45 auto ammunition 250 FBI joins DHS in unusual ammunition purchasesPrepper Podcast Radio Network – by James Smith

While most Americans are being dealt blow after blow of arctic temperatures, and the White House blows $12,000 of tax payer money on the Mrs. Obama, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently placed a solicitation for millions of rounds of .45 Auto ammunition, with an upper limit not to exceed $12,000,000 dollars and a minimum of $20,000. Yet, does America really have 12 million dollars to spend on excess ammo?

The FBI is seeking a supplier to supply ammunition based on the following criteria, abbreviated for space:   Continue reading “FBI joins DHS in unusual ammunition purchases”

California Gun SalesYahoo News – by Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Thursday that California is wrong to require applicants to show good cause to receive a permit to carry a concealed weapon. The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens are entitled to carry concealed weapons outside the home for self-defense purposes.   Continue reading “Court tosses California’s concealed weapons rules”

Arctic warmingSo it’s now called “Arctic Warming”.

The elites: It’s called “Global Warming”!…Nope, nope that doesn’t work. Oh I know, let’s call it “Climate Change”!…Nope, nope that doesn’t work either. Darn! Hmm….Ah! I got it! We’ll call it “Arctic Warming”! Yea, that’s it.

Don’t worry. If the sheeple don’t believe us, we’ll throw in some “Arctic Warming” Scooby Snacks. Get’s them all the time.

Live Science – by Becky Oskin

The Arctic is leading a race with few winners, warming twice as fast as the rest of the Earth. Loss of snow and ice, which reflect the sun’s energy, is usually blamed for the Arctic temperature spike.   Continue reading “Arctic’s ‘Layer Cake’ Atmosphere Blamed for Rapid Warming”

Turner Radio Network

(TRN) — Insurance Companies in the United States have begun notifying customers they will no longer have ANY coverage whatsoever for anything relating to nuclear energy claims.  Fallout, radiation sickness, property damage from radiation – all EXCLUDED.  This begs the question:  If the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant in Japan is as harmless to Americans as the government and “scientists” are telling us, why are Insurance companies specifically EXCLUDING coverage for nuclear energy related claims?  (Hint: The government is lying about the danger.)   Continue reading “Fukushima Radiation causing U.S. Insurance Companies to EXCLUDE all Coverage for Radiation Claims”

TABU – by Jamie Lee

  “We are not speaking of education in the narrower sense, but of that other education in virtue from youth upwards, which makes a man eagerly pursue the ideal perfection of citizenship, and teaches him how rightly to rule and how  to obey. This is the only education which, upon our view, deserves the name; that other sort of training, which aims at the acquisition of wealth or bodily strength, or mere cleverness apart from intelligence and justice, is mean and illiberal, and is not worthy to be called education at all.”   Continue reading “Common Core: The Business Side of the New Modern Global Education System”

Activist Post – by Derrick Broze

The battle between a free press and the State has been ongoing since the first days of the printing press. The notion that the citizenry could keep tabs on officials and report back to their respective communities revolutionized the master/servant relationship. For once the people were not doomed to remain ignorant while politicians, and royalty robbed them blind and deaf. Awareness was allowed to grow and swell until bursting into a new era of an informed, educated, and active populace.

This development, however, was not viewed fondly by the established ruling class around the globe. Some States completely destroyed the idea of a free press by merging the government with the media. Others simply worked with corporations to monopolize and direct the information reported on by the media. Beyond media manipulation the free press has also been subject to more direct attacks on journalists, and news organizations.   Continue reading “The War on Journalism: Local to Federal”

Since 2010, our waters have been contaminated by chemicals that seem to be at first glance, “accidents”. But what if they were not accidents but planned to make it appear that way? What are the chances of all of these chemical accidents happening one after the other for the past 4 years but before that, there were never any problems. One can only assume that since there is no accountability in our government, the corporate elite can have as many “accidents” as they so desire without impunity.

In 2010, a BP oil rig blew up and spilled an enormous amount of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Weeks later, the beaches all along the Gulf coast were filled with tar and dead fish and birds. After stopping the spill, BP used a chemical to dissolve the oil from the water supply. Continue reading “Are the Corporate Elite Secretly Attempting to Contaminate our Rivers and Water supply?”

People walk past a Best Buy store in New YorkYahoo News – by Shelly Banjo and Drew FitzGerald, Wall Street Journal

Best Buy Co. on Thursday became the latest retailer to chime in with weak holiday results. Like other chains, the electronics retailer blamed the race to offer the deepest discounts, a game of brinkmanship that hurt profit margins and held back revenue.

But there is a deeper malaise at work: A long-term change in shopper habits has reduced store traffic—perhaps permanently—and shifted pricing power away from malls and big-box retailers.   Continue reading “Stores Confront New World of Reduced Shopper Traffic”

Hey all,

Below are PDF compilations of all the FEMA Camp facilities that I could find. Some of you may already have them, but I usually update and post them every 6 months for those who may not have them or are new to the site.

Also, the camps that were listed from an earlier article posted on FTT a few days ago (http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/fema-concentration-camps-locations-and-executive-orders/72261) have also been updated to that list.    Continue reading “List of FEMA Camps, Underground Bases, HAARP Locations and Maps”

For those of you living in the Dallas, TX area, I wanted to relay this information to you (and anyone else interested in this intel) because I have noticed an over-abundance of Police security towers, such as the one in the picture left, in parking lots in Mckinney, Fairview, Allen, Richardson and Dallas.

The police security towers started showing up after Thanksgiving last year (2013), starting with one in Mckinney at a Target shopping plaza off of the 121. Supposedly, they were trying to use those in case Black Friday got out of hand in the parking lot.   Continue reading “Police Security Towers Popping up all over the Dallas, TX Area”

(Blank Headline Received)Funny how they say, “Except America”. Gee…it’s almost as if the elite are trying to instigate a religious war here in America and are sad that it hasn’t happened yet.

Yahoo News – by Tom Heneghan

(Reuters) – Violence and discrimination against religious groups by governments and rival faiths have reached new highs in all regions of the world except the Americas, according to a new Pew Research Center report.   Continue reading “Religious groups face increased hostility worldwide: report”

thumbOnline Paralegal Programs

Knowing Your Rights

Amendment IV – The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.   Continue reading “You Have the Right to Stay Out of Jail”

Activist Post

A new bill in Michigan could curb a controversial police practice. Under civil forfeiture, someone does not have to be convicted of or even charged with a crime to permanently lose his cash, car or home to law enforcement.

Sponsored by state Rep. Jeff Irwin, the bill, HB 5213, would require a criminal conviction to forfeit property worth less than $50,000, related to the sale or possession of controlled substances. In addition, police officers and other government officials who participate in forfeitures that violate the bill would be “guilty of misfeasance in office.”   Continue reading “Michigan Bill Would Take on “Policing for Profit””

A worker throws a stone after clashes broke out during a protest in Phnom PenhYahoo News – by Prak Chan Thul

PHNOM PENH (Reuters) – Cambodian military police opened fire with assault rifles on Friday to quell a protest by stone-throwing garment factory workers demanding higher pay in a crackdown a human rights group said killed four people.

Chaos during nationwide strikes erupted for a second day as security forces were deployed to halt a demonstration by thousands of workers, who refused to move and threw bottles, stones and petrol bombs at an industrial zone in Phnom Penh.   Continue reading “Cambodian forces open fire as factory strikes turn violent”

On New Year’s Day, I was sitting at a restaurant eating dinner with my wife and like most restaurants these days, they have this uncanny ability to be able to know how to ruin a customer’s appetite by simply putting up televisions at different areas of the restaurant and forcing you to watch one of three stations and those are CNN, FOX News or ESPN.

Why do they do this? Well, because they feel that by turning a television on, it will give them a homier, dining experience. What they fail to understand is that the reason why most people go out to eat is to have something other than a “homier, dining experience”. They want to get away from it all and enjoy a night out with their friends, family or loved one. But on the contrary, We the People are forced to watch what’s on TV and instead of enjoying our $20 meal at a fancy restaurant, we are either ready to throw it up or toss it at the TV. Great experience! And don’t forget the tip!   Continue reading “CNN Rings in the New Year with Terror Propaganda”

Activist Post

As the National Defense Authorization Act 2014 heads to Obama’s desk as an even more draconian piece of legislation than it was previously, states have taken notice and are beginning to intensify their efforts to nullify it.

Michigan was the latest to opt for full nullification after Governor Rick Snyder (R) signed bill SB0094 into law.

New Hampshire has now taken a critical step toward nullification with the introduction of their bill HB1279, scheduled to be formally presented on January 8th, 2014.   Continue reading “New Hampshire Moves Toward Nullifying NDAA”

Activist Post – by Digby Jones

In this latest piece of propaganda hogwash from the Department of “Defense” (Offense), Soldiers from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment are teaching Afghan Senior NCOs the skills needed to be an “effective leader” on the battlefield. This of course amounts to nothing more than augmenting their ability to take the lives of other human beings, while cheating their own death as much as possible.   Continue reading ““Building Afghan Leaders” (By Teaching Them To Kill)”

FILE - In this Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013, file photo, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson holds a picture of Claire Davis, the 17-year-old student who was shot in the head by a classmate, during a briefing at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo. Hospital officials said in a statement Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013, that Davis has died. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski, File)Yahoo News

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) — A suburban Denver high school student who was shot in the head by a classmate died Saturday afternoon, hospital officials said in a statement.

Claire Davis, 17, was in critical condition after being shot at point-blank range at Arapahoe High School on Dec. 13. Friends and well-wishers had posted prayers online and raised money to help pay for her medical care.   Continue reading “Hospital: Teen who was shot at Colo. school dies”