Yahoo News

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea expressed outrage Monday over a rhetorical attack on President Park Geun-hye by the North Korean government that likened her to a prostitute in a tirade far exceeding even the North’s often strident standards.

The statement issued by the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea expressed anger over President Barack Obama’s visit to Seoul last week. It said Park was like a “despicable prostitute” with Obama as her pimp.   Continue reading “North Korea ups rhetoric after Obama visits South”

Paul Craig Roberts

The Obama regime, wallowing in hubris and arrogance, has recklessly escalated the Ukrainian crisis into a crisis with Russia. Whether intentionally or stupidly, Washington’s propagandistic lies are driving the crisis to war. Unwilling to listen to any more of Washington’s senseless threats, Moscow no longer accepts telephone calls from Obama and US top officials.

The crisis in Ukraine originated with Washington’s overthrow of the elected democratic government and its replacement with Washington’s hand-chosen stooges. The stooges proceeded to act in word and deed against the populations in the former Russian territories that Soviet Communist Party leaders had attached to Ukraine. The consequence of this foolish policy is agitation on the part of the Russian speaking populations to return to Russia. Crimea has already rejoined Russia, and eastern Ukraine and other parts of southern Ukraine are likely to follow.   Continue reading “Moving Closer To War”

CandyThe Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

Two days ago, we reported the story about Candy, the Blue Heeler cow dog who was fatally shot when Rains County Deputy Jerred Dooley arrived on her family’s property to respond to a burglary.

KLTV reports that Dooley was fired today – but not because he killed a family pet:   Continue reading “Officer Who Fatally Shot Dog Has Been Fired – For HIS Safety”

Image The Weather ChannelThe Wire – by Eric Levenson

Spring 2014 has been a quiet tornado season thus far, but that’s about to change this weekend, if the predicted forecasts that meteorologists are looking at hold true. Weather experts say conditions are lining up for a series of powerful tornadoes to hit an area ranging between Tennessee and Texas from Saturday through Monday. The National Weather Service predicts a “significant multi-day severe event” in the South plains on Sunday, moving into the Mississippi Valley on Monday.   Continue reading “Forecasters Are Already Predicting a Massive Tornado Outbreak This Weekend”

File:US Navy 070930-N-4007G-003 Aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) passes by Naval Base Point Loma as she pulls into San Diego Bay.jpgFox News

Two suspects were reportedly in custody after a shelter-in-place order was issued Thursday at San Diego’s Naval Base Point Loma after an earlier report of a person seen with a gun.

It is unclear if those in custody were connected to the report, but officials said no shots were fired, Navy Installations Command tweeted.   Continue reading “2 suspects in custody after shelter-in-place ordered at Naval Base Point Loma”

Activist Post – by Jeff Berwick

The United States government is NOT concerned about the desert tortoise. There is something much larger at stake…a much bigger reason to lead an armed insurrection against a family’s property as we’ve seen at the Bundy Ranch. What’s for sure is the Bundy Ranch showdown is not over. Harry Reid assures us something big will happen:

“It’s obvious that you can’t just walk away from this. And we can speculate all we want to speculate to what’s going to happen next,” Reid told KSNV-TV. “But I don’t think it’s going to be tomorrow that something is going to happen, but something will happen. We are a nation of laws, not of men and women.”  

Continue reading “Bundy Ranch: The Agenda 21 “Shot” Heard Round The World”

Activist Post – by Amanda Warren

“What will you do…with that kind of power?”

There are no words to describe a personal reaction to this extended video game preview for Watch_Dogs, available on multiple systems, May 27th, by Ubisoft. Video games, for years now, have been a great covert way to train young ones into military jobs like drone operation or crime units hunting for “domestic terrorists.” But now everyone gets a chance to be a paranoid, trenchcoat-mask-wearing hacker vigilante – there’s something hiding in everyone…Security cameras are your friends…  

Continue reading “‘Watch_Dogs’ Game, Chicago: Hack People’s Lives, Cameras Are Your Friend”

Tenth Amendment Center

OKLAHOMA CITY – Late last week, a bill to legalize gold and silver as legal tender was passed through the Oklahoma state house. The vote was 74-12.

Senate Bill 862 (SB862), was introduced by Sen. Clark Jolley and Rep. Gary Banz, with cosponsorship from Sen. Natham Dahm. It reads, in part:   Continue reading “Oklahoma House Votes to Legalize Gold and Silver as Money”

obamacare-failSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The Obama administration has stated unequivocally that the debate concerning whether or not the Patient Affordable Care Act has been a success is over. They’ve won the argument and its evidenced by the tens of thousands of Americans who have signed up on exchanges across the country.

Here’s a small glimpse into just how successful Obamacare has been.   Continue reading “Obamacare Success: Half of Georgia’s Insurance Enrollees Fail to Make Monthly Payment”

DARPA's ATLAS robot at the Pentagon in WashingtonYahoo News

Washington (AFP) – US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel got a first-hand look at a life-size robot that resembles Hollywood’s “Terminator,” the latest experiment by the Pentagon’s hi-tech researchers.

But unlike the cinematic version, the hulking Atlas robot is designed not as a warrior but as a humanitarian machine that would rescue victims in the rubble of a natural disaster, officials said on Tuesday.

The 6-foot-2-inch (187 centimeters) Atlas is one of the entrants in a contest designed to produce a man-like life-saver machine, the brainchild of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).   Continue reading “Pentagon scientists show off life-size robot”

imagesSo today I just got fired from my job because the trainer at my company and a new girl decided to snitch on me because I was frustrated with a sales order that I was forced to take the other day which I had no training and no experience in handling and management told me to just go with it. So mind you, I’m a regular worker and not a new hire and this order would cost both the company and the customer thousands of dollars if it was handled incorrectly. So why would you allow someone who was never trained on how to handle it, to take the order and tell him to just “go with it”?

In any case, I got frustrated as any sane person would and said, “Ugh! I could just shoot someone right now”.   Continue reading “Living In A “See Something, Say Something” World”

The manager is seen here, after having slammed the suspected shoplifter to the ground. (KDFW)Yahoo News – by Will Lerner

If you’re an employee of a chain store and you see a shoplifter, don’t confront them. It’s been proven again and again and again and again that no matter how noble your intentions are, you can be fired from your job. As KDFW FOX 4 News reports, this is exactly what happened to one Kroger grocery store manager in Arlington, Texas.   Continue reading “Kroger manager fired after he slams a knife-wielding shoplifter to the ground”

Yahoo News 

BOSTON (AP) — Police say they’ve taken a man into custody in connection with two unattended backpacks found at the Boston Marathon finish line.

Police spokesman Dave Estrada says the backpacks were discovered Tuesday evening, a year after two bombs in backpacks exploded at the end of the marathon and killed three people.

The bomb squad is checking the backpacks found Tuesday. Police have cleared the area. Trains are bypassing the nearby Copley Square station. The police department has tweeted asking people to avoid the area.    Continue reading “Boston police investigate 2 backpacks, clear area”

Space PlaneYahoo News – by Kyle Mizokami

The Air Force’s secret space plane has been up in orbit for nearly 500 days—a space endurance record. But nearly a year and a half into the mission, the Pentagon still won’t say what the X-37B is doing up there, or when it might come back.

The U.S. Air Force boosted the robotic X-37B atop the nose of an Atlas-5 rocket in December 2012. Since then it’s orbited the Earth thousands of times, overflying such interesting places as North Korea and Iran.    Continue reading “Secret Spaceplane, Mystery Mission”

I recently went by my local Walmart today and noticed a police security tower posted in the parking lot. I was fuming to know that a tower was posted in a parking lot that was so close to my neighborhood, as I lived just a few blocks away from it.

I drove towards it and as usual no one was in it but cameras were posted everywhere around it like a FEMA camp. I looked around to see any reaction to the customers going in and out of Walmart and everyone completely ignored it, playing the “ignorance is strength” card.   Continue reading “City Property VS Public Property: The New Communist Rhetoric”

William Shakespeare once wrote, “All the world’s a stage”. Words can never ring more true than where we are at today.

In the NWO black and white, West corner of the ring, we have the 6 foot 2 inch tall Manchurian Candidate, Barry Soetoro, the illegal, narcissistic, foreign, homosexual, Communist rat from Kenya, weighing at a tiny 165 pounds, with a 13 ½ shoe size and afraid to break a nail, swaggers in a third world, cocky way and who cannot say anything without his teleprompter and is more than happy to take credit for something good, but runs away like a sissy and searches for a scapegoat when something falls apart.    Continue reading “Putin and Obama: The Staged Wrestling Match of the World!”

nc 1It happened in my apartment complex Thursday afternoon in Mckinney, TX between 4pm-4:30pm. I did not arrive at my apartment until around 6:30pm, but from the pictures that I took, the police were still there quartering off part of the area with yellow tape. A total of six cop cars and two unmarked cars were there with detectives and forensics investigating the scene.

Upon walking up to one of the cops, he quickly told me that everything was ok and after I repeatedly asked him the question and told him that I lived here and had a right to know, he rose his tone and then said, if you want to know, talk to the manager of the complex.   Continue reading “Shots Fired in an Apartment Complex in McKinney, TX”

Empty Supermarket - Photo by InfrogmationEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

In the event that a major crisis or emergency strikes the United States, you are not going to be able to eat your gold and silver.  If we get into a situation where supermarkets get cleaned out and food supplies get very tight, you are going to wish that you had stored some things away for your family.  Now don’t get me wrong – I actually love gold and silver.  I believe that they are both going to multiply in price during the years ahead.  I particularly love silver for a couple of reasons.  Unlike gold, silver is used in thousands upon thousands of different consumer products, so the physical supply is constantly diminishing.  And historically, silver comes out of the ground at about a 10 to 1 ratio compared to gold, but right now the price of gold is about 65 times the price of silver.  At some point there is going to be a massive adjustment there.  But if you just rely on accumulating gold and silver and you never store up any food, you could end up deeply regretting that choice someday.   Continue reading “You Can’t Eat Gold And Silver”

feinsteinThe Anti-Media – by Nick Bernabe

After fending off numerous attacks on the freedom of the internet last year, activists and independent journalists alike are now facing another hurdle that flies in the face of freedom of the press, the “Journalist Shield Law“.

Although the bill is being sold by the Obama administration and establishment politicians in both parties as a positive step in protecting free speech, unfortunately the name of this bill is highly deceiving. Remembering just how unpatriotic the Patriot Act was, this new law, although deceivingly named, is likely to crush freedom of speech of any journalist not on a corporate payroll. According to the AP, this is how the bill defines who a real journalist is:   Continue reading “Feinstein’s Bill to Kill Free Speech of Independent Journalists ‘Has Votes’ to Pass Senate”