Whatever one believes about Edward Snowden, it would seem that the communist propaganda machine is operating at its limits in a last ditch attempt to completely alter our perception of reality.

Those of us in the patriot movement were in no way surprised by the information Snowden brought forth as we have been talking about the reality of the total surveillance apparatus since its inception back in the early days of Echelon.  When we asserted that every telephone call, fax, tweet, and email, literally every stroke on the keyboard is being recorded, we were told we were getting too much sun and our tinfoil hats were overheating our brains.    Continue reading “Edward Snowden and Counter Insurgency”

santa monica takeI had been wondering what exactly all the stimulus money being sent to Hollywood was for and now it is all becoming clear, a mobile acting troop, ready to perpetrate a false flag within 72 hours of receiving request from their soviet socialist financiers.  This latest false flag in Santa Monica is as plain on its face as all of its predecessors, beginning with the assertion that the shooter was carrying 1,300 rounds of .223 ammunition with him as he went on his rampage.

I have to believe that most of you out there know how much this quantity of ammunition would weigh and that if it was being carried with him, he would not have a free hand with which to shoot.   Continue reading “Santa Monica False Flag Pushing the Envelope”


Mr. Conservative – by Kristin Tate

Christine Padilla, a California lawyer, was only sentenced to 48 hours in jail after she hit and killed a nanny pushing a toddler in a stroller, while driving in San Diego.

The 35-year-old attorney was sentenced to 48 hours of jail time, probation, and 180 days of electronic surveillance.

Last month, Padilla pled guilty to vehicular manslaughter and two traffic infractions. She was driving a Toyota 4Runner, and told police she was extremely deprived of sleep when the crash happened on February 1.   Continue reading “Woman Who Killed Nanny And Injured Toddler Only Sentenced To 48 Hours Of Jail Time”

As we enter another week of high crimes being identified as scandals, the fact that the international corporate mafia now operates right out in the open, in defiance of we the people and our laws, has become a reality that none can deny.

Eric Holder is now accused of committing perjury before the House Judiciary Committee.  Perjury before a federal body would land your average American in a federal penitentiary.  So does anyone believe Eric Holder will ever face a charge for any crime he has committed?  Don’t forget that Eric Holder already stands in criminal Contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over public documents to the House Judiciary Committee investigating Fast and Furious.   Continue reading “Eric Holder: One Man’s Crime, Another Man’s Scandal”

On May 4, 2013, Israeli warplanes launch unprovoked attack on Syrian military as Syrian government forces reach the final stages of repelling US Israeli Al Qaeda mercenary invasion into that country.

On May 5, 2013, Israeli warplanes again launch an unprovoked airstrike on the outskirts of Damascus as allegations of chemical weapons being used by the Syrian Army fails to draw the US into the conflict.   Continue reading “Commander in Chief John McCain Commits the US to World War III”

I am bringing forth a series of email correspondence in order to show you people how those claiming to be a part of the movement truly hate From the Trenches because they do not control it.  These are the same people whose stupid decisions have led us to our ruin.

I confronted one of these fellows last year and told him to come to the street in front of my house and I would whip his ass.  He reported me to the Tennessee Fusion Center, which forwarded the complaint to the Oregon Fusion Center.  I received an email saying that the complaint had been dismissed because it lacked validity and the investigator advised me against inviting people to my house to fight.   Continue reading “So Called Patriots Who Hate From the Trenches”

worldIn just one short week, the political climate across the United States has been redirected from gun control, immigration, and gay rights to Benghazi, AP wiretapping, and IRS coercions.  The psyche in this country has become volatile and the enemies of our Republic know it.  Every move the socialists make, designed to kowtow or manipulate the people back into a state of control, is backfiring.

The communists flex their little girly man muscles and the result is more preppers, more gun and ammo purchases, and more patriots coming forth to announce that they are ready to fight, kill, and die if necessary to restore the people’s Bill of Rights.   Continue reading “International Corporate Mafia, The Ball is in Your Court”

Kansas recently passed legislation designed to preempt confiscation of firearms under federal law, which, said state legislation declares as unconstitutional.  The Kansas legislation even goes so far as to say that zero infringement on the 2nd Article of the Bill of Rights is the standard in reference to any and all firearms manufactured within its sovereign territory.

Other states such as Missouri have passed similar legislation which is now the law in those sovereign states.  So, are the pro 2nd Article states making the appropriate moves to put the communist insurgency in checkmate in reference to the right of we the people to own and bear arms?  Well, not quite.    Continue reading “Washington Scandals Smoke Screen for Gun Confiscation”

File:Sativa.jpgBefore It’s News – by Alton Parish

Current marijuana users have 16 percent lower fasting insulin levels compared to non-users, according to the American Journal of Medicine

Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. They found that current marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, even after excluding patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Their findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Medicine.   Continue reading “Marijuana Users Have Better Blood Sugar Control Novel Study Reports”

The Tea Party is outraged at the IRS for denying them 501(c)3 status for political reasons and it is all over the mainstream news.  I guess the question is, why?  Every year, 365 days a year, year after year, the IRS targets individual sovereign nationals and takes everything they have, including their lives if they resist too much and nobody seems to care.  But now the Tea Party, hey that’s a collective that has already been infiltrated.

Why not try to re-legitimatize them?  I mean anything is better than a 40 million man army consisting of heavily armed individuals, sporting hemp ropes.  I bet the status quo would be elated if all the patriots would just go back to the Tea Party and allow Sarah Palin to wield their power.  Hell, they might even make it to another election, resulting in another mandate from the people to take more from us and hand it over to the international corporate mafia.    Continue reading “Tea Party vs the IRS”

CNet- by Declan McCullagh

Apple receives so many police demands to decrypt seized iPhones that it has created a “waiting list” to handle the deluge of requests, CNET has learned.

Court documents show that federal agents were so stymied by the encrypted iPhone 4S of a Kentucky man accused of distributing crack cocaine that they turned to Apple for decryption help last year.   Continue reading “Apple deluged by police demands to decrypt iPhones”

It is encouraging beyond words to see our people exiting the Matrix, literally in swarms across our country, and as sure as we can see this phenomenon, so can our enemies who are currently pushing to re-implement every facet of divide that has been used against us for the past hundred years.

It is crucial that we understand our enemy but we will not allow ourselves to be diverted through fanaticism that attempts to divide us through past conflicts of which we were not a party to.    Continue reading “Zion in the US Implementing Old Strategies – No Sale”

The Immigration Bill being put forth by the so called Gang of Eight can be considered nothing short of a US surrender to Mexico and the North American Union.   We are told that there are 11.2 million illegals in our country and that they are here because our Executive Branch has refused to enforce the laws legislated by the US Congress, hence the representatives of we the people.

When we tell our government to enforce our law and get the foreigners out as they are destroying our economy through their draw on our safety net and all other public services, the socialist insurgents within our government tell us that these invaders cannot be removed because it is cost prohibitive at $60 billion to remove these trespassers and secure our border.   Continue reading “Washington Surrenders the United States to Mexico”

Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed announced on the Alex Jones Infowars broadcast today that the US Department of State has requested that he remove his downloadable files for creating a functional firearm using a 3D printer.

The US Department of State today has claimed authority to confiscate intellectual property and control over the internet.   Continue reading “US Department of State Grabs Plastic Gun”

Last week in Mexico, the traitor Obama indicated that he was open to using an unconstitutional executive order to enact universal background checks, because this is something that the Mexican government wants.  Another thing being discussed during the trip was US immigration law, and of course the American chief executive would be working towards the goals set forth by his Mexican constituents. Treason has become so commonplace that it barely raises an eyebrow anymore.

Meanwhile, to the issue of Syria: the Israelis, being true to their form, have again attacked Syria in an offensive operation, as headlines in the US seek to predict what extent the US involvement will be in this foreign war against a country that has not attacked the US – Zionist empire building by any other name.    Continue reading “The United States – for Anyone but an American”