
Organic supermarket chain Whole Foods is experiencing a local crisis in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a local leftist organization, ProgressNow New Mexico, is blasting the organization for supposedly prohibiting employees from speaking Spanish. ““Whole Foods Market’s commitment to organic and natural foods has made it a national leader in responsible food choice,” said Progress Now New Mexico. “[B]ut their policies prohibiting employees from speaking their own language or organizing to overturn these anti-diversity policies directly contradict their commitment to ‘team member excellence and happiness.’”   Continue reading “Whole Foods Under Fire for English-Only Policy”

Arabian Money

You need to have some imagination to understand the bull market case for gold and silver. Not very much imagination, a little will do. The bears do tend to be traders rather than economists though we were saddened to see that Nouriel Roubini is about to trash his good name again by joining them (click here).

Perhaps in his case an innately pessimistic nature has just fastened onto the wrong negative. He thinks inflation is beaten and gold is no therefore no longer needed as a hedge. The Fed can print money until the end of time without any meaningful consequences. He will look right, of course, until he is hopelessly wrong.   Continue reading “When the bond markets crash then gold and silver prices will go ballistic”

Revised History – by Al Benson Jr.

According to an article on for June 7th Rush Limbugh has stated that Barack Obama and his administration are leading a “coup d’ etat’ to take over the United States. Limbaugh said this on his radio show on Friday, June 7th. Limbaugh noted the recently-discovered National Security Agency domestic surveillance (spying) programs being carried on against millions of Americans, all in the name of “fighting terrorism.” Of course the supposed “terrorists” that this Marxist administration are fighting are those patriotic Americans that oppose its Marxist agenda. After all, doesn’t opposing any form of Marxism automatically qualify you as a “terrorist?” According to this administration it does.   Continue reading “The Real Coup Was in 1861”

fastfurious_guns_atf_540x405Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

As we’ve covered here at Freedom Outpost before, the Federal government has been given absolutely no constitutional authority to restrict or regulate arms in any capacity. They have tyrannically taken it upon themselves to do so. However, under the Obama administration, they have been going into gun dealers in states that border Mexico and obtaining information on individuals that purchase certain weapons with certain features within a matter of days, which seems to be clear violation of the Fourth Amendment as well as, the Second Amendment. A case developed as a result and a Federal Court gave the Obama administration the thumbs up to continue their trampling of the United States Constitution.   Continue reading “Federal Judge: ATF Can Collect Gun Purchase Records Even When No Crime Has Been Committed”

Picture 1Bob Owens

I mentioned several weeks ago that I was sure Cape Fear Arsenal got commitments from institutional buyers (government agencies) as part of the funding process, to show their investors they have solid commitments, and that they will indeed sell as much ammo as they can to John Q. Public.

I can now confirm that they are going to make ammo for you… lots of it, and soon.   Continue reading “Cape Fear Arsenal to produce 24M rounds of .223, starting in August”

foodNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

There is a war being waged against real food – no, not the heavily-processed, chemical-laden garbage that fills the aisles of most major supermarkets today, but actual wholesome food grown on clean, family-scale farms across the U.S. And the upcoming documentary Let Them Eat Grass will expose the aggressors in this widespread fight, as well as urge people like us to fight back and defend our constitutional right to choose healthy food.   Continue reading “‘Let Them Eat Grass’ documentary to expose massive government tyranny against small-scale farmers producing real food”

Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill Promoting Student-led Prayer in SchoolsThe New American – by Dave Bohon

The Louisiana State Legislature has given its final approval to a bill that affirms the right of students to hold prayer meetings in the state’s public schools. On June 1 the state Senate voted unanimously in favor of House Bill 724, which was previously approved by the state Assembly. Introduced in the Senate by Democrat Katrina Jackson, the bill confirms that students of any faith background can receive permission from school officials to use classrooms, assembly halls, or other available space for prayer or reflection. Additionally, noted theShreveport Times, “a teacher or school administrator, parent or someone from the community may be invited to participate or supervise.”   Continue reading “Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill Promoting Student-led Prayer in Schools”

Congress Looks to Revise, Expand President's War PowersThe New American – by Jack Kenny

President Obama has pledged he will not sign any law to expand the president’s war-making authority under the joint resolution known as the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, passed by both houses of Congress three days after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.   Continue reading “Congress Looks to Revise, Expand President’s War Powers”

Max Velocity Tactical

My previous post on ‘Gear & Camo’ HERE drew a response about camouflage. This is a very subjective topic and I notice several comments regarding the Vietnam Era Tiger Stripe that I mentioned I was going to try out. I have a few more comments on the camo topic, which I will put down here:   Continue reading “Further thoughts on Camouflage”

Mediaite – by Andrew Kirell

The United States isn’t the only country that deals with its share of drone-related controversy. Classified footage from a German drone plane shows the unmanned device just barely missing an Afghan passenger plane reportedly carrying 100 people.

Despite being strictly classified, footage of the “Luna” drone narrow made its way to YouTube and has stirred an uproar within Germany over the country’s use of drones and its Defense Minister’s reluctance to build the Luna’s successor with anti-collision technology.   Continue reading “Terrifying: The Moment A Drone Narrowly Misses Passenger Plane Carrying 100 People”

mkatt0313Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is scheduled to be signed by Barack Obama on June 4, this Monday. He has already said he will sign it. However, the United States Senate passed a resolution that they will not ratify the document. Now a letter has been sent to Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry by 130 members of the House of Representatives opposing the ATT.   Continue reading “UN Arms Trade Treaty Opposed By 130 Members Of Congress”

Max Velocity Tactical

I had a question emailed to me about gear for my courses, and gear in general. I have written about gear on my blog before, check out the link HERE, which in turn has links to the other previous posts. A picture does paint a thousand words, and I am planning on taking some photos of some of my gear and posting them to illustrate what I mean. In the meantime, here are some pointers:

There are multiple makes and brands out there for gear, and multiple budgets. I’m not going to recommend or criticize specific brands here, but give you an idea of the type of gear you want to get. I usually shop for my gear on I know a lot of people like eBay, but I’ve never got into it. Unless you need something specific that is not on either of these vendors, then both of these will work pretty well for you.   Continue reading “Gear & Camo”

MERS VirusUS Crow

usCrow contributors tend to focus on communism, war, and tyranny. However, we clearly outline several other threats the survival and prepper community should be prepared for. Viral Pandemic is listed in our Top 5 Reasons to be a Prepper, and with viruses like MERS it’s not hard to see why. Now, I rarely like citing the WHO (World Health Organization)findings, but in this case it’s acceptable. According to the WHO, MERS is a threat to the entire world…   Continue reading “MERS Virus the New Global Threat”

Ammunition Ballistics GuideUS Crow

A firm knowledge in modern ammunition should be standard among survival groups and militias. Such knowledge includes; production of new ammunition, reloaded ammunition, SOP for tactical combat operations and etc. To download any one of these guides you can right click ‘download’ and select save as, or simply select the file you’d like to view without saving…   Continue reading “Ammunition Ballistics Guides”

LA Times – by Patrick McGreevy and Chris Megerian

SACRAMENTO — California lawmakers Wednesday advanced a dozen gun-control measures, including background checks for ammunition buyers, and gave early approval to a tax penalty on the Boy Scouts for barring openly gay leaders.

Legislators also voted for a new $75 charge on real estate transactions to pay for affordable-housing projects.  Continue reading “California lawmakers OK a dozen gun-control measures”

American Thinker – by Todd Keister

In the fallout from the recent revelations about the Internal Revenue Service systematically persecuting conservative political groups and other enemies of President Obama, the establishment is putting on a good show of being shocked by the behavior.  The reality is that the IRS is and always has been a tool of oppression and is routinely used by those in power to destroy their opponents.   Continue reading “The IRS: Destroying Liberty Since before You Were Born”