Image source:  TheBlaze – by Dave Urbanski

Dozens of armed protesters gathered outside a San Antonio police station Sunday to let authorities know they aren’t happy that a man was tased and arrested after openly carrying his rifle while on a walk near his home a week ago, according to KSAT-TV in San Antonio.

Open Carry Texas also was protesting a city ordinance that outlaws carrying loaded weapons within city limits because, members said, state law prohibits municipalities from adopting any such ordinance.   Continue reading “Armed Protesters Gather at Texas Open-Carry Rally After Tasing, Arrest of Man Walking with Loaded Rifle”

The Shaming of the ShrewCrockett Lives

“Like Manchurian candidates, we have been made into Manchurian consumers, who subconsciously buy when we are triggered by our brand masters.” – Bryant H. McGill

Name recognition.  It’s why corporations spend millions plastering their emblems on every stray sporting venue that seats more than 5 people; why jingle writers drive Cadillacs; why, in politics as in nursery schools, rhyme is always more effective than reason; and why Hillary Clinton, according to a March poll conducted by the Associated Press, is viewed more favorably than crab lice by 1,016 randomly chosen American idiots.   Continue reading “The Name Game”

CenturyLink – by JEFFREY COLLINS

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) — A judge sentenced a South Carolina woman to 20 years in prison Friday for killing her 6-week-old daughter with what prosecutors say was an overdose of morphine delivered through her breast milk.

A prosecutor said Stephanie Greene, 39, was a nurse and knew the dangers of taking painkillers while pregnant and breast feeding, instead choosing to conceal her pregnancy from doctors so she could keep getting her prescriptions. She lost her nursing license in 2004 for trying to get drugs illegally.   Continue reading “SC woman gets 20 years in breast feeding overdose”

Prevent Disease – by DAVE MIHALOVIC

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. In fact, it does the opposite. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most chemotherapy patients either die or are plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. It destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and causes organ and metabolic toxicities. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it because it makes money, plain and simple.   Continue reading “97 Percent of The Time, Chemotherapy Does Not Work And Continues To Be Used Only For One Reason”

Activist Post – by Will Kesler

Years ago I discovered to my astonishment, anger and remorse that our government is collecting income tax devoid of legal authority. Therefore, I have publicly refused to file an income tax return for the past 12 years. If brought before a jury of my peers I will rely upon the following evidence.

1. Mens Rea, or “guilty mind,” is a central feature of criminal law. Criminal liability generally requires not only causing a prohibited harm or evil . . . but also a particular state of mind, an act done with bad purpose or evil intent. Therefore, it is essential to substantiate my intent for not filing, which is to:   Continue reading “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”

90 Miles From Tyranny

A politician honored for his gun control efforts is arrested for attempted arms smuggling. He held press conferences denouncing violent video games and helped pass legislation in California prohibiting sales of such games to minors. And yet, secretly, he was living the life of a Grand Theft Auto character.

The downfall of Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco should be an utterly captivating, fascinating story, and the national media should be sinking its teeth into the details. I joked when Yee was first arrested about how he is destined to be parodied in Grand Theft Auto.   Continue reading “The California Senator that lived the life of a Grand Theft Auto character”