Battle-of-LexingtonBob Owens

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Twenty-seven words.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is among the most direct, straightforward laws every written in the English language, in any country or culture. It means precisely what it says, no more and no less.The government will not infringe upon the right of Americans to own weapons of war.   Continue reading “Connecticut gun ban earns anti-constitutional cowards a new motto, “the treason state””

Patriots Against the NWO – by Pete Smith

If there ever was a miracle product better than spray-on-hair or the ShamWow, it is duct tape. Over the past 70 years of its existence, this staple product of fix-it-yourselfers has been used by virtually every walk of life, for jobs that I’m sure the duct tape developers never imagined. So how can we use it for survival?

Here are my top 25 survival uses for duct tape, in no order whatsoever.   Continue reading “25 Survival Uses For Duct Tape”

Red State – by Dana Loesch

Earlier today a bunch of well-heeled progressive women from the nice, safe part of Missouri rolled into crime-ridden St. Louis city to condescend to city residents and hold signs proclaiming “Moms Demand Action! For Gun Sense In America!” Because what mom doesn’t demand action for things, gun sense especially? These moms aren’t like those pro-Second Amendment moms, who apparently do not demand gun sense, whatever that’s supposed to mean.   Continue reading “St. Louis Anti-Gun Rally Becomes Rally To Cede US Sovereignty”

Hartford Courant – by MATTHEW STURDEVANT

NORTH HAVEN — — A half-dozen workers were in otherwise empty offices Friday at The Marlin Firearms Co. as the company wound down 141 years of manufacturing in Connecticut.

A security phone at the visitor’s gate was unattended next to a large barren parking lot off Bailey Road near I-91. A reception room that resembles a ski lodge, complete with a fireplace, was dark. The few people left working Friday declined to comment, but one employee said there were six people inside and that Friday was their last day of work.   Continue reading “Marlin Firearms Closes In North Haven, Ending 141 Years Of Manufacturing In Connecticut”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s rhetoric over nuclear weapons and the possibility of war with the United States and its allies makes almost no plausible sense considering that their long range missile capabilities are lacking and their military hardware is reportedly outdated when compared to the militaries of developed western nations. While the communist regime does have millions of soldiers at their disposal, the notion that North Korea will start and win a war against the U.S. seems outlandish.   Continue reading “Concerned Officials Warn: “North Korea Could Explode a High-Altitude Nuclear Device Over the United States””

Once these are fired off, what will happen to the brass?The Examiner – by David Codrea

In a follow-up to Friday’s report on two military installations destroying expended ammunition brass for scrap metal sales rather than making it available to the commercial reload market, the Fort McCoy public affairs office today sent Gun Rights Examiner a copy of a June 23, 2011 memorandum from Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter on “Department of Defense (DoD) Implementing Guidance for the Commercial Sale of Expended Small Arms Cartridge Cases (ESACC).”

“The attached guidance reconciles [the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act] with other applicable provisions, including … the Department of Defense Appropriations Act … which restricted funds from being used to demilitarize or dispose of certain types of carbines, rifles, pistols, or small arms ammunition and ammunition components that are not otherwise prohibited from commercial sale under Federal law or certified by the Secretary of the Army … as unserviceable or unsafe for future use,” the memorandum explains.   Continue reading “DOD memo outlines authority for sale or destruction of expended cartridge brass”

WTAE News Pittsburgh – by Bob Hazen

PITTSBURGH —A Pittsburgh woman is furious at police after the SWAT team knocked down her front door and shattered her windows while looking for a homicide suspect in the home next door to her.

“I feel violated,” Carla Glover told WTAE.  “There’s not even words  to describe what I was feeling.”   Continue reading “SWAT team breaks door, windows at wrong home”

** FILE ** The United Nations building is reflected on the window of the U.S. mission to the U.N. as portraits of American President Barack Obama, left, Vice President Joseph R. Biden, and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hang in the lobby, Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010, in New York. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by David Sherfinski

The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday signed off on a sweeping, first-of-its-kind treaty to regulate the international arms trade, brushing aside worries from U.S. gun rights advocates that the pact could lead to a national firearms registry and disrupt the American gun market.

The long-debated U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) requires countries to regulate and control the export of weaponry such as battle tanks, combat vehicles and aircraft and attack helicopters, as well as parts and ammunition for such weapons. It also provides that signatories will not violate arms embargoes, international treaties regarding illicit trafficking, or sell weaponry to countries for genocide, crimes against humanity or other war crimes.   Continue reading “U.N. passes sweeping international arms regulation viewed by some as Second Amendment override”

South Carolina One Step Closer to Nullifying ObamaCareThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

South Carolina is one step closer to nullifying ObamaCare within the borders of the Palmetto State.

The Constitutional Law Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee passed H3101, the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act. Within days the bill will be heard by the full Judiciary Committee of the state House of Representatives.   Continue reading “South Carolina One Step Closer to Nullifying ObamaCare”

My Way News – by SUSAN HAIGH

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – With an announcement of sweeping proposals to curb gun violence, Connecticut lawmakers said they are hoping to send a message to Congress and other state legislators across the country: A bipartisan agreement on gun control is possible.

Legislative leaders on Monday revealed proposals spurred by the Dec. 14 Newtown school shooting following weeks of bipartisan, closed-door negotiations. A vote is expected Wednesday in the General Assembly, where Democrats control both chambers, making passage all but assured.   Continue reading “Conn. lawmakers unveil bipartisan gun control plan”

Activist Post

The U.S Dollar is quickly losing its status as the world reserve currency. Five of the top ten economies in the world, plus a few others, no longer use the dollar as an intermediary currency for trade. This trend poses a huge risk to the dollar and the United States along with it.

ZeroHedge points out today that Australia, the world’s 12th-ranked economy, has now joined a growing list of nations that have agreed to bypass the dollar in bilateral trade with China. China, ranked 2nd behind the U.S., also has similar agreements with Japan (3rd), Brazil (6th), India (9th), and Russia (10th).   Continue reading “5 of 10 Top Economies in the World Drop the Dollar”

TL in Exile – by T. L. Davis

A lawless government breeds a lawless public.

I don’t know when the apple turns, it has for me already. I feel bound by no laws the federal government has passed through its sham of a legislature. I regard them as laws passed in commission of a fraud. To whatever extent I obey a federal law it is within my understanding of rightful liberty.   Continue reading “A Once Great Nation”

TL in Exile – by T. L. Davis

It is dying time.

For the better part of a month I have been deliberating on this fact; coming to grips with the implications of it. The powers who exercise control will ultimately come to kill us. The longer we object to their domination, the more surely they will devise a way to eliminate those who recognize them as the enemy.

The wave of gun legislation moving through the legislatures of the states is not without complicity with the federal government. What the federal government cannot expect the whole House or Senate to agree to, they have encouraged individually through the states with some success. The result is simply citizen disarmament through any means, which is an act of war against the rights of the people. Those who see their rights being violated and have the nerve to resist have become the enemy of the politician.   Continue reading “Dying Time”

Auxiliary Units HistoryBritish Resistance Archive

On 2 July 1940 Winston Churchill and the War Cabinet stated that:-

“The regular defences require supplementing with guerrilla type troops, who will allow themselves to be overrun and who thereafter will be responsible for hitting the enemy in the comparatively soft spots behind zones of concentrated attack”   Continue reading “The History of the Auxiliary Units & British Resistance Movement”

judge-roy-mooreFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

While many believe the “birthers” are “right wing extremists,” there is much evidence that demonstrates that Barack Hussein Obama is not only ineligible for office, but that he is knowingly a usurper to the highest office in the land. The Obama eligibility case is likely to be heard in a court room by a judge who questions Obama’s eligibility. Judge Roy Moore was elected chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court last November, a decade after he defied a federal order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state Supreme Court building. Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now the head of Freedom Watch, is appealing to Moore’s court after the Montgomery Circuit Court dismissed the Obama eligibility case.   Continue reading “Obama Eligibility Appealed In Judge Roy Moore’s Court”

obama-socialist-changeFreedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet.

In today’s world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words?   Continue reading “Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same”

Is Government Readying For A Shooting War Against Gun Owners?Personal Liberty – by Bob Livingston

Gun grabbing lawmakers at both the State and Federal level continue to push forward with their anti-American, anti-2nd Amendment, anti-gun agendas, even as more individuals, State legislatures and manufacturers of weapons, weapons accessories and ammunition push back. It almost seems as if the elected class is itching for a fight.

And when one considers that the Department of Homeland Security has contracted for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition — much of it hollow points or for use in sniper rifles — for its 55,000 armed agents, plus 2,717 armored personnel carriers and 7,000 select fire “personal defense weapons,” it seems even more apparent that’s the goal. For perspective, 1.6 billion rounds is enough to fight the Iraq war for 20 years. It’s enough to shoot every American five times. It’s 28,000 tons, or the equivalent of three guided missile destroyers. It’s almost 30,000 target practice rounds per armed agent — but of course, because they are more expensive, hollow points are not used for target practice.   Continue reading “Is Government Readying For A Shooting War Against Gun Owners?”

canadian dollar 400Zero Hedge – by Reggie Middleton

Continuing my series of banks ready to “Cyprus” their depositors, I offer this reader contribution from Don from Canada 2013-03-29 23:11:

As part of the 2013 budget in Canada, the Minister of Finance tabled the Economic Action Plan 2013 which included the newest buzzword ‘bail-in’.   Continue reading “The Canadian Government Offers “Bail-In” Regime, Prepares For The Confiscation Of Bank Deposits To Bail Out Banks”

A Dyer Family Photo – Before the Devastation

US Observer – by Lorne Dey

Stephens County, OK – It only takes an accusation! Imagine spending years in prison for something you were accused of, but didn’t do.
Now imagine yourself as a decorated Marine who has served his country during one tour in Japan, one tour in Iraq, been honorably discharged, and has never before been arrested for anything. Welcome to the world of Charles Alan Dyer of Duncan, Oklahoma.

Dyer’s unjust incarceration began on January 12, 2010 after his wife, Valerie Wylie-Dyer, allegedly falsely accused Dyer of molesting the couple’s then, 8-year-old daughter Hayley Dyer. Eight days later Mr. Dyer was formally charged with one count of Child Sexual Abuse and so began a trail of lies and legal malfeasance that would ultimately lead to Dyer being convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison.   Continue reading “Charles Alan Dyer Innocent Oklahoma Marine Still in Prison”