Video Rebel’s Blog

One of the reasons why the US entered WW I was to bankrupt its allies.

Quoted from Ferdinand Lundberg’s America’s 60 Families published in 1937.

Today I want to examine Obama’s strategy in the Mideast and compare it to Putin’s. I think a little reflection could get us off this road to Armageddon.   Continue reading “Mideast Strategic Advantages: Putin 7 Obama 0.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Russia started attacking ISIS and the Al Qaeda linked Jihadists less than two weeks ago. Iraq and Afghanistan have already asked for Putin’s help. The world has caught on to the fact that the US funded both Al Qaeda and ISIS. It has been against American law since 9-11-2001 for Americans to give aid to Al Qaeda. Yet our State Department has been buying white 4 wheel drive Toyota trucks with US Special Forces style gun mounts that wound up with ISIS in Iraq. Yesterday while Russia was bombing ISIS and other Jihadist terrorists, two US F-16s bombed a Syrian power station near Aleppo killing innocent civilians just like they did at that hospital in Afghanistan.   Continue reading “A Challenge To Use Satire To Take Down This Tyranny.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

I was still in grade school when I noticed that America was never allowed to win wars. We did have a lot of wars but they were all designed to benefit the Banks, Israel or some other power occupying our nation. Currently, our policy towards Afghanistan seems to be dictated in part by the CIA’s desire to corner the global heroin market even if it means killing people and wasting money by the hundreds of billions. Operation Enduring Freedom, the bombing of Afghanistan, began on October 7, 2001. That was 14 years ago. At about that same time General Wesley Clark went to the Pentagon and learned what the other determining force in American foreign policy was. Clark was told by a member of the Joint Chiefs that America was to invade 7 Muslim nations including Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran.   Continue reading “Putin, The Dollar And Obama’s March To Irrelevancy.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

I have written before that the only way out of the Depression we are entering is to arrest the Bankers and to seize their assets for worldwide Debt Cancellation. Today I want to write about the Day After the Bankers are arrested.

Currently, if you pay a fee to the NYSE, you can put your high speed computer ahead of everyone else’s so you can front run their purchases and sales. Suppose a pension money fund wants to sell 100,000 shares of XYZ and your neighbor has money in a mutual fund that has decided to buy that same stock. Front Runners can take $100 million a day from your pensions and mutual funds by seeing the buy and sell orders placed and stepping in micro seconds before their orders are executed. The Front Runner buys 100,000 shares of XYZ and sells it a fraction of a second later at a profit. These profits are taken from both the buyer and the seller.   Continue reading “A Serious To Do List For The Day After The Bankers Are Arrested”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Narrator: Two men on February of 2016 rewrote the script on President Obama’s teleprompter for what was supposed to a 5 minute speech introducing the King of Sweden. Those two men managed to get it live on air on all major networks because it was timed 30 minutes before the Super Bowl.

Obama: I have an urgent message to the American people and to all the people of the world. As you know, the Banks own our governments. We have been creating money by the trillions and giving it to Wall Street to cover their horrendously stupid investments. That is as it should be because you must have less so Bankers can have more. But bank stocks are crashing even though they were allowed to steal your pensions and will soon be stealing your deposits. Bank liquidity has dried up and that always means Depression and another World War.   Continue reading “Obama Tells Truth. Stops WW III.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Pax Britannica lasted 116 years from the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 to the default on gold payment by the Bank of England on September 21, 1931.

Pax America did not officially begin until the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Conference had created the IMF and made the US Federal Reserve Note the world’s reserve currency.   Continue reading “From Pax Britannica To Pax America To The Petrodollar To Helter Skelter.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

There are 397 days from Labor Day of 2015 until election day 2016.

Some of you are old enough to remember that Democratic Presidential candidates began their campaigns on Labor Day of the election year with a rousing speech to the labor unions in Detroit.

Not this time around. The campaign began months ago. Early observations are that neither Hillary Clinton nor Jeb Bush will be next year’s nominees. That is Good News. Now for the rest of the story.   Continue reading “397 Days Or What Will Become Of America By Election Day 2016”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The New World Order means One Bank One Vote will replace One Man One Vote.

David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The NWO merely replaces their authority within dozens of separate nations with their Absolute Power wielded through One World government while removing the facade of democracy.   Continue reading “No Country For Gentiles.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

When I was a child, I had a vision of my then distant future when 99.5% of the world’s population died almost overnight. That distant future is close to present reality. It does not have to be a war that kills 7 billion plus people. The Carrington event  was a solar superstorm named after the amateur astronomer Richard Carrington who saw two enormous patches of intensely bright white light erupt from surface of the sun. That solar flare released the energy of 10 billion atomic bombs. In 1859 the largest magnetic storm in 500 years merely destroyed telegraphic communications. Today it would certainly take down the American power grid for 6 months which would kill 90% of the US population. The US Congress has been asked to appropriate a couple billions dollars to harden its power grid against solar storms. But that bill languishes in committee because American politicians are exceedingly dense.   Continue reading “Crunch Time Approaches. The Clock Is Running Out On Us.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Gardasil maims and kills. It makes young girls sterile. It does not prevent cancer deaths any better than a Pap test. Merck makes Gardasil and donates to politicians who push it on girls and now it is being pushed onto boys as well. Would you support the arrest of the CEO and other executives from Merck together with the politicians from both political parties who have pushed this poison on defenseless young people?

Bisphenol A is a synthetic estrogen (xenoestrogen). It is used to line food cans and even sodas. It increases the growth of fibroid tumors in the uterus and interferes with fertility treatments and was also linked to development of diabetes or a heart attack and may even increase the risk of cancer. Because BPA is a synthetic estrogen it has the potential to lead to hormonal imbalances, especially an overload of estrogen which may result in fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, poor sleep and other potential health concerns. The nations of  Australia, France and Malaysia have banned BPA. Why have you done nothing to remove it from our food supply?   Continue reading “Asking Questions The Politicians And The Press Can’t Answer.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

General Ali Mamluk is Syria’s chief of the office of home security.  He visited Riyadh and met with the Saudi deputy Crown Prince Mohamad bin Salman [son of the current king] as a result of a Vladimir Putin brokered initiative. The coming together of these two sides to talk after 4 years of war is a hopeful sign that the Mideast is moving away from war towards peace.

This meeting tacitly recognizes Syria’s upper hand on the situation on the ground. Syria had begun a summer offensive with the aid of a Iran’s brigade of 15,000 volunteer Shi’ite fighters raised from Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Hezbollah has decided to go all in to defend Syria. Iran has pledged to give Hezbollah their latest model night drones to fight ISIS. Iran also gave Syria a billion dollars to fund this offensive.
Continue reading “Vladimir Putin Might Have Cancelled World War III.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

I have previously posted 911 material from investigators I did completely agree with. One was Dr Judy Wood. Another was Barbara Honegger. Today I would like to present some material from Rebekah Roth who wrote the book Methodical Illusion which I have not read. I am using two long radio interviews as my source. Roth is I think a pen name. She did work for airlines for 30 years which gives her valuable insights other 911 investigators lack.   Continue reading “Vidrebel on Rebekah Roth And 911.”

Video Rebel’s Bl0g

Karl Marx wrote On the Jewish Question in 1843 5 years before the Communist Manifesto. It is hopelessly out of date. Judaism is at the core of modern life. I believe mankind will not survive unless we answer the Jewish Question.

Marx began his essay by discussing Bruno Bauer’s contention that Jewish emancipation required the creation of a secular state. Bauer said that a secular state required the abolition of both the Jewish and Christian religions. We have an anti-Christian bias in politics, which is fed by Jewish secular leaders. There also is an anti-white bias which also is run by Jewish leaders. When the Jews took over Russia they killed over 60 million white people and probably half of those because they were Christians.   Continue reading “Our Survival Requires Answering The Jewish Question.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The following Four Points, if properly understood and acted upon, will save millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of people overseas from starving to death.

Fact One: The Only way out of a Depression is through Debt Cancellation.

How is such a dogmatic statement possible? Let’s begin with a useful definition of what a Depression is: A Depression is a period in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. We associate Depressions with high unemployment, foreclosures and bankruptcies. But these are the Effects and not the Causes of Depressions. Understanding the Cause leads to a cure.   Continue reading “Either Learn What Money Is Or Accept Mass Starvation As Your Nation’s Future.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

This essay is based upon the latest edition of the video 7-7 Ripple Effect which was recently released. This article also contains some of my own research. The video is below.

The May 16, 2004 BBC Panorama program (London Under Attack) had a What If scenario looking at organizing TV coverage of bombings  at 3 Tube stations  and on one road vehicle. They concluded that the BBC would have to allow Security officials to dictate their coverage.
Continue reading “10th Anniversary Of The London 7-7-2005 Subway Bombings.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Hopefully, we will once again be a free society and the Fourth of July will be more than one day of a three day holiday marked by fireworks.

The Patriot Act and the NDAA were passed to tell us we were no longer a free country. The Bush administration drew up a list of 8 million Americans the Israelis and the Bankers wanted incarcerated when the dollar collapses. It is not a workable plan but then that crowd in Washington DC is not very bright. See this:   Continue reading “Vidrebel: So Why Do Americans Still Celebrate The Fourth of July?”

Video Rebel’s Blog

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”   Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Traitors are despised because they can get your men killed in battle and because they might allow a foreign army to occupy your nation, to steal your labors and to rape your women.   Continue reading “Far More Despicable Than Treason.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

A very long time ago I promised to issue a Silver Buy flash.  I will never recommend buying silver on a credit card but we are running out of time to prepare for the End Game. I am not recommending that you buy silver at the expense of other things you need. And I must remind you that I am not a financial expert.

I saw this video below and decided to share it. It is that important. As the video explains, we are very close to a collapse of the COMEX silver pricing mechanism. Open Interest is the number of contracts to deliver silver that exist at the beginning of business on that day at the COMEX. It is about 20% more than the amount of silver produced by miners in an entire year.   Continue reading “Vidrebel: Silver Update”

Video Rebel’s Blog

By way of deception thou shalt do war. Motto of the Mossad as reported by Victor Ostrovsky.

We have been waiting for the End Game of the New World Order. There are events on the Horizon, such as, Bank Bail-Ins, cashless currencies, 24/7 surveillance and biometric ID cards which, in the Dreams of the Uber Rich, will be required for you to work, to buy food, to travel and to express your opinion. These are long term issues.   Continue reading “Oh, What A Tangled Web Israel Weaves When They Practice To Decieve.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

This year’s Bilderberg conference is about Iran. That conclusion screams at anyone who goes beyond the first line of the Bilderberg press hand out. That is why I publish an annotated guide to the Bilderberg Society. John Sawers was invited because he was the former head of MI-6 not because in retirement he has a consulting group. Or the man listed as a distinguished visiting lecturer was actually ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, the retired Marine General who had commanded US Central Command. Many of the participants are listed as diplomats or professors. Dig a little deeper. They are Iranian and Arab experts. Or they are diplomats who worked in the Mideast. One was an ambassador to Syria.   Continue reading “2015 Bilderberg Annotated Members List”