Activist Post – by Paul Adams, J.D.

In part one of this article, we defined usury as the lending of money at interest. We examined the history of usury and how it was considered morally reprehensible for thousands of years, prior to becoming the sand foundation modern economies. We also examined the mastery of usury, how they create money out of nothing and use it as a silent weapon for control of humanity.

Here, we examine the crimes and iniquity made possible by usury; and practical solutions.   Continue reading “Usury: Weapon of Control and Enslavement – Part 2 of 2”

Activist Post – by Paul Adams, J.D.

The world economy is based on the sand foundation of usury, which was considered a sin and tool of covert warfare for thousands of years.

The rich rules over the poor,

And the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes its laws — Attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild   Continue reading “Usury: Weapon of Control and Enslavement – Part 1 of 2”

zionism-congressVeterans Today – by James Petras

It is time to stand up and expose the role played by the Israel Lobby in corrupting Congress and turning “our” elected representatives into flunkeys for Israel’s wars.

“Pro-Israel Policy groups such as AIPAC work with unlimited funding to divert US policy in the region (Middle East)” – Jack Straw, Member of Parliament and former Foreign Secretary of the British Labor Party   Continue reading “James Petras: Israel Buys the U.S. Congress”

Detained: This file photo shows detainees as they prepare themselves for the evening prayer 04 March 2002 at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by facing towards MeccaDaily Mail – by JAMES NYE

A report released today has made disturbing allegations that doctors and psychologists working with the US military designed methods for – and became involved in – the systematic torture of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay.

The Taskforce on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centers found that, in the decade after 9/11, US military physicians, psychiatrists and psychologists allowed ‘cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment’ of prisoners while acting at the direction of military leaders under both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama.   Continue reading “US military doctors designed innovative new methods of torture under orders from the CIA and the Pentagon to be used at Guantanamo Bay”

Lew Rockwell – by Michael Scheuer

The material below the dotted line is the written version of my part in a six-member panel’s presentation  to the House’s Homeland Security Committee on 9 October 2013.  I ran late on 8 October 2013 and so failed to provide the committee’s members with a typed-up version of my opening statement before the hearing. I submitted it to them on 10 October 2013.   Continue reading “The Congress’s “Womanish Attachment” to Foreigners is Bringing the Islamists’ War to North America”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Mike

In a bizarre announcement yesterday, the U.S. Treasury Department boasted that the government of Jordan had closed on a $1.25 issuance of sovereign debt guaranteed by the U.S. government. While I am not sure how common it is for our nation to guarantee these types of issuances (comments would be appreciated), the announcement represents a gigantic slap in the face on multiple levels.

From the U.S. Treasury Department’s press release:   Continue reading “U.S. Treasury Department Guarantees Debt Issued by the Jordanian Government”

Fox News

WASHINGTON –  Employees from six Homeland Security Department offices have abused an overtime program and cost the government about $8.7 million a year, according an Office of Special Counsel letter and report sent Thursday to the president and Congress.

Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner told President Barack Obama and lawmakers that whistle-blowers alerted her office to the abuses. Lerner’s letter and an accompanying report detailed allegations of overtime abuses in Washington. She said her office is investigating five other overtime abuse cases and expects the allegations to be substantiated.   Continue reading “Report: DHS employees abusing overtime allowances, being paid for time not necessary for jobs”

AP editors: Obama relies on staged propaganda photosThe Daily Caller – by Robby Soave

Editors of The Associated Press condemned the White House’s refusal to give photojournalists real access to President Obama, who prefers to circulate press release-style pictures taken by his own paid photographers.

These official photographs are little more than propaganda, according to AP director of photography Santiago Lyon.   Continue reading “AP editors: Obama relies on staged propaganda photos”

Lew Rockwell – by David Bond, The Shoshone News Press

Wallace, Idaho – Unless your TV and computer modem are unplugged, and you’ve not had company or been outside these past couple of weeks, you’re probably aware that come this Sunday, we will change time zones once again.

In and out of daylight savings time; that semi-annual ritual of advancing or retarding one’s clocks a full 60 minutes to accommodate the edicts of modern centralized government.   Continue reading “Daylight Losing Time”

NSA Headquarters, Fort Meade, MD.Anti-War – by John Glaser

Imagine being beaten to a pulp by a mafia hit-man. Your nose is broken and dribbling blood, your left eye is swollen shut, you may have broken ribs. Somehow, you manage to stand up. Just then, the hit-man produces an invoice for his services to the tune of $574.

The only thing worse than being violently assaulted is being forced to pay for your own abuser’s time and effort.   Continue reading “In 2013, You Paid $574 to the NSA”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Update: RT is now reporting that an Obama administration official has confirmed to CNN that this was in fact an Israeli attack. There is still no comment from the Syrian or Israeli government. (Source)

On the heels of a reported chemical attack committed by the death squads on the Syria/Turkey border, a massive explosion has completely destroyed a Syrian air defense base in Snobar Jableh, Syria which is located near Latakia, a port city on the coast of the Mediterranean. Snobar Jableh is just south of Latakia.   Continue reading “Confirmed: Israeli Attack on Syria Air Defense Facility”

Mises Daily – by Robert Higgs

For thousands of years, philosophers have argued that society must invest great power in the rulers because only great power can hold back the forces of evil — violence, plunder, and disorder. They have often conceded, however, that this solution has a down side: powerful rulers may themselves resort to violence and plunder.

In any event, society’s positive, productive forces always resided within the people themselves. All the genuine peace, cooperation, production, and order the society enjoyed sprang from them. So the state was never a solution to a problem the people could not solve for themselves, but itself a problem masquerading as the only solution to problems whose real solutions already lay close at hand, if they existed at all.   Continue reading “The Power of the State vs. the Power of Love”

Paul Craig Roberts

To inform people is hard slugging. Everything is lined up against the public being informed, or the policymakers for that matter. News is contaminated by its service to special interests and hidden agendas. Many scientists or their employers are dependent on federal money. Even psychologists and anthropologists were roped into the government’s torture and occupation programs. Economists tell lies for corporations and Wall Street. Plant and soil scientists tell lies for agribusiness and Monsanto. Truth tellers are slandered and persecuted. However, persistence can eventually win out. In the long-run, truth sometimes emerges. But not always. And not always in time.   Continue reading “Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race”

Sheriff Nick FinchOrly Taitz – by Sheriff Mack

We bring you an update from Sheriff Mack at the the Liberty County Courthouse in Florida:

Well, I was wrong! I never thought the case against Sheriff Nick Finch would make it to trial, but that is exactly what is going to happen,tomorrow morning, October 29, 2013 at 0900. (Happy Halloween, nothing could be creepier!) The charges against this good man have been so flimsy and frivolous that I was certain a trial would be out of the question. But the tyrants are moving forward with their agenda to stop Sheriffs in their tracks and to make them answerable to the State! This case, this abuse of authority, and the inherent injustice associated with this case, puts everything at stake that we all have fought so long for; the power and independence of the county sheriff and his duty to stand for individual liberties.   Continue reading “Urgent appeal from the Constitutional Sheriffs association”

Lew Rockwell – by Walter E. Williams

According to a recent Fox News poll, 73 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, up 20 points from 2012. Americans sense that there’s a lot going wrong in our nation, but most don’t have a clue about the true nature of our problem. If they had a clue, most would have little stomach for what would be necessary to arrest our national decline. Let’s look at it.

Between two-thirds and three-quarters of federal spending, in contravention of the U.S. Constitution, can be described as Congress taking the earnings or property of one American to give to another, to whom it does not belong. Continue reading “Is There a Way Out?”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

JPM’s Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, editor of the “Flows and Liquidity” weekly research piece, is one of the greater experts on, not surprisingly, global monetary flows and liquidity. Which as we noted back in 2009, is all that matters in a world in which the micro, and recently the macro, have all been made obsolete by one simple thing: credit-money creation by the monetary authorities. Which is why we read with interest his latest edition in which he sets off to answer a not so simple question: “how much liquidity is there?” What he finds is disturbing.   Continue reading “JPM Sees “Most Extreme Ever Excess Liquidity” Bubble After $3 Trillion “Created” In First 9 Months Of 2013″

Activist Post – by Janet Phelan

A scandal is brewing in Chicago which threatens to make Operation Greylord look like a dress rehearsal for a cotillion. Starting with a seemingly innocuous question, tendered to press liaison Jim Grogan at the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) in Illinois, a boil of corruption got inadvertently pricked, which threatens now to reveal a subterranean cancer in the legal system in Illinois.   Continue reading “Government Attorneys Implicated in Ethics Scandal”