ross-Death_of-the_Republic_smallFederal Observer

What becomes of the limitations of the constitution, if the will of the people, thus inofficially promulgated, forms, for the time being, the supreme law, and the supreme exposition of the law? –  Joseph Story (Commentaries on the Constitution (1822)

Currently, between the state Senate and Assembly, California has forty-seven pieces of pending legislation which will somehow affect California gun owners…FORTY SEVEN! For instance, AB 180 would establish an ammunition tax on top of the sales tax already applied; and then there is AB 760, another law which would impose a $.05 per round tax upon all ammo sales; AB 231 would require that gun owners obtain firearm liability insurance; AB 500 would extend the firearm purchase waiting period; and SB 108 would establish MANDATORY storage requirements for guns in the home. These are just a few of the laws currently making their way through the system in Sacramento, all of which are designed to further restrict our right to keep and bear arms.   Continue reading “Ross: Audacity”

640x392_64002_254534Front Page Mag – by Daniel Greenfield

Around this time two years ago, Barack Obama delivered a prime time speech in which he told viewers waiting for him to shut up and make way for American Idol, “We have spent a trillion dollars on war, at a time of rising debt and hard economic times… America, it is time to focus on nation-building here at home.”

Even while he was delivering a speech promising to begin nation-building at home, the warplanes he had dispatched to Libya were bombing government targets in support of the Islamist uprising.   Continue reading “Obama Lies America Into Another War”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Doctors all over the country are opting out of accepting insurance and government subsidies as payment for healthcare and taking cash paying customers. It seems that Obamacare is forcing them to reevaluate how they provide the best healthcare to their patients. Not only does it cut out the middle man (government and insurance companies), but it also drastically reduces prices for patients; some by as much as half!   Continue reading “US Doctors Drop Private & Govt Insurance – Provide Better Healthcare & Lower Prices”

beet juiceNatural News – by David Gutierrez

If you want to improve your athletic performance and stamina, there’s no real substitute for simply putting time into working out. But if it if you’re looking for a simple, natural way to increase the length of your workouts, or if you just want to give yourself that little edge in endurance or speed, then beet juice may be the answer.   Continue reading “Improve your athletic performance naturally with beets: Research”

Freedom Outpost – by Suzanne Hamner

If anyone was wondering how Obama views himself as president, this one little statement issued as he reflected on Father’s Day would sum it up nicely. Obama stated “being a dad ‘the most important job many of us will ever have’ and there was no substitute for being in a child’s life. He went on to give a summation of his life without a father, what he tries to accomplish for his family and then sums up how he will recall his life.   Continue reading “Obama’s Father’s Day Freudian Slip”

All along the watchtower Princes kept the view While all the women came and went Barefoot servants, tooBob Owens

“Ace” at Ace of Spades has built one of the more successful political blogs on a balanced combination of snark, community-building (who else can can boast of a community that proudly/ironically calls themselves “morons?”) and very insightful observations that a lot of folks simply miss.

Last night, I read (twice) a post he wrote called Snowden’s Looking a Little Dodgy, which was written in regards to the stories surrounding NSA leaker Edward Snowden that has been dominating the news cycle for the past few days. I’d suggest that you read it all and think over it’s ramifications.   Continue reading “The NSA “scandal” isn’t important. Keep your eyes on the IRS plot, where the criminality lies.”

IMG_8511Warrior Talk News – by John Chambers

In the course of my military career, I was “blessed” with the opportunity to train with, and serve with, many of our international allies.  Since I was part of a Long Range Surveillance Detachment, the units we trained and worked with tended to be very interesting, and very well equipped with a variety of weapons.  Whether they were German Paras, British Ghurkas, or Japanese Intelligence troops, these soldiers were highly trained and I took every opportunity to become familiar with their weapons, and to learn from their experiences with those weapons.    Continue reading “Advantages of the G3 and the HK System”

Central Banks’ Bubble Bursting, Sending Markets Down WorldwideThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

When the Japanese stock market lost more than six percent of its value on Wednesday in a massive sell-off, pundits jumped on the move to try to explain what happened, and what it all means. Evan Lucas, a market strategist at IG Markets, wrote:

The storm clouds are building: the Dow has just suffered its first three-day losing streak for the year, the Chicago VIX [fear] index has climbed further; Europe is sliding off its highs; China is slowing down faster than expected, and the BOJ [Bank of Japan] is holding [off] on additional stimulus action.   Continue reading “Central Banks’ Bubble Bursting, Sending Markets Down Worldwide”

Breitbart – by Kerry Picket

The Obama administration is considering resettling thousands of refugees who left Syria during the country’s ongoing civil war to multiple towns and cities across the United States, the L.A. Times reports.

A resettlement plan under discussion in Washington and other capitals is aimed at relieving pressure on Middle Eastern countries straining to support 1.6 million refugees, as well as assisting hard-hit Syrian families.   Continue reading “Obama Admin Considers Resettling Thousands of Syrian Refugees in U.S.”

Max Velocity Tactical

Here are some things to consider about the use of slings.

I have no experience of using a sling as an actual aid to marksmanship, other than with .22 target shooting in the cadets at school. This post is not about that. I would suggest that it is not an option unless you are set up in a static position, in the role of a sharpshooter.   Continue reading “Tactical Tip – Sling Use (+ comment on muzzle flagging)”

The Last Resistance – by Onan Coca

Over the last week and a half American voices have made themselves heard. The loudest voices are seemingly shocked and disgusted at the level of hubris our federal government must have. For almost seven years they have been vacuuming up much of our most intimate correspondence in some misguided attempt to fight the War on Terror. While the loudest voices may be angry, polls seem to show that the majority of Americans are content with the news they’ve heard thus far – and that could be an even greater cause for alarm than the snooping scandal itself.   Continue reading “Americans Happy to Give Up 4th Amendment Rights”

painNatural News – by PF Louis

Over the counter pain remedies such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen have been the go-to choices for killing pain and/or inflammation fast. But they have their vast array of side effects.

Aspirin has been linked to gastrointestinal problems and ulcers as well hemorrhaging and strokes. Tylenol contains acetaminophen, which is toxic to the liver.   Continue reading “Five natural pain-relieving alternatives to aspirin and NSAIDS that work fast”

foodNatural News- by Ethan A. Huff

There appears to be no limit to how far the processed food industry will go to maximize its profits, even if it means reprocessing animal meat waste and adding it to completely unrelated foods like ice cream. This is the latest endeavor by industrial food researchers in Italy, Belgium, and elsewhere, who are right now developing novel methods to turn meat industry leftovers into protein-rich powders and slurry for the factory food industry.    Continue reading “Meat scrap leftovers now being reprocessed into ice cream: The dismal future of food”

angela-giron-495x330Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Second Amendment supporters from all across the country are looking upon the great people of Colorado with pride. Unlike many of us who sit and whine about our government officials, the people of Colorado are taking action and looking to remove the cancers that are metastasizing within their Senate.

On Monday morning 13,500 signatures were turned in toward the potential recall of Senator Angela Giron. The Gazette Reports:   Continue reading “Effects Of Gun Control In CO: 13,500 Signatures To Recall Sen. Angela Giron”

ozartsetc_obama_burning-constitution_jon-mcnaughton_00Freedom Outpost – by John Risselada

Well America, here we are again one step closer to the ever approaching, abysmal pit…. of tyranny. There were a lot of things reported today that likely went completely unnoticed. The Santa Monica shooter for instance, it turns out he was a Muslim and seven years ago he was actually investigated by California police for having bomb making material in his apartment.    Continue reading “Obama Implements Communist Goals By Discrediting The American Constitution”

**FILE** Police in Chandler, Ariz., respond to a report of copper theft from a shopping plaza roof on Jan. 18, 2012. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

The Senate is moving to make metal theft a federal crime, with the Judiciary Committee poised to take action later this week on a bill that would impose a 10-year prison sentence on anyone caught stealing metal from telephone or cell towers, highway equipment or other critical infrastructure. Copper theft is a particular problem, with the average annual price on global markets quadrupling over the past decade.   Continue reading “Senate moving to make copper theft a federal crime”

Edward SnowdenThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Would you be willing to give up what Edward Snowden has given up?  He has given up his high paying job, his home, his girlfriend, his family, his future and his freedom just to expose the monolithic spy machinery that the U.S. government has been secretly building to the world.  He says that he does not want to live in a world where there isn’t any privacy.  He says that he does not want to live in a world where everything that he says and does is recorded.    Continue reading “27 Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying That Should Send A Chill Up Your Spine”

Max Velocity Tactical

Max Velocity Tactical offers tactical self-defense training for citizens concerned about potential societal collapse and ensuing lawlessness. Training is available in combat proven light infantry, close protection and unconventional warfare TTPs; this includes any of the tactics, techniques and procedures covered in the books ‘Contact!‘, ‘Patriot Dawn’ and ‘Rapid Fire!’.

We currently offer open enrollment weekend tactical self-defense training packages and also private group courses tailoring the content, duration and location of the training to suit your needs. Please contact us with your requirements.   Continue reading “Max Velocity Tactical Training Services”