Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Paterson, NJ — Frequent readers of the Free Thought Project already know that much of a police officer’s job consists of stopping people for victimless crimes and extorting or kidnapping them for it. From window tint and seat belt violations to jaywalking, police officers across the country have shown that they will detain, extort, beat and kill people over these “crimes” that have no victims. The entire process is not only approved by the government, but it is necessary for the survival and growth of departments and cities across the country. As the following case illustrates, however, when police officers fail to get their superior’s approval before robbing people during traffic stops, they will be prosecuted. Continue reading “Cop Admits to Conspiring with Fellow Officers to Pull Over Innocent People to Rob and Beat Them”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Las Vegas, NV — It has been exactly two years since Stephen Paddock allegedly busted out the windows of his suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino Hotel and opened fire on concert goers below. In total, 58 people would be slaughtered and hundreds of others injured. Sadly, in all the time and all the police state tactics and technology at their fingertips, investigators are still unable to even come close as to why Paddock did what he did. With questions unanswered and families and victims still seeking information, the FBI officially closed their investigation earlier this year.  Continue reading “5 Unanswered Questions that Still Remain 2 Years After the Vegas Shooting”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Statistics drawn from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program show that the violent crime rate in 2018 hit its lowest level since 1971.

FBI crime stats show the “estimated rate of violent crime was 368.9 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants.” That is a 3.9 percent reduction in the rate when compared with 2017 stats, but the real lesson emerges when we look long term.  Continue reading “Report: Violent Crime Rate in 2018 Lowest Since 1971”

End of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

There is a whole lotta shaking going on in America right now, and many people are concerned about what that could potentially mean.  Could it be possible that the U.S. is entering a more seismically active time?  This week alone, we have seen earthquake swarms in Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco and the New Madrid fault zone.  Of course earthquakes happen every day, but to see so many earthquake swarms happen in such diverse places within such a compressed period of time is definitely unusual.  And what makes this even more unusual is the fact that Rosh Hashanah just ended.  In fact, the earthquake swarm that we just witnessed in Texas started on Rosh Hashanah with a magnitude 4.0 quake near the town of “Snyder”…  Continue reading “Signs Of The Times? Earthquake Swarms Hit Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco And The New Madrid Fault Zone”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

The government can try to kill you without due process as long as it can successfully invoke state secret privileges. That’s the jist of the decision [PDF] just released by Judge Rosemary M. Collyer of the DC District Court.  Continue reading “DC Court: State Secrets Privilege Trumps Any Citizens’ Right To Know Whether Or Not Their Own Gov’t Is Trying To Kill Them”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Another mystery airstrike was conducted over Iraq late Friday night, after a summer that’s witnessed Baghdad blame Israel for a series of unprecedented violations of its airspace to carry out alleged strikes on Iran-linked Shia militias in the country.

This newest incident involved an attack on Imam Ali base near the border with Syria, in an area which Israeli defense officials have voiced concern Iran is utilizing Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) to aid Syrian forces in establishing a security corridor stretching along the Syrian-Iraq border, or so-called Iranian “land bridge”. Continue reading “Israel Believed Behind Overnight Attack On Iran’s ‘Land Bridge’ From Iraq To Syria”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Lithuania’s Defense Ministry has announced a new deployment of US troops to their country. The deployment will include a number of US soldiers, tanks, and fighting vehicles, and will be an “extended mission.”

The deployment is being presented by Lithuanian officials as proof of a “larger, long-term US military involvement in Lithuania,” while others say it is meant to deter Russian aggression.  Continue reading “US Troops and Tanks Headed to Lithuania for ‘Extended Mission’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Oklahoma City, OK — Isaiah Mark Lewis, 17, was going to graduate high school last May. However, he’ll never walk down that aisle now thanks to two police officers who put multiple rounds into the teen’s body two weeks before he graduated. Lewis was unarmed and naked when Edmond police ended his life during a confrontation. Despite these facts, Oklahoma prosecutors cleared both of those officers this week.  Continue reading “No Charges for Cops Who Shot and Killed a Naked, Unarmed Teen”


BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 P.M.) – The U.S. could launch airstrikes in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian military in the Latakia Governorate town of Kabani, the Russian aviation publication Avia.Pro reported on Friday.

“It can be expected that the U.S. will launch airstrikes on Syria in the very near future (probably within the next two weeks), using false accusations of using chemical weapons by Damascus,” the publication reported, citing a representative from the Syrian intelligence.  Continue reading “US could launch strikes against Syrian military over chemical weapons accusation: Russian media”

Middle East Monitor

Israeli forces detained Jerusalem Affairs Minister Fadi al-Hadami of the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday, according to an official statement, reports Anadolu Agency.

In a statement, the Jerusalem Affairs Ministry said Israeli forces raided the minister’s home and searched it before taking him into custody.  Continue reading “Israel arrests Palestine’s Jerusalem minister”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Henry County, GA — A family is devastated and asking for answers after their 24-year-old son was tasered to death by police after leaving a Georgia music festival over the weekend. Fernando Rodriquez had harmed no one and was simply walking down the street when police approached him. Moments later, after three officers simultaneously tasered him, he would be dead.  Continue reading “24yo Man Leaving a Music Festival Killed by 3 Cops Who All Tasered Him at the Same Time”

The Mind Unleashed – by Elias Marat

After all was said and done, the events surrounding the Storm Area 51 meme—which went viral over the summer, drawing in millions of RSVPs on Facebook—appear to have been little more than hot air and social media buzz, as a few hundred alien enthusiasts and revelers partied near the secretive U.S. military base in a largely uneventful manner.  Continue reading “The US Military Threatened to Bomb “Millennials” Who Storm Area 51”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Jasper, GA — If you still have any doubt that police are here just for your protection, the following video should be enough to convince you otherwise. An entirely innocent man, Charles A. Spradlin had committed no crime, had harmed no one, and was on his own property when two Georgia State Troopers illegally stopped him, kidnapped him, and stole his vehicle. The gross violation of rights was captured on video as the two troopers discussed the various ways to accomplish their illegal goals. The trooper’s conduct is now the subject of a federal lawsuit. Continue reading “Cops Record Themselves Making Up Fake Charges to Kidnap Innocent Man, Steal His Car”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Though by now Washington appears no closer to military strikes on Iran than it was before the Sept. 14 Saudi Aramco attack, a joint statement by Britain, France, and Germany has brought the kind of international allied consensus the US administration is looking for.

The three European countries announced it was “clear” Iran was responsible for the twin aerial strikes on the facilities, however, stopped short of calling for any military retaliation, instead urged Iran to reengage negotiations on its nuclear and missile programs. The statement does warn of “risk of a major conflict” and underscores making “collective efforts towards regional stability and security” which includes bringing the Yemen war to an end.  Continue reading “UK, France, Germany Say It’s “Clear” Iran Attacked Saudis; Johnson Backs New ‘Trump Deal’”

David Swanson

In the years following 2003, the U.S. military dotted Iraq with over 500 military bases, many of them close to Iraqi cities. These cities suffered the impacts of bombs, bullets, chemical and other weapons, but also the environmental damage of open burn pits on U.S. bases, abandoned tanks and trucks, and the storage of weapons on U.S. bases, including depleted uranium weapons. Here’s a map of some of the U.S. bases:  Continue reading “New Study Documents Depleted Uranium Impacts on Children in Iraq”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Officially, Saudi Arabia expressed surprise and a little caution over Friday’s offer by Yemen’s Houthi movement of a joint truce. The weekend, however, left little doubt as to the Saudi answer to this overture.

At least 27 Saudi airstrikes were reported against targets in northern Yemen in just the last 24 hours. The Houthis described the attacks as a “dangerous escalation,” and reiterated they’d meant to get everyone together for a peace process.  Continue reading “Saudis Pound Yemen After Houthis’ Truce Offer”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

It goes without saying that the US and Russia both have many, many plans to attack one another. Generally speaking, however, it’s been treated as bad form to bring them up, and worse form to brag about them.

So Russia is criticizing US General Jeffrey Harrigian for talking up how the US has plans to destroy all air defenses in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, saying there should be “no doubt” the US could do it. Continue reading “Russia Slams US General for Plan to Destroy Russia’s Air Defenses”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

We published a report last week revealing how Michigan has the highest probability of entering a recession later this year, with Hawaii having the second-highest chances.

In the latest forecast, published last Friday, the Economic Research Organization at the University of Hawaii (UHERO) warns Hawaii is “poorly positioned for risks” associated with an economic shock that could tip the island economy into a recession.  Continue reading “Disaster Ahead? Hawaii’s Economy Will Slow To “Near Standstill””