Fox News

Secretary of State John Kerry plans to sign a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation on Wednesday, a senior State Department official told Fox News — despite warnings from lawmakers that the Senate will not ratify the agreement.

A State official said the treaty would “reduce the risk that international transfers of conventional arms will be used to carry out the world’s worst crimes,” while protecting gun rights.    Continue reading “Kerry to sign UN arms treaty, despite senators’ opposition”

151 femaThe Free Patriot – by Rick Wells

What if our worse fears are confirmed? We’ve been watching as the criminal forces within the U.S. government slowly work their way into a more entrenched position in the machinery of power. What if the reason we have so many of our troops overseas, including our national guardsmen, is to remove them from the scene of an American coup?   Continue reading “FEMA, DHS, 386,000 Foreign Troops Now on U.S. Soil – Obama Issuing Martial Law in October?”

Pres. Obama "Fired Up" and Ready to Repeal Second AmendmentThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

On behalf of your children, President Obama plans to take the guns you own and make it harder for you to buy them.

During a speech September 21 at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Phoenix Awards dinner, the president promised he was turning his attention back to his gun control agenda.   Continue reading “Pres. Obama “Fired Up” and Ready to Repeal Second Amendment”

The New Boston Tea Party

For ease of navigating the Executive Orders, the most recent and most searched for Executive Orders are listed below here on the main Executive Order page. The full list is to large to keep it all on one page. To make it easier to view and faster to load the list has been broken out by year. Click on the following links to view that years Executive Orders.   Continue reading “Obama’s Executive Orders”

Max Velocity Tactical

What is my point?

It is this: ‘IT’ will never happen when you expect it to happen. Expect ‘dislocation of expectations’. Expect surprise. Be aware of the danger of denial. You may be taking a dump over a cat hole out in the woods with your pants down around your ankles, when ‘Contact!’ is shouted. Snap it off and get going!

I realize that I have run a couple of ‘reality call’ posts recently  (‘Reality Check: All the Gear No Idea‘ & ‘SHTF Combat Casualty – Considerations & Realities‘) and to a certain extent they can be a little depressing. This post is also about getting a grip with reality, but if you keep reading, I aim to end it on a lighter note, with a little bit of morale.   Continue reading “There will be no theme music”

Obama EPA Climate Decrees Will Further Damage U.S. EconomyThe New American – by Alex Newman

The Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a series of far-reaching executive decrees on carbon dioxide Friday, supposedly aimed at dealing with “climate change” based on largely debunked United Nations theories about man-made “global warming.” Drawing a furious and immediate response from critics on both sides of the aisle, opponents slammed the proposed EPA regulations as everything from wildly unconstitutional overreach to another assault on the embattled U.S. economy and even a “war on coal.”    Continue reading “Obama EPA Climate Decrees Will Further Damage U.S. Economy”

In the days, and years to come, should this Republic survive, there will be those who’ll come behind us asking questions. They’ll ask questions as to Why, How, and What, we as American Patriots did to preserve this great blessing, the Blessing known as America.

Q : Why – did we sacrifice our lives?

A :  This blessing, this land, this America, came directly from the very hand of God.   Continue reading “To Those Who Would But Ask”

Ready Nutrition – by Tess Pennington

Storing an ample supply of water is an often overlooked area of preparedness – even though we know it is the most important item for our survival. I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of this. Don’t get me wrong, we have at least a 3 day supply of water, and plenty of water filters and purifying tablets, but as far as having enough water stashed away for a family of 5 … I will admit that we don’t have as much as we should – and it’s time to change this.   Continue reading “5 Short Term Methods to Store Water”

Lambrecht car auctionJournal Star – by PETER SALTER

PIERCE — The most valuable farm in Pierce County now has 24-hour security, possibly armed, camping where the soybeans used to be.

And a new cattle gate, installed late last month. And electronic surveillance, its details kept secret.  Continue reading “Collection of a lifetime: Chevy dealer to sell 500 old cars, dozens of them new”

Freedom Outpost – by 

“These people love to pull your hair, smack you in the face, assault you and your livelihood, and then have the audacity to cry victim.” – Bradlee Dean

This week I received some information that my ministry was being petitioned by, which is funded by none other than the international criminal George Soros, in an attempt to prevent my participation at the Minnesota State Fair. We also became aware of the fact that he who is petitioning the ministry is representing himself under a feigned manner and has no affiliation with the Fair. Outside of the fact that I have nothing to hide, the truth and facts, which bear forth my fruit, will expose their lies and those advocating crimes toward our American republic.   Continue reading “The George Soros Campaign to Quash Freedom of Speech Against Homosexuality”

ABC News – by DINA CAPPIELLO Associated Press

Linking global warming to public health, disease and extreme weather, the Obama administration pressed ahead Friday with tough requirements to limit carbon pollution from new power plants, despite protests from industry and Republicans that it would dim coal’s future.

The proposal, which would set the first national limits on heat-trapping pollution from future power plants, is intended to help reshape where Americans get electricity, moving from a coal-dependent past into a future fired by cleaner sources of energy. It’s also a key step in President Barack Obama’s global warming plans, because it would put in motion proposals to end what he called “the limitless dumping of carbon pollution” from all power plants.   Continue reading “Obama Moves to Limit Power-Plant Carbon Pollution”

Max Velocity Tactical

I received the following question by email:

In one of your previous articles on gear carriage, you mentioned that the Paras were expected to be able to survive with what they carried on their battle belts (for 48-72 hours, if I remember correctly). I simply don’t have room for foodstuffs as I have mine set up now. Just FYI (starting at the left front and moving anti-clockwise): I have two pistol mag pouches, two double rifle mag pouches, a dump pouch, med pouch, pistol, and a single pistol mag pouch at the right front. My vest has a Camelbak for fluids. Can you suggest a way to carry food without relying on a patrol pack?    Continue reading “Battle Belt Question Answered”

Digital Journal – by Ralph Lopez

The FBI is instructing local police departments and “communities against terrorism” to consider anyone who harbors “conspiracy theories” about 9/11 to be a potential terrorist, in a circular released to local police departments.

The memo thus adds 9/11-official-story skeptics to a growing list of targets described by federal law enforcement to be security threats, such as those who express “libertarian philosophies,” “Second Amendment-oriented views,” interest in “self-sufficiency,” “fears of Big Brother or big government,” and “Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties.”   Continue reading “FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists”

U.S. Military Secretly Seeks Tech to Take Control of Radio WavesThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

It is axiomatic in the modern era that in order to conquer a country, before there are boots on the ground, there must be propaganda in the air. Citizens of the United States must be the latest enemy, as a recent article reveals the U.S. military’s plan to conduct just such a media manipulation operation here at home.   Continue reading “U.S. Military Secretly Seeks Tech to Take Control of Radio Waves”

** FILE ** The dome of the U.S. Capitol in Washington is pictured on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Whether the government does the right thing or not, by defunding and defeating this horrible and illegal law, American Patriots will not abide by it…for it’s nothing more than the fast road to tyranny.

Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

House Republicans passed their stopgap funding bill Friday to keep government open while terminating the new health care law, setting up a final showdown next week with Senate Democrats and President Obama who have firmly rejected that.   Continue reading “House passes spending bill to defund Obamacare”

Washington's Farewell Address: Beware of "Tools and Dupes"The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

As he prepared to leave office, President George Washington was concerned about the increasingly partisan and militaristic path the young Republic he helped found was heading down.

Even the “Father of His Country” was not above criticism, and the military-industrial complex of the time pilloried him in the press. Although the recently retired general whom the Indians believed could not be killed suffered from the shots taken at him by these “infamous newspapers,” he refused to make any response that would deny his countrymen of “the infinite blessings resulting from a free press.”   Continue reading “Washington’s Farewell Address: Beware of “Tools and Dupes””

china-flagJust one more small victory for the Republic!

The next victory will be to REMOVE them from office.

WND – by Bob Unruh

The mayor of San Leandro, Calif., on Thursday, just hours after WND reported on a city council vote to fly the flag of communist China over city hall, decided to suspend that decision.

In a statement delivered to WND by city officials late Thursday, Mayor Stephen Cassidy commented on the controversial decision to fly the flag of the People’s Republic of China at the San Leandro City Hall on Oct. 1.   Continue reading “Mayor torpedoes plans to fly China’s flag”