North Carolina – by MT Top Patriot

They are afraid of what we will do to them for what they are doing to us.

It is why they they call the AR15 rifle an “assault weapon”.

Because they are afraid it will be used to assault them for what they have done to this great Republic.

It is why the are attempting to make peaceful redress impossible.   Continue reading “These tyrants are afraid of us”

This Can’t Be Happening – by Dave Lindorff

I no longer recognize my country.

Back in 1997, after two years living in China, and five more living in Hong Kong, during which time, as a correspondent for Business Week magazine, I slipped in and out of China regularly as a journalist to report on developments there, I got a good dose of life in a totalitarian society. When I alit from the plane in Philadelphia where my family and I were about to start a new chapter of our lives, I remember feeling like a big weight had been lifted off my chest.   Continue reading “‘Freedom’s just another word…’ The Police State of America”

Charleston Voice

Bill de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm, Jr. on May 8, 1961 in New York City and grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Shortly after graduating with a bachelor’s degree from New York University in 1983, he legally changed his name to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, adding his mother’s maiden name to his identity. In 2002 he changed his name for a second time and became Bill de Blasio.

De Blasio took his first job in 1984 with the NYC Department of Juvenile Justice. Three years later, having recently earned a master’s degree at Columbia University‘s School of International and Public Affairs, he was hired to work as a political organizer by the Quixote Center (QC), a Maryland-based, Catholic social-justice organization with Marxist leanings.   Continue reading “New York Chooses Socialism (More So)”

NYC Mayor Candidate De Blazio Takes Flak Over Pro-communist BackgroundThe New American – by William F. Jasper

A week ago, President Obama publicly threw his support to Bill de Blazio (shown in suit), the Democratic Party candidate for New York City mayor, joining Hollywood activists Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon, Harry Belafonte — along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and a host of veteran “Progressives” who are endorsing the former NYC councilman and public advocate.   Continue reading “NYC Mayor Candidate De Blazio Takes Flak Over Pro-communist Background”

Expert Explores Link Between Federal Data Mining and Common CoreThe New American – by Alex Newman

In an exclusive studio interview with The New American magazine’s Dr. Duke Pesta, Heartland Institute Education Research Fellow Joy Pullmann outlined the crucial link between the Obama-backed “Common Core” nationalization of schooling, the federally funded tests that go with the standards, and the vast data-gathering apparatus being erected by the administration to gather private information on U.S. students. The Common Core assessments, which have already been adopted by about four in five state governments, are a key element underpinning the entire scheme, she explained.   Continue reading “Expert Explores Link Between Federal Data Mining and Common Core”

The Daily Caller – by Sarah Hurtubise

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific.

“If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” Obama said.   Continue reading “Ten states where Obamacare wipes out existing health care plans”

Life, Liberty And PropertyMilitia News – by Joseph Gilbert

No other economic system has brought more people out of poverty, provided for the health and well-being of millions and raised the standard of living more societies than capitalism. When people cooperate to fulfill their own self interest, they all benefit.

Capitalism and freedom are inextricably linked. When the Declaration of Independence was first drafted it read “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and Property.”   Continue reading “Life, Liberty And Property”

Renew America – by Bryan Fischer

In the wake of the publication of the Weekly Standard’s devastating expose of the Southern Poverty Center (King of Fearmongers) it’s worth reminding the public of a salient truth about the SPLC: it belongs on in its own hate group list.

According to its own website, the criterion for adding groups to the list is “their propagation of known falsehoods” about homosexuality.   Continue reading “SPLC belongs on its own “hate group” list”

News Observer

GREENVILLE — A man accused of shooting four people near a Greenville Walmart in June picked out his victims because they were white, according to indictments handed down against him.

Lakim Faust had more than 100 rounds of ammunition when he started shooting at people at a law firm and a shopping center in June, authorities said.   Continue reading “Indictment: Greenville shooter picked victims by race”

militaryWND – by Bob Unruh

An anti-Christian activist who has such a close relationship with the Pentagon he had a piece of artwork removed from an Air Force base within 56 minutes of calling is now under scrutiny by a team of legal experts.

The non-profit government-accountability group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act suit in federal court in Washington seeking all records in the Department of Defense regarding conversations with Military Religious Freedom Foundation founder Mikey Weinstein.   Continue reading “Lawsuit Targets Atheist’s Influence with the Pentagon”

Canada Free Press – by Doug Hagmann

America is a captured operation, captured from within. Time is too short to mince words or to fear the ridiculous accusations of “doom porn,” made either by the factually challenged or some paid, professional government trolls (see DHS Insider article by this author, later verified in the media) describing what you are about to read.

The opening words coming from my source inside the intelligence community tell much. “These people [the Obama regime and his handlers] are ‘pissed.’ They did not get what they wanted with Syria because we put them behind schedule by exposing Benghazi. The ‘alternative media’ put them behind, but that doesn’t mean they’ve given up. Far from it. What it means is that they have the same objective, but are switching plans.”Within the last 24 hours, I had two separate conversations with two different sources, each saying nearly the same thing: Expect the unexpected. Wake up. Understand that everything we’re being told is a lie. We are at the epicenter of a ‘perfect storm.’   Continue reading “Two conversations with two insiders: “Expect the unexpected””

Resister in the Rockies – by Ironwill III

Gabriel Gomez is a former candidate for U.S. Senator of Massachusetts. He is a former Navy SEAL (credentials here) but despite his Oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, he has some qualms about protecting the 2nd Amendment in it’s entirety, as can be read in his article he wrote for the Boston Globe.   Continue reading “Bracken’s Reply to Gun Grabbing Gabriel Gomez – Former SEAL”

Max Velocity Tactical

I’ve seen some stuff around and about recently about rucking. I remember back in the day when I could ruck twenty miles carrying 150lbs in about an hour. Ooops – Bullsh*t Alert!

Let’s take a realistic look at rucking. I did do an article not so long ago about extreme rucking on UKSF selection –HERE – but remember this is an extreme event designed to select and is not to be taken as a way of training or a standard to aspire to.    Continue reading “Realistic Rucking”

Canada Free Press – by Dan Calabrese

This time the left can’t say, “That’s not in the bill!”

It’s in the bill. Health and Human Services is making grants to states and agencies who are willing to perform “evidence-based home visits”connected to ObamaCare. What is the purpose of these visits? The grant guidelines don’t exactly say, but they do spell out in detail who might receive them:   Continue reading “Are you ready for ObamaCare home visits?”

American Revolution Shall We WaitMilitia News – by Andrew Reid

The first American Revolution started with a few brave people. In the beginning most colonists were not ready to take on the world’s best trained and equipped military. And we forget that most of the people who pledged at the signing did lose either their lives or fortunes before it was all over but none lost their sacred honor. Today, few understand the concept of sacred honor.

As I write this there are forces drumming the concept of sacred honor out of the military. Every day another right is quietly transformed into one that requires permission in order to be exercised. And still we go on thinking that things have not quite risen to the level requiring us to take action.   Continue reading “Shall We Wait Until They Come for Us?”

We've Only Just Begun to Resist Indefinite DetentionTenth Amendment Center – by Mike Maharrey

In a recent column, Chris Hedges argued that his appeal to the Supreme Court will be “the last chance” to stop indefinite detention under the National Defense Authorization Act.

Sadly, history indicates his last stand will likely fail.

Hedges and his fellow plaintiffs put their faith in a branch of the federal government to limit the powers of the federal government.   Continue reading “We’ve Only Just Begun to Resist Indefinite Detention”