In considering that these united States of the Americas represent a Republic with an emphasis on the rights of the individual, the very idea of uniting becomes a difficult concept to move forward with, as any collectivism for the purpose of forced change is repugnant to the ideals of independent freedoms and liberties.

Our socialist enemies have infiltrated our country and seek to divide us in applying collectivism.  Race based groups, gender based groups, religious based groups, and age based groups are putting forth the notion that an individual can gain power by joining with other individuals and creating a collective will.  However, if you are an American national of the American race who asserts as absolute your rights under the people’s Bill of Rights, no collective can trump your individual will as no person or collection of any size thereof has superior rights to any one individual.   Continue reading “The Standard for an American National Patriot”

Craig, whose broadcast is Forbidden Knowledge every Wednesday at 4:00 Pacific, 7:00 Eastern on Liberty Tree Radio, will be joining us today on The Word From the Trenches to debate our own  JD, US Marine Fighting Tyranny.

The subject matter to be debated is the spread of radiation from Fukushima.  As we all know, JD believes the spread of the radiation across the United States and around the world is extensive whereas Craig contends the failed reactors have had minute to no affect upon the United States and the rest of the world.    Continue reading “Trenchers – Don’t miss THE GREAT DEBATE today on The Word From the Trenches”

With the anniversary of the false flag production “Newtown – The Lie That Keeps On Taking”, the communists have launched another push to remove the 2nd Article from the people’s Bill of Rights, and MSNBC once again has transformed into an all day anti-2nd Article infomercial.

The dirty little mental midget, Melisa Harris-Perry, despite her obvious deficiencies, is now portraying herself as some sort of expert on the 2nd Article.  Showing herself as the blatant communist she is, Melissa hosted a panel of her fellow communists, assembled under the guise of debate, to push the communist “Disarm the Americans” seditious propaganda.    Continue reading “The Two Bit Communist Twit, Melissa Harris-Perry, Wants You Disarmed”

At this point in our nation’s history, any American national who does not see and will not admit to the international socialist insurgent takeover of every position of power in the united States, from the meter maid to the president, is either being willfully stupid via cowardice or has accumulated such wealth as they fear they have much to lose through an uprising.

Yesterday morning here in Chiloquin, it was 19 degrees below zero.  Our windows were coated with ice on the inside and all I could think about was my brothers and sisters living in tent cities with their children, while foreigners are being provided housing, heat, food, cars, education, and health care.    Continue reading “Make Your Vote Count in 2014 by Unregistering to Vote”

This past week I found myself in the city of Eugene, Oregon, taking care of some personal business, when a chance encounter occurred, which truly brought the magnitude of our current situation front and center.  We had lunch at an Arby’s restaurant and as we were leaving, I saw a lady standing on the sidewalk.  She had two cloth bags with what appeared to be her clothes, hastily packed therein.  She looked confused and this caught my notice.

In the city of Eugene, you will see countless homeless people, carrying signs and pan handling.  For some it has become a way of life, but the lady I encountered was different.  She was obviously brand new to the streets.  I asked my wife, is she homeless?  To which she replied, I think so.  She was not asking for money from anyone.  She was just standing there, scared, cold, and hungry.  She knew the food and warmth were right there and she was desperately in need of both.  But that was apparently as close as she could get.   Continue reading “Facing the Homeless in America”

National Review – by Wesley J. Smith

My wife, the syndicated San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders, has learned that at least 500,000 Californians may lose their health insurance next year — and that’s a conservative estimate. From her Token Conservative blog:

According to this link as of December 2012, there were 491,977 covered lives in individual health care plans regulated by the state Department Insurance that are not grandfathered under the Affordable Care Act. (If they bought a plan after March 2010, their coverage is not grandfathered.) This is a 2012 number, but if the number of people with private coverage hasn’t changed much in the last ten months, that’s half a million Californians who will lose their coverage.   Continue reading “500,000 Californians Lose Health Policies”

While the vets couldn’t get to their monuments and we couldn’t take pictures of our national parks, while they were threatening to turn off the EBT cards and veteran’s benefits, what was really important and who ordered that the fight over the debt ceiling be put to the end?

US Foreign Aid to Israel – by Jerome M. Sharp

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.  To date, the United States has provided Israel $118 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance.  Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance.    Continue reading “Who is First in Line at the Trough? Oy”

On October 26, 2001 the Patriot Act (an injunction on the people’s 4th Article for the u. S. Bill of Rights) was declared as an open act of insurrection as the government has never had any authority to define, alter, or regulate the people’s God given rights.

On December 31, 2012, just before midnight, the National Defense Authorization Act with Sections 1021 and 1022 for the military arrest and indefinite detention of American nationals without any due process of the law was signed as an act of open sedition against we the people and our Republic.   Continue reading “American Nationals Can No Longer Hide behind Ignorance and Stupidity”

Syrian President Bashar Assad during an interview with an Italian TV-channelRIA Novosti

MOSCOW, October 6 (RIA Novosti) – In an interview with a German magazine, Syrian President Bashar Assad has accused the West of lies about the use of chemical weapons in Syria and said Russia understands the reality of the conflict in his country “much better,” than the United States.

“We did not use chemical weapons,” Assad said in an advance version of an interview with Der Spiegel to be published on Monday. “This is a misstatement. So is the picture you paint of me as a man who kills his own people.”   Continue reading “Assad Says ‘West Is More Confident in Al-Qaida than Me’”

The drive to raise $2000 for the Live 365 for Liberty Tree Radio has been a success.  This labor has been accomplished via the unselfish contribution of free individual US nationals and indeed freedom loving listeners in other countries around the world.  The success in our endeavor is no doubt causing aggravation and worry among our enemies as they see our power through unity, increasing exponentially day by day.

Liberty Tree Radio is becoming very powerful as is From the Trenches World Report, and we have accomplished this status as free individuals advocating for our Bill of Rights.  No one has joined any collective and is not bound by any collective ideology, as our absolute assertion is individual freedom and liberty, possessed and maintained through the assertion of individual will.  Continue reading “A Salute to the Individuals Fighting in the Trenches”

The Guardian – by Conal Urquhart

The United States and Russia have agreed that Syrian chemical weapons will be placed under international control and destroyed in a process that will begin with a week.

International inspectors from the Organisation of the Prevention of Chemical weapons must be given “immediate and unfettered” access to Syrian chemical weapons, said the US secretary of state, John Kerry, while Syria must give a “comprehensive list” of its chemical weapons within one week.   Continue reading “Syria crisis: US and Russia agree chemical weapons deal”

I talked to Mark just a little while ago and he is finally feeling better.  He is eating and up and moving around.  He opened a closet and there were all the cards you people had been sending.  He said the stack was about a foot thick and he was very happy that so many of you cared enough to send him a card.

I can’t give you a room number right now because Mark is once again in a transition phase.  But I can tell you his condition is greatly improved and he is in the highest of spirits, asserting confidently that he will beat the cancer.   Continue reading “Update on Mark Schumacher”