S. Safe Again’”