The Journal – by Robert Johnson

A NEW DOCUMENTARY called Unclaimed claims to introduce the world to former Army Sergeant John Robertson, lost over Vietnam in 1968 and left behind for over four decades.

The Toronto Star reports Edmonton filmmaker Michael Jorgenson found Robertson, 76, living in a rural Vietnam village stooped with age, unable to speak English, remember his birthday, or names of the children he left behind in the U.S.   Continue reading “This US soldier ‘found alive’ in Vietnam 44 years after being left behind”

U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn (2nd R).(Reuters / Jim Young)RT News

Scared that CISPA might pass? The federal government is already using a secretive cybersecurity program to monitor online traffic and enforce CISPA-like data sharing between Internet service providers and the Department of Defense.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center has obtained over 1,000 pages of documents pertaining to the United States government’s use of a cybersecurity program after filing a Freedom of Information Act request, and CNET reporter Declan McCullagh says those pages show how the Pentagon has secretly helped push for increased Internet surveillance.   Continue reading “Obama administration bypasses CISPA by secretly allowing Internet surveillance”

Vigilant Citizen

The IRS is probably the most hated institution in America – mainly because its primary role is to force people to hand over their hard-earned cash. This modern equivalent of the proverbial tax collector indeed collects money from American workers and gives it to a government that will, in turn, use this money to send drones abroad or to build information superstructures to better monitor these same workers. What’s not to like?   Continue reading “Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland”

Huffington Post – by Luis Andres Henao

SANTIAGO, Chile — Chilean police on Thursday arrested four people accused of burning a baby alive in a ritual because the leader of the sect believed that the end of the world was near and that the child was the antichrist.

The 3-day-old baby was taken to a hill in the town of Colliguay near the Chilean port of Valparaiso on Nov. 21 and was thrown into a bonfire. The baby’s mother, 25-year-old Natalia Guerra, had allegedly approved the sacrifice and was among those arrested.   Continue reading “Baby Burned Alive: Chile Arrests 4 Accused Of Killing Child For Being ‘Antichrist’ In Ritual Sacrifice”

Libertarian Politics – by James F. Davis

The nail in the coffin of the US War on Drugs is a medical marijuana patent owned by the federal government. At least, it should have been the fatal mistake of a dying concept, but it wasn’t. Instead, the War on Drugs has sloshed onward, buoyed largely by the predation of the government on marijuana users based on the claim that the plant has no medical value. At the very least the feds could change their argument to the reality of the situation, which essentially boils down to the idea that even if marijuana does have medical uses, the government has secured a monopoly on any potential profits.   Continue reading “US Patent 6630507: The Nail in the Drug War Coffin?”

White House Dossier – by KEITH KOFFLER

President Obama this afternoon [Monday] will observe a moment of silence for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings, with a twist: the press and the American people will be barred from seeing it.

From the White House:   Continue reading “Obama to Observe Moment of Silence . . . in Private”

Information Clearinghouse – by Dave Lindorff

I’m not a conspiracy-minded person, but something definitely stinks about this whole Boston Marathon bombing story.

From what we’re reading about the case, the FBI had for two years been investigating Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old older brother killed during a shootout between police and the two brothers, Tamerlan and 19-year-old Dzhokhar. They had interviewed Tamerlan in his home, warned him they were watching what he ate, what he looked at on his computer, etc. They knew he had gone to Dagestan and Chechnya.   Continue reading “Something’s Rotten in Boston Who’s Investigating the FBI Investigators?”

Activist Post – by Stephen Lendman

False flags are an American tradition. They go way back. The Boston bombings appear the latest. More on that below.

Notable earlier false flags or incidents approximating them include:

In 1845, America lawlessly annexed Texas. It was Mexican territory. President James Polk deployed US troops. A future president led them. General Zachary Taylor paraded them along the disputed border.   Continue reading “Anatomy of a False Flag”

Three-quarter_armor_for_cuirassier - CopyWe the People – by Miri, April 12, 2013

In early March, Dana Loesch first reported how a Missourian had uncovered some very troubling facts with regard to the way that information about concealed carry permit holders is handled in Missouri (MO).  The citizen went to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to have his driver’s license updated with his concealed carry status. There he encountered a clerk who insisted that he provide identifying documents, such as a birth certificate, and allow them to be scanned.  He understood that the scanned images would be transmitted to a third-party vendor as well as to the the U.S. Department of Homeland Security(DHS).   Continue reading ““The Eric Holder Gun Registry”: The Plot Thickens in Missouri”

Unwarranted SmugnessAngry White Dude – by RedSlaterNYC

Question: What do you get when you cross a libtard with a libertarian?

Answer: A libtard.

Decades ago, Christopher Lasch—historian, moralist, and social critic—saw narcissism as the “signal disorder of contemporary American culture.” I believe the behavior of trolls—and the abundance of them—bears him out.   Continue reading “Troll of the Week: Biffy the Paleo Slayer”

FBI RAIDThe the People

Our friend and diligent researcher and the person responsible for exposing several of  Obama’s fraudulent activities  in several venues was interviewed, hand-cuffed and had his property removed by the FBI.     Al Hendershot  found Obama’s alias of  Harrison J. Bounel ,  Obama’s non-payment of taxes on a home in Chicago that he does not own, and the  Obama’s use of multiple social security numbers.   In addition, he  has worked with Jerome Corsi and the Cold Case Posse on the ineligiblity issue related to the Usurper.   Continue reading “FBI Raids Blogger Over Obama Ineligibility Evidence”