Biden Stole $1 Billion From U.S. Taxpayers in Covid “Test” Kits SCAM by Patrick Webb

Biden allegedly stole between $900 million and $1.1 billion from American tax payers to purchase countless pallets of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) test kits.

According to reports, Biden and his cronies bought 100,000 test kits at a time for $1 each. However, it’s been made aware to us that the administration only bought 400 million COVID test kits, with the first batch being 300 million and the second batch being 100 million. So where did the rest of the money go?

By using basic math, Americans should have paid no more than $400 million for this at a cost of $1 per person, as buying in bulk results in lower prices per unit. What happened to the remaining $600,000,000 that Vice President Biden is said to have paid communist China for these test kits?

Biden regime admits to spending $1.3 billion on covid test kits, so what happened to the other $900 million?

It turns out that the Biden administration publicly stated that 400 million COVID test kits, which were supposed to cost $1 each, were purchased for $1.3 billion. What happened to the other $900 million if this is true?

According to a report from the website Root for America, each test kit at such a purchase volume should have cost no more than 50 cents each, so the Biden administration should have only spent $200 million, leaving $1.1 billion unaccounted for.

This is where the $900 million to $1.1 billion figure range comes from, which begs lots of questions as to what happened to the rest of all that cash. Did the Biden Crime Family pocket some of it? Did the Biden Crime Family’s corrupt connections in Ukraine and communist China also get a cut? How much did “the big guy,” referring to Joe Biden himself, personally receive from the scam?

“Knowing the lifetime of corruption Biden has been involved in … and Hunter Biden’s laptop with proof of crimes, extortion and bribery … and proof that Biden himself is ‘the Big Guy’ … and knowing that the Bidens accepted $10 million from Burisma … and knowing Congressman James Comer says his committee’s investigation shows Biden stole $40 million as Vice President in multiple deals … Does anyone doubt that Biden and the Biden Crime Family got all or some portion of this $900 million to $1.1 billion overpayment?” asks Wayne Allyn Root.

“Perhaps the Big Guy got $100 million as a 10% commission. Maybe he split it 50 / 50 with the Chinese company (which is undoubtedly owned by the CCP). Or maybe Biden just kept the whole billion dollars of taxpayer money for himself.”

“Maybe this is one of many government contracts that Biden used to rob taxpayers blind in the past 2 ½ years. Maybe he’s stolen tens of billions. Afterall, he’s no longer the VP. President Joe Biden is in the Big Leagues now! … Or maybe, Biden is really so dumb and incompetent, he simply overpaid a billion dollars of your taxpayer money to China and the CCP.”

What do you think happened to the extra $900 million to $1.1 billion that is completely unaccounted for? Tell us in the comments below. Root’s gut instinct is telling him that what took place with these covid test kits “was the crime of the century,” and that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may be responsible for dividing up the loot “somewhere offshore.”

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