Yahoo News – by Olivier Knox

Chinese hackers have compromised the designs of some of America’s most sensitive and advanced weapons systems—including vital parts of the nation’s missile defenses, fighter aircraft and warships—the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The Post cited a report prepared for the Pentagon by the Defense Science Board, which groups government officials and private sector experts. The document, “Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat,” paints a grim picture of cyber-espionage emanating from China only 10 days before President Barack Obama meets in California with Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time.   Continue reading “Chinese hackers breach key US weapons designs”

Latinos Shift 'Fast & Furious 6' Into Overdrive at Holiday Box OfficeNow I’m not one to post movie articles on From the Trenches, but this one has MSM sociological propaganda (Obama school tactics) written all over it and if you read the comments in the article, you’ll notice that most people aren’t too happy with it, either. 

They try to claim that the reason why Fast and the Furious has been so successful the past 10 years is because of its diverse cast made up of Mexicans, Hispanics, White, Black and Asians.    Continue reading “Latinos Shift ‘Fast & Furious 6’ Into Overdrive at Holiday Box Office”

UFO Austin,TXDon’t laugh at me as I had seen something along the lines of a UFO sighting a little while ago 9pm central time 5/26/13 in West Austin, TX. The pattern was along the lines of the simple photoshop image that I created as I didn’t have a camera with me and when I got home and grabbed my camera, it was gone.

The pattern of lights stayed in the air until about 9:30pm and I was getting a pizza with my wife at Caesars Pizza near an HEB grocery center off of the I-35 and Parmer Rd in Austin, TX. We noticed no one even thought anything of it and went on with their daily lives as though it was nothing.    Continue reading “Unexplained Light Formation Reported in West Austin, TX”

Bryce Reed, a paramedic in West, Texas, is shown in a McClennan County Sheriff's Office booking photo taken on May 10, 2013. McClennan County Sheriff's Office/Handout via ReutersYahoo News

The arrest Friday of a first responder to the deadly April 17 fertilizer plant blast in West, Texas, on explosives charges, is a new wrinkle that may call into question whether the incident that killed 14 people – including 12 firefighters and paramedics – was in fact a tragic industrial accident, as most people in the area believed.   Continue reading “Unexpected twists in case of deadly blast at Texas fertilizer plant”

There’s been a strange thing going on lately in Travis County, TX. It’s not a financial crisis, a political crisis or even an economic crisis. However, our county officials think it is an environmental crisis. Now I’m not sure if it is being done in any other county in the country, but it is happening in my county and I’m really annoyed as should other people. I don’t know if it has something to do with Agenda 21 or just another way for the corporations and government to suck more money out of us taxpayers. What I do know is that in our broke economy, Americans like myself, are trying save every penny we can and this seems to me to be just another small but annoying excuse for the government to drain more money out of people’s pockets.

So what is Travis County’s bright idea or trial idea that they hope will make waves with other counties? It’s basically the same thing China and other Communist countries have been doing for years now, and thanks to our Communist government, it is slowly creeping up in our country as well. It’s called charging people for bags when they shop for groceries, clothes, or just about anything in general. Kinda like that Internet sales tax.   Continue reading “Environmental Crisis or Money Making Scam – Travis County, TX charges shoppers for bags”

Investment Watchblog

Immigration bill contains free cell phones… Bans racial profiling

The 844-page immigration reform bill the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” dropped in the dead of night contains a lucrative handout that would give taxpayer-funded free cell phones to some people who live or work near the U.S. border with Mexico.   Continue reading “America Is The Land of Opportunity For ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Gov’t Gives Free Phones, Free Health Care, Full Voting Rights, ‘IMMEDIATE’ ACCESS TO WELFARE For ILLEGAL ALIENS And $3,000 Hiring Edge Over Americans!!!”

Cop Block – by Theodore Visner

Isabella County Michigan

My wife and I (Theodore Visner and Kathy Smith) bought a home from Shelly Sweet on land contract, a sheriff department employee, that changed her mind after we had been in the home for seven months making all payments as agreed. Although we were paying Sweet every month on the purchase of the property, she had not been paying the underlying mortgage and the home fell into foreclosure.   Continue reading “Sheriff’s Department Takes Family’s Home and It’s Contents Using a Fake Eviction”

Refreshing News

A Sapulpa man who was held in jail for 84 days before DNA evidence cleared him in the brutal rape of his then-girlfriend’s 4-year-old daughter plans to sue the Creek County Sheriff’s Office for wrongful arrest.

Tommy Braden’s attorney, Don Smolen, of Tulsa, sent notice earlier this month that they plan to take legal action for wrongful arrest and detention, which they allege was the result of the Sheriff’s Office negligence.    Continue reading “Man arrested in rape of girl begs for DNA test, which later proves he’s innocent. Sheriff said he would not give test because it was a ‘waste of taxpayer dollars.’” – by Sam Wood

A passenger who flew from Philadelphia to San Francisco was detained on arrival by federal agents after a vindictive flight attendant claimed he had not flushed a lavatory toilet, according to a federal suit.

The suit, which seeks $500,000 in damages, was filed last week in the Northern District of California.   Continue reading “Pilot had passenger detained for not flushing toilet”

Forbes – by Michael Peck

When most of us think of weapons of mass destruction, we think of nuclear bombs, or nerve gas, or biological agents. So it wassurprising to see accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev charged with using a weapon of mass destruction after he and his brother allegedly detonated a bomb made from a pressure cooker.   Continue reading “5 Weapons of Mass Destruction the U.S. Military Uses Every Day”

10 Tips to Make Sure Your Activist Group Isn't Set Up by the FedsTruth Alliance – by Jason Charles

The FBI and federal government have been caught red handed setting up groupsstaging terrorists attacks,staging drillscreating patsies, and infiltrating activist groups. Here are 10 good tips to avoid the embarrassment of your group ending up in the headlines as another excuse to further the police state agenda. No matter if your a 9/11 group, anti-GMO, anti-war, Christian, Muslim or whatever the cause may be. If you run a group these tips are for you   Continue reading “10 Tips to Make Sure Your Activist Group Isn’t Set Up by the Feds”

Dzhokhar TsarnaevThe Guardian – by Glenn Greenwald

There is zero legal or ethical justification for denying a suspect in custody this fundamental right.

The initial debate over the treatment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev focused on whether he should be advised of his Miranda rights or whether the “public safety exception” justified delaying it. In the wake of news reports that he had been Mirandized and would be charged in a federal court, Icredited the Obama DOJ for handling the case reasonably well thus far. As it turns out, though, Tsarnaev wasn’t Mirandized because the DOJ decided he should be. Instead, that happened only because a federal magistrate, on her own, scheduled a hospital-room hearing, interrupted the FBI’s interrogation which had been proceeding at that point for a full 16 hours, and advised him of his right to remain silent and appointed him a lawyer. Since then, Tsarnaev ceased answering the FBI’s questions.   Continue reading “Report: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s repeated requests for a lawyer were ignored”

559000_n.jpgTomato Bubble


The Massachusetts Militia is storing weapons in the town of Concord, MA. About 700 British troops are sent to destroy the military supplies. Patriot leaders have learned of the British plans and begin organizing. The night before the British raid, Paul Revere takes off on his famous “midnight ride” to warn the local militiamen (Minutemen).  Continue reading “Men vs Mice”

Activist Post – by Tony Cartalucci

Without a doubt, 3D printing has begun to shift paradigms. Already, small businesses are popping up around the world, providing both the printers themselves, and services for professional prototyping and small run production. Additionally, local institutions called “hackerspaces,” are being built up in part around the the concept of personal manufacturing.
Continue reading “3 Lessons From Asia on Defeating a Techno-Dictatorship”

The Internet Post – by bjjangles

Thousands of people last week discovered that Amazon had quietly removed electronic copies of George Orwell’s 1984 from their Kindle e-book readers. In the process, Amazon revealed how easy censorship will be in the Kindle age.

In this case, the mass e-book removals were motivated by copyright . A company called MobileReference, who did not own the copyrights to the books 1984 and Animal Farm, uploaded both books to the Kindle store and started selling them. When the rights owner heard about this, they contacted Amazon and asked that the e-books be removed. And Amazon decided to erase them not just from the store, but from all the Kindles where they’d been downloaded. Amazon operators used the Kindle wireless network, called WhisperNet, to quietly delete the books from people’s devices and refund them the money they’d paid.   Continue reading “Amazon Secretly Removes “1984″ From the Kindle”

ala hostageYahoo News – by JAY REEVES and KATE BRUMBACK | Associated Press

MIDLAND CITY, Ala. (AP) — The Alabama man who held a 5-year-old boy captive for nearly a week engaged in a firefight with SWAT agents storming his underground bunker before he was killed during the rescue operation, the FBI said Tuesday night. Also, bomb technicians scouring his rural property found two explosive devices, one in the bunker, one in a plastic pipe that negotiators used to communicate with the man. Continue reading “FBI: Ala. man was in ‘firefight’ with SWAT agents”

Press TV  Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been vilified in the Western media for daring to imagine “a world without Israel.”

But according to news reports, Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies agree that in the near future, Israel will no longer exist. 
Continue reading “Kissinger, US intelligence community endorse “World Without Israel””

Yahoo News  HOUSTON (AP) — A Houston police officer shot and killed a one-armed, one-legged man in a wheelchair Saturday inside a group home after police say the double amputee threatened the officer and aggressively waved a metal object that turned out to be a pen.

Police spokeswoman Jodi Silva said the man cornered the officer in his wheelchair and was making threats while trying to stab the officer with the pen. At the time, the officer did not know what the metal object was that the man was waving, Silva said.

Continue reading “Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair”

Video Rebel’s Blog  To drive the final nail into the coffin of the bankers we must tell everyone this:

The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III

Drive this point home to everyone in the 911 Truth Movement, to every anti-war activist and to anyone who will listen.
Continue reading “The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III”