As the potential for a globally destabilizing event becomes ever more probable, many concerned Americans are starting to wonder where they’d go if the worst were to happen.
At noon on Thursday Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy (shown, signing bill) signed into law a wide-ranging bill in response to last year’s shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. After weeks of closed-door negotiations between Republican and Democrat leaders and another 13 hours of debate on Wednesday, the 139-page bill was passed by the House, 105-44. It had previously passed the Senate, 26-10. Continue reading “Connecticut Governor Signs Toughest Gun Bill in America”
I remember back in 2001 when the nation witnessed the shocking events that took place that fateful September 11. I was in Hawaii at the time, and the day before the 11th, which was the last of a four day holiday weekend, my family and I had enjoyed the last day of freedom as we have known it. Continue reading “Reflections on the Tyranny Approaching”
Would it come as a surprise that most of the raw materials that munitions manufactures require to produce bullets come from foreign countries? Recently, I spent of few days visiting local gun dealers, investigating ammunition shortage issues, calling ammunition distributors about inventory problems, and researching the raw materials required to make a bullet. Ammunition manufacturing is a very complicated and heavily regulated business. Continue reading “Obama’s Government Prefers Empty Guns and Knife Fights”
The following is the most recent version of the U.S.-Canada Civil Assistance Plan signed in January 2012. The original ten-page agreement, signed in 2008, was released via the Freedom of Information Act that same year. However, the document’s appendices were not released due to their “pre-decisional” status. The 2012 version of the plan available below includes all appendices. Continue reading “(U//FOUO) U.S.-Canada Civil Assistance Plan 2012”
In light of Obama’s announcement of a $100 million brain-mapping project, which is being promoted as essential to unlocking the secrets behind degenerative brain conditions and kick starting job growth, it is worth examining the darker potential.
Even as the Obama White House prepares for a star-studded White House concert featuring Queen Latifah, Cyndi Lauper, and Justin Timberlake, figures from the U.S. Census Bureau reveal that roughly 50 million Americans—one in six—now live below the poverty line.
In back-to-back interviews with a pair of Spanish-language television networks last Wednesday, Barack Obama expressed confidence that an immigration-reform bill—i.e., a path-to amnesty for 10 to 20 million guaranteed Democratic voters—could be passed “certainly before the end of the summer.”
When you interview a shallow, murderous liar like Billy Ayers, you should assign someone who is at least familiar with the basic facts.
The Weather Underground was created in 1969, not after the Townhouse explosion which took place in 1970. The Underground was created with a formal “Declaration of War” against “Amerikka. By their own account at the time (not in retrospect of course) Ayers and his friends were intending to start a race war in America, which is why they idolized Charles Manson.Their first political act was to destroy SDS (which they called “Offing the pig”). Continue reading “The Daily Beast’s Disgraceful Interview With Bill Ayers”
In his State Of The Union Address on February 12, President Obama cited a number of new initiatives on which he intended the federal government to take action. The area that understandably caused the biggest furor was the president’s reference to his proposals for increased federal restrictions on private firearm ownership, which he had outlined the previous month in a national address capitalizing on the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Continue reading “Obama Executive Orders Nationalizing Energy, Food, Water, Everything Else”
I have had a lot of questions come in about the concept of the ‘Thermal Poncho’. I’m going to post about it here and I have also moved up my post on ‘Countering Aerial Thermal Surveillance’ from when it was originally posted back in October. That POST contains a lot of the detail on FLIR/ Thermal Imaging capabilities, along with a video of an Apache engagement. I recommend that you read these two posts in tandem and watch the video. Continue reading “The ‘Thermal Poncho’”
Many citizens of Connecticut have been laying in arms, ammunition and magazines since right after the Sandy Hook shooting, already predicting the gutless, emotional lemming-like responses of their legislators. They’re now snatching up what is left on store shelves before these cowards violate their oaths of office and pass laws that are a direct assault on the Constitution: Continue reading “The gun rush is on in Connecticut”
SEOUL: The North Korean army said Thursday it had final approval to launch “merciless” military strikes on the United States, involving the possible use of “cutting-edge” nuclear weapons.
In a statement published by the official KCNA news agency, the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) said it was formally informing Washington that reckless US threats would be “smashed by… cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear strike means”. Continue reading “N. Korea approves nuclear strike on US”
Rifle Shooter has a piece up comparing and contrasting pistol caliber carbines.
James Tarr compares the Colt AR6951, Rock River Arms LAR-9, Lone Wolf Distributors G-9 and JR Carbine. He finds pros and cons with each, but to me Colt is dead until they move to a free state. The JR Carbine had forend components come loose under recoil. Of course, this is fatal in my opinion. Continue reading “Pistol Caliber Carbines”
Progressives at the state and federal level are rushing to enact legislation that would ban firearms they claim are “military type” weapons. If they want to classify these weapons as “military type” firearms, then they have a problem, irrespective of the Second and Ninth Amendment, because a militia clause in the body of the Constitution bars them from enacting any general ban on these weapons. Continue reading “Checkmate on your “Military Type” Firearms Ban”
Don’t you Dare pass the U.N. Arms treaty; that’s the message from the NBTP to our RINO senators and congressmen. Take a cue from Nelson, Georgia, press your legislators to obey the Constitution. An armed civilian is a safe civilian. A man without a gun is no man at all. Obama’s own security force can easily fan out across the country in a ‘search and seizure operation’ typical of the kind utilized by previous dictators. Continue reading “Shell Shocked – Disarmament – Tyrants – Treason”