Bill Gates Warning — ‘Unbelievably big number’ of vaccine doses (per person) will be required to beat the virus…

Citizen Free Press

Bill Gates says multiple vaccine doses will be needed and schools should stay closed for another YEAR until fall 2021. Speaking with Norah O’Donnell, Gates said he still had faith in the development of a vaccine.

However, he warned it could take an “unbelievably big number” of doses to beat the virus.

“None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose.”

“That was the hope at the very beginning.”

Gates also described the closures of schools as the “biggest cost” of the pandemic after deaths as he said classes likely won’t be all back until fall 2021. “This next academic year does hang in the balance. It is extremely important.”

Brutal comments on youtube…

Citizen Free Press

7 thoughts on “Bill Gates Warning — ‘Unbelievably big number’ of vaccine doses (per person) will be required to beat the virus…

  1. F*** Bill Gates (of hell)! He can shove his toxic concoctions straight up his ass! His “vaccines” will be about as effective as the “cure” in the movie “Resident Evil”. Oh wait, his “vaccines” will be effective……….at reducing the world population.

  2. When he vaccines his kids (which he won’t because he knows they are evil) let me know…anyone taking any of his vaccines knowing he hasn’t even vaccinated his own kids is not even worth trying to wake up!

  3. Fkg pedophile piece of shit, this guy hanged out with Jeffery Epstein, WHY????

    Because he likes to have sick ass sex with little boys and girls thats why!!!

  4. So who elected Gates to any office? He is entitled to his opinion but he doesn’t get to TELL the American public a damn thing. Pound salt Bill.

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