Fox News Latino

Klaireth Díaz is a 1st-grade teacher at Elías Toro School, one of the biggest public schools in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.

Last year, she says, attendance was painfully low. Every day, of a class of 30 children at least 10 would be absent.   Continue reading “Venezuelan children fainting in school because they are hungry”

The Daily Signal – by Leah Jessen

Conservatives are wary of internet sales tax legislation in the works that would create an “unlevel playing field” for online businesses.

Republican leadership in Congress may have promised Democrats to schedule a vote on legislation related to online sales tax, a memo from the Conservative Action Project, a group including organizations that represent major elements of the conservative movement, says.   Continue reading “Internet Sales Tax Legislation Is ‘Taxation Without Representation,’ Conservatives Say”

Fox News

An Illinois Veterans Affairs hospital already under fire for excessive wait times, festering black mold and kitchen cockroaches faces a new shame – the bodies of dead patients left unclaimed in the morgue for up to two months without proper burial, whistleblower documents allege.

The whistleblower, whose identity is not being revealed for fear of retaliation, complained last month to the VA’s inspector general about the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital’s handling of veterans’ remains in cases where families have not come forward to claim the body. The complaint singled out Christopher Wirtjes, chief of Patient Administrative Services, saying “The Chief of PAS has the funds available, yet has no sense of urgency to lay the veteran to rest.”   Continue reading “‘New low’: Dead vets left to ‘decompose’ in VA morgue for weeks without burial”

Free Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

An employee at a Florida Walmart store defended himself by shooting an armed robber on Wednesday.

Ervin Jones was sitting in his car waiting for his shift to begin at the Sunrise, Florida store around 3:30 a.m. when a man approached him. The man, identified by police as 28-year-old Terrence G. Pearson, then showed Jones a gun and demanded money. Jones responded by opening fire on the armed robber, killing him.   Continue reading “Concealed-Carrying Walmart Employee Turns Tables on Armed Robber”

Breitbart – by John Hayward

Bernard Sansaricq, former president of the Haitian Senate, issued a blistering statement condemning the Clinton Foundation, which has been posted at Donald Trump’s campaign website.

Sansaricq’s statement says:   Continue reading “Former Haitian Senate President: Clintons Exploited Haiti Earthquake ‘to Steal Billions of Dollars from the Sick and Starving’”

Charlotte Observer

All lanes of Interstate 85 were reopened early Wednesday but still littered with some rocks and glass after a night of protests over an officer-involved shooting of an African-American man in the University City area. The officer was also African-American.

Twelve police officers were injured Tuesday night in a series of clashes, and reports were coming in early Wednesday of motorists on Interstate 85 being hurt and their vehicles damaged when protestors threw rocks, bottles and traffic cones off interstate overpasses onto traffic below.   Continue reading “Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by police shooting; 12 officers injured”

Strange Sounds

First an incredible supercell and then giant hailstones fell on Artesia, New Mexico on September 17, 2016.

The large hail reach up to 7 centimeters in diameter… Larger than a baseball!   Continue reading “Amazing supercell and baseball large hail engulf Artesia, New Mexico”

NBC New York

A device exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey, Saturday morning as about 5,000 people were set to run a 5k Marine charity race and police are investigating another suspicious package in the shore town, authorities said.

The explosive device went off in a garbage can on D Street and Ocean Avenue at about 9:30 a.m., police said.   Continue reading “Device Explodes at Marine Race on Jersey Shore: Police”

Everyday Health – by Madeline R. Vann, MPH

Some diabetes treatment claims are just too good to be true. Be alert to these common scams.

A type 2 diabetes diagnosis could send you running to the Web to research cures and treatments. While you will find reliable, research-based information online, you’ll also come across many diabetes scams. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which in the past has cracked down on people hawking fraudulent diabetes cures, says that dishonest people like using diabetes as a draw because it’s a serious disease and people want a cure.   Continue reading “Avoiding Diabetes Scams”

ABC 7 News

The elderly widow is in critical condition in a San Jose hospital after two men beat her viciously during a home invasion robbery. Her injuries were so severe, however, that she could not provide their description.   Continue reading “1 Arrested In Beating Of 88-Year-Old Woman In San Jose”

The Hill – by Katie Bo Williams

The former State Department employee who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server did not appear before the House Oversight Committee on Tuesday morning despite a subpoena to testify on the deletion of some of Clinton’s emails.

Bryan Pagliano exercised his Fifth Amendment right not to testify against himself before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in 2015. He was also reportedly awarded an immunity deal during the FBI’s now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of the server while secretary of State.   Continue reading “Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, skips hearing”

The Daily Signal – by Sen. Ted Cruz

This is a portion of remarks Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, delivered on the Senate floor on Thursday.

The Obama administration’s proposal to give away control of the internet poses a significant threat to our freedom, and it’s one that many Americans don’t know about. It is scheduled to go into effect on Sept. 30, 2016.  Twenty-two days away. Just over three weeks.   Continue reading “Obama’s Radical Proposal Could Result in Censorship Online”

The Telegraph

North Korea says it now has the power to mount a nuclear warhead on ballistic missiles that could be aimed at its enemies after conducting its biggest nuclear test yet, an explosion compared to the Hiroshima blast.

The test, the country’s fifth, was condemned by South Korea as “maniacal recklessness” and prompted the US to warn of “serious consequences.”   Continue reading “North Korea accused of ‘maniacal recklessness’ after most powerful nuclear test yet”

CBS News

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have issued a joint bulletin to law enforcement nationwide advising vigilance of civilian facilities as possible targets by ISIS inspired terrorists, CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton reported.

The bulletin, sent out on Aug. 31, said analysis indicates that homegrown violent extremists, and ISIS inspired terrorists, appear to have shifted their focus to target attacks on civilian venues. These sorts of venues include places like restaurants, theaters, churches, and sports arenas, with less focus on law enforcement, military and government facilities.   Continue reading “FBI, DHS issue advisory to law enforcement on possible terror targets”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

A key Federal Election Commission Republican warned Wednesday that liberals are moving aggressively to “amend the First Amendment” so that conservatives are silenced and businesses are chased “out of the democracy.”

In some the toughest criticism leveled at Democrats, Commissioner Lee E. Goodman said that the attack started once the Tea Party changed American politics in the 2010 election and now dominates the politics of the Left.   Continue reading “FEC commissioner warns Dems are gunning for conservative media”

Ammoland – by Justin Stakes

Washington, DC -( In an Explosives Industry Newsletter issued in June 2016, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) reclassified wetted nitrocellulose [also known as flash paper, flash cotton, guncotton, and flash string] containing greater than 12.6 percent nitrogen as a high explosive under the federal explosives laws.

As explained below, this is a dramatic and sudden change in agency policy with a significant impact on the ammunition industry. The new policy was announced in a newsletter without any opportunity for industry input.   Continue reading “ATF Reclassifies Wetted Nitrocellulose as Explosive Materials Under Federal Laws”

Guns America – by Jordan Michaels

There’s an old saying that says, “To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Hammers can only do one thing: whack stuff (that’s the technical term). If a hammer happens upon a loose screw, it’s just going to keep hammering until that screw either breaks or magically transforms into a nail.

Where am I going with this? Good question. Here’s what I’m thinking—anti-gun politicians are kind of like hammers. To them, every problem that kind-of-sort-of-has-something-to-do-with-firearms can be solved by enacting gun control.   Continue reading “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: The Biggest Gun Grabs of the Last Eight Years”