I posted this meme on my Facebook page, saying in my comments that it was the Zionist Bolshevik Jews that were behind much of the killing of Christians and the revolution in Russia-and I was called anti-semitic, and should take that post down by a person. Guess I hit a nerve! My response-this is my page and I will post what I think to be true from history.   Continue reading “Raised a ruckus!”

This was our drive early this morning after 48 hours of non-stop rain. We are south of Rolla, Missouri about 10 miles. About 30 miles due east of Ft. Leonard Wood. We use a ramp from under a truck body as a foot bridge, which is tied to a nearby tree. As you can see, it was washed into the creek when it the depth of the water reached it. After the water started to recede, my husband nosed the Kubota tractor into it to see how much of the bottom had washed out.

The last photo was taken just about 12 noon our time after the water had gone down greatly. My husband was repairing the pasture fence that was washed out by the water.   Continue reading “Flooding”

My dearest Comrade Vladimir Putin,

I am writing to you to offer an idea which popped into my head this morning. It will save your country untold amounts of rubles, while at the same time driving the terrorist elements from the Middle East. I offer “Paula’s PORCINE for PEACE” initiative.

After reading this morning that our prison system will no longer be offering pork to the prisoners, (you know, we have this PC bovine excrement going on in this country), we will have an excess of pork to dispose of.   Continue reading “Porcine Peace Initiative”