ListVerse – by Marc V.

We’ve previously discussed some of those tactics so crazy and unconventional that they had to work. Now, let’s train the limelight on some of the most daring deceptions that succeeded in the battlefield, and (of course) marvel at the people with the sheer audacity and ingenuity to pull them off.   Continue reading “10 Bold Battlefield Deceptions That Actually Worked”

Breitbart – by Brandon Darby

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush insisted that many of the instances of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. were “acts of love.” Though many of the human beings who enter the U.S. illegally or overstay their legally permitted time in the U.S. are doing so to earn more resources and provide for families, many of the illegal immigrants who come into the U.S. are doing so for highly criminal reasons–a fact often left out of the discussion or otherwise barely mentioned.   Continue reading “40 ‘Acts of Love’ and Counting”

CenturyLink – by KEN RITTER 

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Images of a forced cattle roundup on a rural Nevada range sent ripples through the West on Friday, prompting elected officials in several states to weigh in, militia members to mobilize and federal land managers to reshape elements of the operation.

Bureau of Land Management officials dismantled designated protest areas Thursday and Nevada’s governor urged calm as the fight over rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle widened into a debate about states’ rights and federal land-use policy.   Continue reading “Ripples of Nevada range showdown spreading in West”

The Best Linux Distributions For Windows XP RefugeesMake Use Of – by Danny Steiben

Are you a Windows XP user needing to upgrade your operating system? Do you dislike the idea of Windows 8, or are you hesitant to spend any money? For many people, installing a Linux operating system onto their computer is a sufficient and free way to keep your computer running and still get security updates.

But there are a lot of Linux distributions, or “flavors”, out there. If you’re new to the Linux world, which distributions would be best for you?   Continue reading “The Best Linux Distributions For Windows XP Refugees”

CenturyLink – by Gene Johnson

SEATTLE (AP) — After a year of requests, the U.S. Justice Department said Thursday it is giving Washington state access to an FBI database so it can conduct nationwide background checks on people who apply to run legal marijuana businesses.

In a statement first provided to The Associated Press, the department said allowing the checks is consistent with its priorities in letting legal marijuana experiments in Washington and Colorado move forward — including keeping people with troublesome criminal histories out of the industry.   Continue reading “Feds OK pot background checks by Washington state”

90 Miles From Tyranny

The Obamas’ three day trip to Ireland last June cost the taxpayer more than $7.6million, it was revealed today.

Michelle Obama spent more than $251,000 of taxpayers’ money on a sightseeing jaunt to Dublin, Ireland while the first family was the official trip to Belfast, Northern Ireland.
She stayed in the $3,300-per-night ‘Princess Grace’ presidential suite at Dublin’s tony Shelbourne Hotel, a sumptuous two-bedroom, two-bathroom lodging that measures 1,530 square feet and includes butler service and its own dining room.   Continue reading “The Obamas’ three-day trip to Ireland in 2013 cost taxpayers $7.6 million, and Michelle’s gigantic suite cost $3,300 per night”

AlJazeera – by Jason Leopold

A Senate Intelligence Committee report provides the first official confirmation that the CIA secretly operated a black site prison out of Guantánamo Bay, two U.S. officials who have read portions of the report have told Al Jazeera.

The officials — who spoke on condition of anonymity because the 6,600-page report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program remains classified — said top-secret agency documents reveal that at least 10 high-value targets were secretly held and interrogated at Guantánamo’s Camp Echo at various times from late 2003 to 2004. They were then flown to Rabat, Morocco, before being officially sent to the U.S. military’s detention facility at Guantánamo in September 2006.   Continue reading “Revealed: Senate Report Contains New Details on CIA Black Sites”


CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) — A Pentagon spokesman said Wednesday that the fatal shooting of a Marine on guard duty by a colleague at a North Carolina base appears to have been an accident.

Indications point to a “negligent discharge” as the cause of Tuesday’s death in a guard shack at the main gate to Camp Lejeune, Department of Defense spokesman Army Col. Steven Warren told reporters.

“It appears right now to have been an accident,” Warren said.   Continue reading “Pentagon: Shooting at NC base likely accidental”