The Defensive Training Group

“I yield to no man in sympathy for the gallant men under my command;but I am obliged to sweat them tonight, so that I may save their blood tomorrow.”    

                           – General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

The clock is ticking, or as my very good friend over at WRSA and others say, “Tempus Fugit!”     Continue reading “Relax…I’ve Got All the Time in the World….or Do I?”

mdgunlawsuit12.jpgFox News

Gun-rights activists in Maryland have filed a federal lawsuit to block the state’s new gun law before new requirements on assault weapons and large magazines go into effect Oct. 1.

In the lawsuit in filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Maryland, the plaintiffs argues the the Second Amendment and case law protect their right to own assault rifles and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, The Baltimore Sun reported.   Continue reading “Gun-rights activists sue Maryland to block new firearms law”

Kerry Signs UN Arms Trade Treaty — Civilian Disarmament AdvancingThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Wednesday. Upon adding his signature, Kerry addressed the world body:

On behalf of President Obama and the United States of America, I am very pleased to have signed this treaty here today. I signed it because President Obama knows that from decades of efforts that at any time that we work with — cooperatively to address the illicit trade in conventional weapons, we make the world a safer place. And this treaty is a significant step in that effort.   Continue reading “Kerry Signs UN Arms Trade Treaty — Civilian Disarmament Advancing”

Sen. Mike Lee: Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling a "Lawless Act"The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Minutes after midnight on Wednesday, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) rose to give his colleague Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) a breather from what was already a marathon speech warning of the “train wreck” that is resulting from the collision of the American economy with the oppression of ObamaCare.

While the remarks delivered by both men were eloquent, engaging, and educational, Senator Lee’s impromptu descant on the unconstitutionality of the Supreme Court’s rewriting of the original healthcare legislation was particularly noteworthy.   Continue reading “Sen. Mike Lee: Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling a “Lawless Act””

Mountain Guerrilla

(It is important to preface this article with the notice that I am not using the doctrinally correct terminology to describe some of the collective tasks included herein. If all your schooling is from reading FMs, STPs, and ARTEPs, you’re about to get really, really, confused. If you’ve served in a conventional unit, in any sort of leadership position, some of this may even sound heretical. Bear with me, think about it, and you may actually realize, Holy Shit! He’s right!   Continue reading “Planning Group Training: Developing A Mission Essential Task List”

guns_gunrights.jpgFox News – by Maxim Lott

Does the Second Amendment guarantee an individual right to own guns?

The Supreme Court has ruled that it does. But you might be confused if you visit the official Senate web page on the Constitution, which says only: “Whether this provision protects the individual’s right to own firearms or whether it deals only with the collective right of the people to arm and maintain a militia has long been debated.”   Continue reading “Senate website gets 2nd Amendment wrong, critics say”


So much for lower insurance premiums for young consumers under Obamacare.

According to The Wall Street Journal, insurance costs for young buyers will be much higher in many states on new Obamacare insurance exchanges.    Continue reading “WSJ: Young Buyers Face Sticker Shock on New Insurance Exchanges”

"Restoring the Republic" Event in Wisconsin Addresses NullificationThe New American – by Christian Gomez

“Wisconsin, States’ Rights & the Power of Nullification” was the theme of the Restoring the Republic conference held September 21 in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Presented by the Wisconsin chapter of the Tenth Amendment Center, the three main featured speakers were Michael Maharrey, the communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center and the author of Our Last Hope: Rediscovering the Lost Path to Liberty; former Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon, who successfully sponsored legislation nullifying REAL ID in the state of Oklahoma; and keynote speaker Dr. Tom Woods, the nationally acclaimed author of Nullification: How to Resist Tyranny in the 21st Century.    Continue reading ““Restoring the Republic” Event in Wisconsin Addresses Nullification”

Max Velocity Tactical

Following on from the recent discussion of squad tactics in the ‘There will be no Theme Music‘ & ‘Using the Flank‘ posts, I found this gem of a video on YouTube (below).

This video is very old school, I’m guessing 1970’s. However, it is well worth 35 minutes of your time, and it is worth seeing through to the end. As part of the video the section (squad) conducts three hasty attacks as part of an advance to contact, utilizing varied methods each time. There are a lot of gems in the videos at various points. I have written about a lot of the concepts that are in the video, I was a little shocked and surprised to see!   Continue reading “Training Video: Squad Hasty Attack Drills”

Fox News – by Adam Housley

The recent theft of massive amounts of highly sensitive U.S. military equipment from Libya is far worse than previously thought, Fox News has learned, with raiders swiping hundreds of weapons that are now in the hands of militia groups aligned with terror organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The equipment, as Fox News previously reported, was used for training in Libya by U.S. Special Forces. The training team, which was funded by the Pentagon, has since been pulled, partly in response to the overnight raids last August.    Continue reading “Theft of US weapons in Libya involved hundreds of guns, sources say”

James White is an exceptional instructor. With that being said, here are a few of his quick tips concerning some basics of reloading.

It’s always good to refresh one’s memory on subjects as important as this. For any other reloading needs, as far as instruction goes, visit his site at
James will answer questions posed from visitors. With the uncertainty that comes with the days ahead, Patriots must be self sufficient….    Continue reading “Quick Tips:”


As President Obama’s signature legislation is rolled out nationwide, a recently released book raises serious questions about the constitutionality of Obamacare.

In “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office,” New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott make the case Obamacare not only is unconstitutional, it illegally bypasses Congress, infringes on states’ rights and marks an unprecedented and unauthorized expansion of Internal Revenue Service power.   Continue reading “How Obamacare threatens to shred Constitution”

Free North Carolina – by Brock Townsend

GRNC has just learned that the shopping-cart-gateway provider, Authorize.Net(a subsidiary of CyberSource), is refusing to continue providing services to Hyatt Guns, a large North Carolina-based gun shop that also has a sizable online presence. In late August, management at Hyatt Guns was disappointed and perplexed to receive a notice explaining that the store was in violation of Authorize.Net’s “acceptable use” policy. What was their offending violation? They sell firearms. In Authorize.Net’s own words:    Continue reading “NC: Authorize .Net Abandons Gun Sellers”

Bacon and Eggs

I found a good starting place for those of you who want to learn to dehydrate veggies.  Please note that dehydrators and methods for dehydrating vary. Vegetables may be dehydrated at temperatures starting at 100 degrees ranging up to 140 degrees. The higher the temperature the shorter the dehydration time. Also, with higher temperatures it is possible to cause case hardening of the vegetable. Case hardening occurs when the exterior of the vegetable dries too rapidly creating a seal that retains moisture in the center. When this occurs the food will spoil from the inside out.   Continue reading “Dehydrating Instructions For Vegetables”

Paul Craig Roberts

The war criminal barack obama has declared his “outrage” over the 62 deaths associated with the takeover of a Nairobi, Kenya, shopping mall by al-Shabaab fighters. But the attack on the shopping mall was obama’s fault. Al Shabaab spokesmen said that the attack on the Nairobi mall was a retaliatory response to the Kenyan troops sent to fight against them in Somalia. The Kenyan troops, of course, were sent to Somalia as a result of pressure from Washington.

Just as the outbreak of violence in Mali resulted from the fighters that obama used against Gaddafi moving into Mali, Washington’s violence against Somalia has resulted in the terrorist attack on the Nairobi mall.   Continue reading “Washington’s Tyranny”

Max Velocity Tactical

I received the following comment on my recent post ‘There Will Be No Theme Music‘ from Mt. Top Patriot (MTP):

Amongst all the outstanding education and wisdom’s, the experience and examples you extend, to an inexperienced civilian such as myself, there is one aspect to effective fighting with a rifle in small unit techniques that is becoming evident to me that is essential to dominating and dictating the course of a firefight.   Continue reading “Using the Flank”