In the past two weeks, we have seen the so called immigration debate disappear from the false reality being presented by the elite through the mainstream propaganda.  Indeed until this issue of an attack on Syria is settled and things are allowed to quiet down, I would think the issue will remain, not on the back burner, but in fact completely off the stove.

We the American people have stood up in unison and in defiance of the self-proclaimed dictator Obama and his elitist controllers.  We are seeing the mainstream media scrambling to retain the minutest amount of credibility in trying to emulate the free information machine that the internet has morphed into.    Continue reading “What Happened to Immigration Reform?”

This proposal to attack Syria is unthinkable, as none of those planning it thought it was possible that it could fail so miserably…but it has.  The propaganda campaign to sell another war failed completely as each false assertion was immediately picked apart on the internet and proven absolutely false upon its release.  In fact, the so called mainstream media had to switch their support to condemnation so fast they have been tripping over their own words.  Some even changed their position it seemed, in mid sentence.

Whatever became of that fraudulent opinion poll put out by ABC News and Washington Post?  What was that?  36% of American people support a strike on Syria?  I guess they missed that one by a little bit more than the 3% margin for error.  Just another blatant, bold face lie.   Continue reading “US Attack on Syria – “Unthinkable””

On Monday morning Mark Schumacher, a writer and contributor to this site, suffered an attack and was transported via ambulance to Loveless Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico.   He is now undergoing surgery to remove eleven feet of his intestine.  The doctors were not sure if it is a tumor or diverticulitis.  We will update this as we get more information.

Mark is a long haul truck driver who lives in his truck and has no permanent home.  We here in the Trenches are Mark’s only family.    Continue reading “Get Well Soon, Mark!”

Obama, in a surprising, or maybe not so surprising development, has backed away from his absolutism in his posing as a dictator, saying he will now seek congressional approval for the proposed illegal attack on Syria.  Of course the mainstream propagandists are putting forth the notion that the reason Obama backed off was because of a few “good guys” in the US House and Senate and concern for his legacy.

Obama backed off because the American people once again got right up in his face and let him know that we, as the only true power in this sovereign country, do not give him the authority to act unilaterally as the dictator he would like to be.    Continue reading “Does Obama Fear for his Legacy or his Neck?”

I’ll let Obama speak first and then I will answer his assertions.

Excerpt of Obama’s remarks on US military strikes against Syria:

I have had my military and our team look at a wide range of options.  We have consulted with allies, we have consulted with Congress, been in conversations with all the interested parties and in no event are we considering any kind of military action that would involve boots on the ground, that would involve a long term campaign.  But we are looking at the possibility of a limited, narrow, act that would help make sure that not only Syria, but others around the world understand that the international community cares about maintaining this chemical weapons ban and norm.   Continue reading “US Soviet Premier Obama Addresses the Homeland”

It was recently revealed that foreign nationals entering the United States as guest workers will not be subject the mandates and penalties to be implemented through Obamacare, which is to say businesses cannot be forced to provide coverage and individuals cannot be fined for refusing to purchase healthcare insurance.

This revelation comes on the heels of a rash of exemptions for big labor unions and huge international corporations based in the United States.  It has also been revealed that the Native American population, consisting of 11 million individuals, is also exempt from the dictates contained in the socialist Obamacare.  Our legislators and their staff are exempt.  And one last aspect, the impoverished have also been declared exempt.   Continue reading “Obamacare Revealed as Exclusive Tax on the Middle Class”

On May 2, 2012, J.T. Ready, a militia volunteer and candidate for Pinal County Arizona Sheriff, along with his girlfriend, his girlfriend’s daughter, her fiancée, and their child were murdered by a drug cartel assassination squad at Ready’s home in Gilbert, Arizona.  The mainstream media immediately reported that Ready, who they identified as a white supremacist, had killed his family and himself.

This is probably how the situation would have stood except for the fact that unbeknownst to the media putting out the propaganda, one of Ready’s girlfriend’s daughters had survived the assassination squad by hiding underneath a bed.  The retractions were short and went literally without notice within the general public.    Continue reading “Have the Mexican Drug Cartels Captured Maricopa County Arizona?”

To call what is happening to our beloved Republic anything less than a tragedy would be nothing short of denial.  Here at From the Trenches, we work tirelessly at getting out the information necessary to evaluate the situation and formulate solutions.  We have always promoted other patriot sites as we would have every voice of every true patriot heard by every other patriot.  In our attempt to keep this site pure to its intent, the purity itself has become a problem.  Like anything else in this country, if there is something pure there arises a group of pimps who would whore it for material profit.

The following is a series of comments and emails chronicling one such situation:   Continue reading “Dittos Rush and the Pimping of the Cause of Liberty”


California hasn’t collapsed like a giant Spanish-speaking Detroit yet largely because there are still small businesses that haven’t been driven into bankruptcy or out of the state, providing employment and generating revenue. But the state’s liberal rulers are working on that:   Continue reading “Court Hits California Small Businesses With Massive Retroactive Tax”

Loaded weapon: Michelle Malone and Keith Abrahams were woken at gunpoint when a remote control was mistaken for a firearmMirror

A couple were arrested at gunpoint in the middle of the night when a remote control was mistaken for a firearm.

Michelle Malone, 46, and Keith Abrahams, 44, were woken up by an armed police raid at their home and bundled into a police van.

Cops swooped after reports of a man brandishing a gun in the property – but it turned out to be the TV remote.   Continue reading “Couple arrested in bed by armed police after paramedic mistook remote control for a gun”

bill of rightsSince the 2008 economic collapse, while one small portion of our population has thrived and made record profits, the vast majority of we American people have been experiencing a constant slide into deprivation and poverty.  And what a job the mainstream propaganda machine has done in twisting the reality to make our hardships seem to be shared by the elite, as sure as their prosperity is being shared by the rest of us.

At what point do we, the American nationals, completely cut ties with what has become an illegitimate government?  Because it will take a clean break to facilitate a restitution of the Republic.  In short, we must identify and declare ourselves, while also identifying and declaring our enemies as such.    Continue reading “The US Bill of Rights – Those in Support and Those in Opposition”

revolution2We have acquired and programmed the listen button for Patriot Broadcast From the Trenches.  You will see it located beneath the menu bar under our header.

It would be nice if as many of you as possible would click on the button from as many different places and at as many different times of the day as possible to make sure it is working correctly.   Continue reading “A Message to our Brothers and Sisters in the Trenches”

The United Soviet States Premier Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the South Side of Chicago back alley teleprompter reading con man is now attempting to push the reset button as the past high crimes of his regime have revealed him as the Fabian Socialist he is and has always been.

The POTUS has been touring the United States, asserting duplicity among his political enemies as the cause for the rejection of his communist agendas.  In his prefab speech, Obama refers to the latest attacks upon our people’s rights and the sovereignty of our Republic as “phony scandals”.   Continue reading “Obama and his Phony Scandals”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

A weekend robbery in a racially diverse neighborhood of Washington may have been a hate crime, police said.

“This is for Trayvon Martin,” one of the three black men told a white man as they approached him early Saturday, according to Washington Metropolitan Police Officer Anthony Clay.   Continue reading “Police: Robbers Tell Man, ‘This Is For Trayvon Martin’”

Rolling Stone Runs with Boston Bombing Suspect Cover, Sparks Outrage rollingstoneboston1The front page of Rolling Stone’s August edition features a photograph of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev being portrayed in the mode of a rock star.  The photograph has been causing quite a controversy as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has already been convicted in the mainstream media and any depiction of him as anything other than a maniacal psychotic bomber is seen as a threat to that narrative.

On July 17, 2013 tactical photographer Sergeant Sean Murphy of the Massachusetts Police Department released photos of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s arrest, reportedly in an effort to counter the rock star portrayal put forth by Rolling Stone Magazine.    Continue reading “Why is Police Photographer Sean Murphy under attack for Releasing Photos of Boston Bomber Suspect?”

It would seem that the fraudulent unemployment numbers have become institutionalized as the status quo within the American psyche.  What an accomplishment.  Tell a lie over and over, then tell everyone it is a lie for a little while, then continue telling the lie, and viola, it is accepted as the truth.

What a scam – a bank of 100 million disenfranchised, civilly dead Americans of which you can draw on to support your propaganda.  In June, this bank was used to calm the wave of outrage that would have ensued had the unemployment rate actually dropped again in the face of the reality that most Americans cannot deny.    Continue reading “The United States Republic on the Brink of Collapse”

July 4, 2013:  This day I have witnessed the most outrageous attack upon an idea since the creation of propaganda.  The attack was deliberate and an absolute act of sedition.  July 4th is not the day we have set aside to honor the state’s standing army, though this false assertion was put forth ad nauseum via the mainstream press, working in conjunction with the soviet socialist insurgent actors, posing as the people’s representatives.

July 4th is about revolution, a people’s revolt, against the standing army wherein the original American nationals established, as absolute, their unalienable rights and those of their progeny.  The British Army of conquest lost to the people at large.   Continue reading “4th of July? Or Independence Day?”