Daily Beast

President Trump issued a bizarre, indirect warning Monday that his supporters could get “tough” on his political enemies at a “certain point,” in a clip of a Breitbart interview spotted Thursday by The Toronto Star. “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny,” the president told Breibart’s Matthew Boyle. “I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump–I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough—until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”  Continue reading “Trump Warns: It Would Be ‘Very Bad’ if My Police, Biker Gang Fans Decided to Get ‘Tough’ on My Opponents”


A crowd of Yellow Vest protesters broke into and trashed a Masonic lodge in the French village of Tarbes. The ransacking has been condemned by the French government, who accused the protesters of “stupidity” and “intolerance.”

Some 450 protesters had gathered in Tarbes on Saturday for the 17th straight weekend of anti-government demonstrations. Around midnight, La Dépêche paper reported, some protesters began shouting “we’re going to the freemasons!”   Continue reading “Yellow Vests ransack MASONIC LODGE in French village as protest gets out of hand”

Gun Owners of America – by Eric Pratt

GOA Defends Bump Stocks and AR-15s in Court

On Wednesday, I left the federal district court in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where Gun Owners of America delivered its oral arguments in opposition to the ATF’s bump stock ban.

As you know, GOA is suing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) over its illegal ban on bump stocks.   Continue reading “GOA Gets Its Day In Court On Bump Stocks”

CBC News

The United States has officially closed its consulate in Jerusalem, downgrading the status of its main diplomatic mission to the Palestinians by folding it into the U.S. Embassy to Israel.

For decades the consulate functioned as a de facto embassy to the Palestinians. Now, that outreach will be handled by a Palestinian affairs unit, under the command of the embassy.  Continue reading “U.S. closes consulate in Jerusalem, merging it with embassy”


A series of digital billboards that went up around the city implying that vaccines are dangerous for children are being removed, according to the media company that posted them.

The billboards were called “deeply disturbing, and potentially dangerous,” by Coun. Joe Cressy, who represents Spadina-Fort York, in a tweet on Wednesday morning. Cressy is also chair of the city’s board of health.    Continue reading “Anti-vaccination billboards in Toronto being removed, company says”

CBC News – by John Paul Tasker

Canada’s most senior federal public servant says he is worried about the nation and the state of its political discourse — fearing it has sunk to such lows that it could lead to an assassination attempt during the next federal election campaign.

Michael Wernick, the clerk of the Privy Council of Canada — the man tasked with serving the prime minister and his cabinet — prefaced his testimony on the SNC-Lavalin affair with commentary on what he describes as a “vomitorium of social media” fuelled by unreasonable partisans who have been dangerously whipped up by politicians.   Continue reading “‘Somebody is going to be shot’: Top bureaucrat says partisan mudslinging has gone too far”

ABC News 7

The military is conducting training exercises, but they have caught many locals by surprise.

When a helicopter flew low in between buildings in downtown Los Angeles, it raised a few alarms.   Continue reading “Military exercises rattling nerves around LA”

National Post

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has ceased all assistance to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, a U.S. official said on Friday.

The decision was linked to a Jan. 31 deadline set by new U.S. legislation under which foreign aid recipients would be more exposed to anti-terrorism lawsuits.  Continue reading “Trump administration cuts all aid to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza”

Press TV

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has declared the end of his country’s war on drugs, saying that his government no longer considers the fight against narcotics a priority.

Obrador said during a press conference at the National Palace in Mexico City on Wednesday that Mexico would no longer prioritize using the army to capture cartel kingpins and would instead concentrate on ensuring public safety and reducing the number of murders.   Continue reading “War on drugs no more a priority: Mexican president”


Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to declare a national emergency along the US-Mexico border.

While the President’s advisers have been divided on the issue, the White House is moving forward with plans to bypass Congress and declare a national emergency over the issue of funding for the wall to keep immigrants out of the country, CNN reports. Continue reading “The White House is preparing for Donald Trump to declare a national emergency”

Jerusalem Post – by Herb Keinon

Israel needs to prepare for the possibility that its battle to keep Iran from entrenching itself militarily in Syria may have to be expanded to Lebanon or to Iran directly, according to an assessment by the Institute for National Security (INSS).

That is one of the recommendations that appeared in INSS’s Strategic Assessment for Israel 2018-2019 that was released and rolled out by the Tel Aviv-based think tank at a ceremony at Beit Hanasi on Wednesday.   Continue reading “‘Israel May Need To Invade Iran To Stop Its Entrenchment In Syria’”

CBC  News

Nearly six months after Toronto’s deadly Danforth Avenue shooting rampage, newly released details from court documents reveal a startling amount of ammunition was found in the apartment of gunman Faisal Hussain, along with a number of DVDs by the American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

In the hours after the shooting, which claimed the lives of 18-year-old Reese Fallon and 10-year-old Julianna Kozis, police entered Hussain’s highrise apartment in the city’s Thorncliffe Park neighbourhood.   Continue reading “Cache of ammunition, 9/11-conspiracy films seized from Danforth shooter’s home, documents reveal”

Global News

It may sound unbelievable, but Canada’s revised laws on impaired driving could see police demand breath samples from people in bars, restaurants, or even at home. And if you say no, you could be arrested, face a criminal record, ordered to pay a fine, and subjected to a driving suspension.

You could be in violation of the impaired driving laws even two hours after you’ve been driving. Now, the onus is on drivers to prove they weren’t impaired when they were on the road.   Continue reading “Police in Canada can now demand breath samples in bars, at home”

BBC News

Members of the “yellow vests” protest movement have vandalised almost 60% of France’s entire speed camera network, the interior minister has said.

Christophe Castaner said the wilful damage was a threat to road safety and put lives in danger.

The protest movement began over fuel tax increases, and saw motorists block roads and motorway toll booths.   Continue reading “Yellow vests knock out 60% of all speed cameras in France”

Global News

A woman in Lethbridge, Alta., captured a disturbing incident on her cellphone of a police officer running over a deer multiple times with his patrol vehicle as the animal lay dying on a street in the city’s north end.

Erica Pritchard said she was driving with her father along Scenic Drive North in the late hours of Jan. 5 when she witnessed a car slam into the rear end of a young deer, apparently breaking its back legs.   Continue reading “‘Made me feel really sick’: Lethbridge woman captures video of officer repeatedly running over injured deer”

CBC News

The RCMP have arrested 14 people and entered a fortified checkpoint on a forest service road in northern B.C. where people at the Gidimt’en camp were barring a pipeline company from access.

The Mounties announced Monday they were going to enforce a court injunction to allow Coastal GasLink access to the road and bridge near Houston, B.C.   Continue reading “14 arrested as RCMP break gate at Gidimt’en camp checkpoint set up to stop pipeline company access”

Fox News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made his first public appeal for the United States to officially recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“The Golan Heights is tremendously important for our security,” Netanyahu said in Jerusalem, alongside U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton on Sunday night, adding Israel “will never leave the Golan Heights,” and stressed the gravity of all countries recognizing the region as Israeli territory.   Continue reading “Netanyahu calls for U.S. to recognize Golan Heights as Israeli territory”

BBC News

It’s a geographic curiosity – a bit of US land at the top edge of Minnesota, disconnected from the rest of the state.

The Northwest Angle is known to local residents, people who love to fish – the region is famous for its walleye – and geography buffs.

It is accessible by land only through the Canadian province.   Continue reading “Should the US hand over Minnesota’s Northwest Angle to Canada?”