LifeSiteNews – by Joel S. Hirschhorn

Imagine parents finding their teenage sons dead in their beds in the morning with no prior indications that they were seriously ill. Imagine the heartache of parents who bought into the coercion and propaganda to get their kids vaccinated despite all the CDC data showing little risk of serious health impacts from COVID for children. Now their kids have died in their sleep shortly after getting the shots. Continue reading “Autopsies show people are dying from COVID jabs”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Windsor police moved in this morning and started removing the Freedom Convoy Truckers from the Windsor Ambassador Bridge from Canada to the US.

The Canadian police had started to remove protesters at the Ambassador bridge in Windsor, Ontario, Canada where a blockade has been stationed need the Canada/U.S. border. Continue reading “WINDSOR POLICE MOVE IN – Begin Removing Protesters Blocking Ambassador Bridge to US — Snipers on the Roof – City Buses Arrive for Arrests — Media Warned to Move Back”

Yahoo News

A deputy district attorney and up-and-coming Republican political star in California’s Orange County has died abruptly after telling friends she contracted COVID-19.

Kelly Ernby, a presumed candidate for the state Assembly in 2022, was only 46 years old. According to the Los Angeles Times, she fell ill shortly after speaking out against vaccine mandates at a rally organized by Turning Point USA on Dec. 4. Continue reading “California Deputy DA Who Fought Vaccine Mandate Dies Abruptly After Falling Ill With COVID at Age 46”

Yahoo News – New York Times

In the last days of the battle against the Islamic State group in Syria, when members of the once-fierce caliphate were cornered in a dirt field next to a town called Baghuz, a U.S. military drone circled high overhead, hunting for military targets. But it saw only a large crowd of women and children huddled against a river bank.

Without warning, a U.S. F-15E attack jet streaked across the drone’s high-definition field of vision and dropped a 500-pound bomb on the crowd. Then a jet dropped one 2,000-pound bomb, then another.  Continue reading “How the U.S. Hid an Airstrike That Killed Dozens of Civilians in Syria”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate is doing more harm to the country’s employment situation than the COVID-19 pandemic did, and that is saying something, but because his handlers are Marxists hell-bent on ‘fundamentally transforming’ our society, they’re not going to let up.

But that hasn’t stopped true-blue Americans from trying to convince him to end his destructive policies, which includes the vaccine mandate that hundreds of thousands of Americans who are not at any risk of getting the virus or dying from it refuse to take, even at the risk of losing their jobs and making the current supply chain crisis even worse. Continue reading “Supply chain stakeholders urge Biden to loosen his vaccine mandate or see the entire system collapse”

Daily Mail

Congress is requiring in its $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that automakers install monitoring systems in their cars to stop drivers from operating their vehicles while intoxicated.

The bipartisan package, which is on its way to the president’s desk after passing the House on Friday, allocates around $17 billion for the road safety programs. Continue reading “Congress Approves Alcohol Monitors In ALL New Cars To Stop Drunk Driving In Biden’s New $1.2T Infrastructure Package”